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Just wondered what peoples opinion are re this?
Also wondered if anyone has actually managed to access the website for it, I cant I have tried over and over again but it isnt working, this is frustrating when you consider there are 3 pilot schemes up and running, I would have though it made sense to have the website running some kind of blog about the pilots so that people "might" understand it a little more.
Does anyone live in any of the pilot areas, if so have ou seen 1st hand what happens, it it good? Is it working?
I am open minded at the moment but if there is so little info about it then no wonder people are calling a damp squib.
PS just been on the local news that a Tourist Information Centre up here, which is being closed due to the cuts, will now be run by volunteeers, via The Big Society. Their reasoning is that it brings money and jobs to the area. I agree with that but if people now do for no money what used to be a paid job, whatever next: volunteer heart surgeons?
Louise it is all madness!!!!!!!
Mind you did you read about the Liberal MP`s letter to the Times? It is all starting to unravel isnt it, maybe this shambles of a Government wont last much longer
they'll find a reason to close the tourist place, I'm sure, even if the staff aren't paid. The premises will cost too much.
I think of all the work that tiredmum does, you and Hazeleyes too, as well as every other volunteer. The Big Society has been about for a long time. Don't see why DC should feel he's the one who's created it...
Question Time was good last night...
...and you are one of the wonderful band of volunteers too, sparkling
I have just watched the big question on BBC1 not sure if anyone else caught it? They were debating the big society and most of the people are against it, I dont think that is because they are against helping people but because they rightly see it as doing a paid job for free.
I have also been considering the impact of the forced "training" from the jobcentres for those of us who have to sign on and if indeed they make us do 30 hours a week for 6 weeks that eqates to £1.76 per hour, I am sure we fought long and hard to have a minimum wage in this country so how can they expect people given the cuts to say oh yes thank you so much I will work for 30 hours a week for £1.76 per hour particulalry when people know there are no jobs waiting at the end of the 6 weeks.
On the programe they said that 41% of people do volunteer thier time in one way or another but they want to see 81%, I think that if they are not very careful if we drop dramatically as people become more demoralised.
I did see part of this programme and I thought about you, tired mum and wondered if you were watching!
For many years, the voluntary sector has "filled in the gaps" in the statutory services, and in my view The Big Society is just taking it further and also being transparent about it for the first time.
Problem is people are not going for it are they.
No...and it's a fair cop!
I'm not quite sure how they're expecting people to live though if they're hoping for so many to do roles unpaid...
Or is this me just being negative...
Hi sparklinglime, no it isnt just you, as Louise said there has always been an army of volunteers to plug the gaps, what is different this time is that they appear to be expecting us all to become the all giving society and an awful lot of the services are going to be run by private companies no doubt Conservatives who will "enlist" us minions.
I think we will start to see civil unrest before too long about the whole spectrum of cuts, already the Government have been taken to court by some charitable organisations who said that due process wasnt applied and they have won the right to a review, will be very interesting to see what comes of that, also Nick Clegg is against the idea of the Big Society so big problems there too, its all one big fat mess, we have a Government who are divided on most things, half the back benchers dont agree with the cuts and are starting to say so publicly, we might be really lucky and this Government wont last long at all xxx
Yet more speeches
David Cameron sounds more like Margaret Thatcher every day and look what happened when she was Prime Minister, there are families to this day who dont speak to each other because of the miners strikes.
I suppose what I don't understand is that working people will be unlikely to have time to do much voluntary work, so who will do it? Answer: people who don't work. But hang on: people who don't work have been told they have to be seeking jobs all the time and if they have long term voluntary commitments then they are not "available for work", and therefore may lose their benefits.
Is it me?
Hi Louise, I think you will find that very soon it will become obligitory to work for your benefits ie to volunteer 30 hours a week at £1.76 per hour!!!!!!! Very worrying indeed
I wonder if Conservatives will do away with the minimum wage...
Nice to know that my volunteering in my work place helps to keep 8 men on a good wage though (meow)
I think the biggest problem right now having read lots of comments on BBC have your say etc is that this so called Big Society is in fact turning people completely against the idea of volunteering, some have resigned their positions in the past few days and some who were considering doing some voluntary work are now not going to bother!!!!!!!
What really concerns me is that we will have pockets of places where there will be an abundance of well meaning and possibly well able volunteers but we will also have places where either no one will volunteer or they wont be capable of doing whatever it is they are asked we then end up with terrible poverty in some areas much worse than at present because there will be no Government schemes to help people who simply cannot help themselves.
It has to be the most ill conceived and thought out idea ever but when you have a group of millionaires with no "life" skills do we really expect it to be different!!!!!!
Tiredmum that is a really good point about the postcode lottery
Hello tired mum
I have had a look at the website but am also finding it hard to get to grips with all feels a bit woolly and there seems to be a danger that it adds (yet) another layer of bureaucracy to local social enterprise. It seem to encourgae local events and communities banding together to make a difference and to take collective responsibility....all that sounds great but there is nothing concrete on the website other than commentaries on recent legislation, an event in London and an airshow in Lowestoft. I know there was some talk of the whole movement being stalled because of Government cuts, which would be a great shame as I do believe that community action and partnerships are a great way forward