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Hi my Ex is going round telling all her friends how bad and what an evil person i am but when she is with me on her own she is all nicey nice especially when she wants something.
One day i met her to give her something and then her friend shown up and all of a sudden she turn round shouting dont start N (me) and walked away making out i was starting an arguement or something.
This is how she is when she has an audence and i dont know what to do.
It's surprising how many people didn't keep in contact with me after we split up as ex was happily telling tales about me.
I can't change that, and if the other people involved don't make an effort to find out both sides of the story, there isn't much that can be done.
Git's and Gittess's cannot be changed.
It is a time when you find who your friends are.
Not helpful though, is it... sadly...
To be honest if they are her friends why are they telling you what she is saying - I hate to be cynical but I would say to them not to tell you as you are not interested. With regards to what she said to you when her friend turned up I would just smile and give her a wave.
Not sure if any of that helps but as long as you can hold your head high, you really cannot control what others do.
Good luck - hope things work out for you
Ah, my first husband did that. I was really not bothered, because I know what sort of a person I am and figured my friends (the real ones) would, too.
My second husband's ex did a much more thorough job, even alienating some of his family. When he told her he had cancer and tried (for the millionth time) to see his children her response was 'the day you die I'll dance on your fxxxx grave'. His real friends stuck with him which kind of proves my point.
It is very sad that people feel the need to draw everyone into this sort of thing. Hope you can rise above it!
Hi Pash02
It's hard to know WHAT you could do to change that, other than refuse to have anything to do with her at all, and maybe say I am not happy about you bad mouthing me and am not prepared to accept it.