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hi, i have a 17year old son who im proud to say has just got himself a apprenticeship BUT my benefits have stopped for him because he is classed as employed...even though for the next four months his going to be earning £10 a week and it costs me £25 a week for him to get a train to his course. i have rang income support and child benefit to see if they will continue to help me for the next four months and they have told me NO! so ontop of loosing my money a week for him i have to pay for him to get to his course...and as a single parent i just cant afford it :( i have tried ringing C.A.B and had trouble getting through to them, does anyone know of anything that could help me at all...even if its help towards travelling?
hi thanks for your reply.. he is on £10 a week for four months because he is training i.e health and safety etc etc. then once this is all completed he will be paid £90 a week then. and yes child benefit has all stopped and i been told that i cant get any help from income support... it just frustrates me that my son is trying to do something with his life and no one seems to want to help? i even had the phone put down on me when i said to income support that if i cant afford to pay for him to go to his course then they will be seeing him next week because he`ll have to start signing on!! surely it makes sense to help someone who is trying.
Hello Donnab,
You could try the 'one-to-one advice' on this site. It's at
Hope this helps. Good luck
thankyou :)
Hi donnab, It makes sense to you and I but sadly the people who hold the purse strings have no common sense whatsoever, I have always thought that is was wrong to withdraw all benefits immediately and think that particulalry now young people should be encouraged to do the best they can, could you son sign on for any benefits considering he wil only be earning £10 per week for 4 months?
I`m sorry I really dont know what the answer is on this one, I will I think be in your position soon as my teen daughter who is doing a business course at college says she is leaving once the EMA is withdrawn xxx
Do use the link Iz provided as they are the bees knees when it comes to financial matters!
no his not entitled to anything because in there eyes he is seen as employed. im starting to feel really bad because if i was employed myself then id be finacable more better off then id be able to help him out.
i have louise im just waiting to hear back now...thankyou :)
Hi donnab, try not to feel bad about this, it is so hard I know xxx
Do try the one to one link and see if they have any advice for you, good luck xxx
thankyou tiredmum :) xxx
Please let us know how you get on, I do hope your son is able to take up the apprenticeship xxx
i will do hun, im just waiting for a phone call back from connections?x
Hi donnab
Great to hear that your son has got an apprenticeship but as you say where does that leave you, my understanding is that if you no longer receive child benefit then you no longer receive any help at all, can I ask why your son will only get £10 per week for 4 months? I thought that apprenticeships paid approx £90 per week.
Do hope you find a way to make it work but I have no suggestions as to how xxx