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Hi Everyone
I have been reading the boards and have found some good info, but I still need alittle help as things have changed dramatically.
I left the UK 5 years ago and am now coming back with an amazing kid in tow (19months old). I am self employed but get paid in US so the exchange rate would work out I only make around £500 per month working from home about 10/15 hours per week. Which is awesome but I know I will need to claim while i get myself on my feet and try and increase my monthly earnings. Maybe do part time work 'employed' work and part time from home.
Due to all of the recent changes would i qualify for IS or JSA. Really not up for JSA as I'm already working. Also with the new housing ben changes and me being 35 would I have to get a single room in a shared house for me and my son, or could I get Housing Ben for a 1 bed place?
I'm reading so much and it's all very confusing.
Any help would be great. We're having to come back due to an a***hole of an abusive father. I have a couple month's rent saved up, airfare and enough for about 2 months worth of living costs. *gulp*
Any advise, help would be really appreciated.
Hi laviloo, it is a minefield isn't it, but do contact our benefits expert and get some information there.
That is a huge step and a brave step leaving an abusive relationship. Are your family over here?
Thanks I'll get in contact now.
My folks are out here, but I have a sis and gran back in the UK. It's been an amazing 5 years here, but the boyf of 3 yrs and kiddos dad has flipped! It's really not safe here at all now. I'm trying to navigate the waters of death threats and the stress of rushing to get kiddos passport so we can leave.
I knew I would come back to the UK with kiddo but not rushed like this and without proper funds.
I think I have a simplistic view that it's all going to be fine once we step off of the plane lol! I think if I think about it to much and the real logistics of it all, I'll freak out. So if I can get my head around the benefits that will at least put some of my mind at rest and I can focus on kiddo.
Good luck with it all laviloo, it sounds very scary so the sooner it can be sorted, the better
still no word from the benefits experts? Is there an SLA on waiting times??
Hello laviloo, you will usually get a response within 5 working days. Today is the third working say since you sent the query so you should hear within the next two days, if not then do let us know
Hi there laviloo, I have been informed that you were sent a response yesterday Monday 25th March at 8.30am (UK time!)
If you have not received this email, please check your Junk mail and let us know.
Thank you!
Hello laviloo
Welcome to One Space. We have a specialist Benefits Expert on the boards, email them direct by clicking here. Be sure to tell them your income details and the age of your child, also the fact that you are just returning after five years away