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Just wondered if anyone has read 50 Shades of Grey? and if so what they thought of it. I am half way through, and especially considering what a lot of us single mothers have been through, I am finding it quite hard to read! But also hard to put down!
I have read the first couple of pages - didn't like the language one little bit - and then a random couple from the middle, just to see what it's all about.
Totally overrated - I won't be reading the rest. There is sooo much better literature out there. And if I wanted to read a bit of porn, I don't think I'd advertise it.
Sorry for being stuck up! :-P
Hi Hopeful,
i understand your opinion but to be honest I don't really know if it comes under porn ( without looking it up I'm not sure what defines porn!), but after reading it all the way through, I feel it is a love story with fully consenting kinkyness thrown in, the naughty stuff is detailed, but the feelings and emotions felt so real and it's about breaking down barriers and falling in love.
I've read all 3, I found them unbelievable, both story and characters, but also hard to put down. The writing is rubbish, especially the first one, she uses the same phrases over and over which is quite boring after a while, but like I've already said, I read them all so there must be something about them which hooks you in.
Thank you all for your comments. What I find worrying, is how close it is to abuse, being dominated. Some of it is close to what I experienced (not sexually, lol), but how you would do so much for someone, you love so much, and want to change them, but end up loosing yourself. I worry that the book so far, is making it acceptable to treat someone in this way. Having said that I am only half way (on 1st book).
I found it totally over rated I think it is simply a tale of abuse, whatever way you look at it.
And other women's reaction to the book have boggled my mind. Why would you shout from the rooftops about reading a porno :/ let's be honest if our men folk did this we would stick them in the doghouse.
Hey ho, each to their own I guess, it took over my lonely little world for a while and I can't help how it made me feel. When people describe it as porn it makes me feel dirty!
As you say ChaCha, each to their own. I just want to point out that porn does not equal dirty, it all depends on what type of porn. Porn can be loving, sexual and exciting.
I have not read the book, but have heard friends reports of it. I don't think that I shall be picking it up any time soon. Have a look at this discussion here
However if you have enjoyed some escapism, great!!
I know porn can be all the above, but peoples negative opinions make me feel like a bit of a dunce for enjoying it. I've never read books in my life, no sure why, but I failed my GCSE's when my mum walked out on my dad so school never meant much to me. I know I've missed out on a lot so I felt kind of proud of myself for reading 3 paperbacks!, but I've never read the famous books you all talk of on here so that's why I never comment on the book threads, but I loved Fifty Shades and I'm hoping the next man I meet may just benefit!
Heh eh Cha Cha, I loved your last comment. It's not my cup of tea and yes, I do worry about some of the messages it gives but you are not a dunce for enjoying that book and personally I hope a lot of people who never usually read books are encouraged to do so. Are you going to try something else next? Books can be a fantastic way of "losing ourselves" for a short while, I always think that while I am concentrating on a book then I can't concentrate on my worries! I often read children's books. What did you read when you were a little girl, Cha Cha?
I wouldn't class it as porn, probably more erotica (or is that the same thing with a nicer sounding name??). Anyway, Cha Cha, I would feel proud of yourself, everyone is entitled to their own opinions about books and if you enjoyed reading it then thats great.
Reading is a great way to escape, have you read the Twilight books. I haven't but I've heard they are quite good too. I'm sure your local library would have them
Chacha - reading and school do not necessarily have to do with each other! I have read books since I was four and always have at least one on the go! On my bedside are about twenty to thirty books to read and on the other side are the ones I have read (at the moment only 7, have just had a tidy up!).
I have found that it is just a question of finding the right book for the right person to get them reading. So if 50 Shades does it for you, all the better! :-)
i read all 3 in less than 2 wks,loved it !!!! x
Hi ChaCha, your post really tickled me!
Good for you! You found something that kept your attention and hopefully this may the start of a beautiful new relationship between you and books! The fact that it has inspired you to read can only be a good thing, so I am clapping away here Watch out boys ChaCha is back!!
Hi rachey1984, you whizzed through them! I love it when I find a book (even more so a trilogy) that I just can't put down, it is one of life's greatest pleasures for me
Hi Cha Cha,
I cant understand why the book would be called porn, racey maybe, but its just a book. I read it whilst doing housework etc. The only reason I asked for everyones view on it, is because I am so torn. On one hand it feels so wrong, as this girl is becoming a victim, and on the other hand, I cant stop reading. Im actually now finding so much of the controlling behaviour reminds me of what I have experienced. Im now finding that I am actually learning from this book, its easier in black and white, to realise that no woman should put up with this. I now want to make no man happy, my mission is to make my life happy! I feel so sad for her character, and just want her to toughen up, and walk away. Im sure no man is looking for these type of emotions, when watching porn! lol
Hi Cha Cha,
You are not a dunce far from it, I am glad you enjoyed them. The good thing about books is theres something for everyone. I would rather read a simple book with a good storyline minus fancy big words. Trying to avoid a report I have to read for work tomorrow, even thinking about cleaning my fish tank to avoid it! lol
I am reading them too & on the third one. I agree with you all they are not the best stories but you still read them. I am in two minds about them; they are a dodgy noughties mills n boon or a subtle way of normalising abusive & controlling behaviour.
Either way the author has certainly made a great job of creating massive hype good or bad. Reserving judgement until I have finished them. I usually read books really quickly but feel that I am treading through treacle with them.
Hi All
Just been reading the comments on here. I think its how your mind works I have serveral friends who have read it and my friends partner (male) has started to read it. Personally I read book one finished it while on holiday on my Kindle (everyone round the pool had it too) I read the last page and was then wanting the 2nd book and had forgot to down load to my kindle I had to wait another 3 days to get home.
I laughed when in the paper it was called 'mummy porn' so what. I dont think its that bad and by the way ladies anyone who has twitter the writter has a Christian Grey account x
Happy Reading
Hi Guys I stumbled on this after having a very long debate on FB about the Women's charity are planning to burn copies of fifty shades.
I have to admit I have not read the books and have only viewed samples of it. It is totally not my cup of tea but I see no reason for anybody not to read and enjoy and book and I certainly like a raunchy read.
My issue is not with this book in particular as it is not the first and wont be the last book that promotes S&M and in my view, minimises abuse of women. S&M is fine for those who wish to indulge. But what has struck me is how this book has blown up so massively and every other woman is reading it. To me I see there are concerns on just what this book is promoting about women and sex and although I dont think any book should ever be burnt (we can simply choose not to buy/read) I do understand the charities urge to make a statement about the contents of this book when there are so many thousands of women out there sold in to the sex slave industry, being abused in relationships and feeling they need to be submissive to a man to be happy. I am glad the charity is making a stand but I dont blame fifty shades I blame the sheer amount of publicity it has caused and I would have been happier to see many of the more cleverly written books that promote strong women out there being seen in every other womens handbag.
I really do think some people have missed the point about these books.
My interpretaion of them was of a woman who fell in love with a man who was asking her to be and do things she didn't want to, she wouldn't and left, he then realised he wanted to be with her more than he wanted to do the things so he changed....and they lived happily ever after!!!! I know, a very far fetched and at times unblievable story but surely it portrays a strong woman who says no, not someone who is coerced into something she doesn't want???
As for women's chartities urging people to burn the books, a bit extreme if you ask me!
Yes. I don't think I am speaking out of turn to say all of us shudder at the thought of book-burning and its echoes through history.
Well summarised pq
All these people are doing is increasing sales by drawing attention to it (not that it needs any publicity).
oh pancakequeen, you are my hero,thank you for your summary. It's exactly how I felt but couldn't quite get the words out.
X're welcome cha cha
I dont agree with book burning in any form it is unneccessary. But I do see where the womens charities are coming from. I havent read the book in full but the parts that are being promoted are the parts about the women being dominated and controlled by a man and this is the bit they are saying is appealing to so many women and that is what I think is wrong. Its the Mr Grey character that is being held up as some great hero and to me he sounds abusive, and as you say nobody is talking about how strong the female character is so maybe the book is misunderstood but it is certainly sending out messages to young girls by all this hype over Mr Grey and I dont like it.
I dont have anything against Fifty Shades I think it is just a book that has blown up but its the message being sent out about the book that makes me feel uneasy. I think Fifty Shades has been catapulted into the headlines so it is the one that is getting all the heat but there are many other books out there that are very similar.
Personally I would have preferred the book to have come out minus the who-ha and then we wouldnt have so much hysteria on either side.
I think you're right Littleangel, its the media that has taken the parts they think will create the biggest interest and run with it. This is why I try to make up my own mind about things rather than 'believe the hype' as they say. However the younger or more vunerable out there may be attracted to this without knowing the full story.
I don't think this is the book or the content of the book that has caused this, I feel the blame lies with the media who write these things without accepting the concequences
I agree there pancake queen it isnt the book as such its the hype that came with the book that I have issue with. I think this why the charity chose the book to make its statement because it is a headline grabber and gives them the spotlight to highlight there own issues. It wont do fifty any damage it just adds to its appeal to the masses and gets debates going about abuse which is what I like to see
Yes, I can see why the Women's charities would use this opportunity to highlight certain issues, but surely they could think of something more imaginative than burning books???
I agree with that, I dont think books should ever be burnt full stop. But if they had tried anything else nobody would be talking about it and I think they chose that action specifically to get in the headlines. Naughty really as will we see other groups burning other books to make a statement?!
My favorites lately would have to be Deveraux's "A Knight in Shining Armor" or Emma Rose's His Every Desire.
More erotica? Haven't seen you on any of the other threads, Joyce, how long have you been a single parent and how many children do you have?
omg don't even get me started. What a load of **** All this hype about a stupid book. Read the first chapter and was like, boring
Hi sashar - each to their own! What sort of books do you enjoy?
If you really want a story, then take a look at the latest book by Ingrid Little - called Miss Pink. Part one has just been released, this one will get you !
Hi Bookopedia, what is it about? Is it following the same line as Fifty Shades?
Hi help me now,
I have read all three books and I absolutely loved it.
I was transported into another realm in the two weeks that I read them all, everything apart from the kids and work stopped dead in their tracks as I couldn't put them down!