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I often think of Bubblegum - because I live close by - I look across to the mountains and wonder if he's walking with the children, or wonder if he's down by the sea where he lives.
I enjoy his photos and enjoy hearing about his children.
bubblegum. Hope you and your children are keeping well, and hope life is treating you kind. The snow left the mountains early this year...
Hello from me too
Yes hello from me to, do hope you and the children are well and happy xxx
I have been wondering where bubblegum is too.
Bubblegum, if you are out there I hope all is well in your world.
Maybe he has taken to the hills with the children, away from society and is strumming his guitar and sitting round a campfire
So long as they're enjoying life...
Hope Bubblegum and the children are enjoying the Easter break
Me too.
and me xxx
Hi bubblegum so lovely to see you on here tonight, hope you are all well and happy xxx
Thanx chaps! I'm still here : )
I'm doing a class room assistants course two days a week and starting one day a week placement in a local school on wednesday...
I love it!
I have to do homework.
Still taking pictures too... ---> Link! There are some amzing artistic people in the world, so many there at deviant art.
Still playing the guitar, though my audience is just my dog and my kids and none of them seem overly impressed, in fact my kids often come to my room and tell me to turn it down, which kind of makes a mockery of the occasons when I shout up to them to tell them to turn their computers down. The dog just raises it's head when I plug it in and then goes back to sleep.
No screaming fans, but I can dream.
An old frinend of mine is at present in America playing drums with Crass, don't know if anyone here remembers that old punk band? Your not supposed to say Crass though as it's just Steve Ignorant and not the rest of the band.
tscsts tesct teszcting... ?
My spell checker not working then.
Thanx for wondering how I am, I shall go and read some onespace now : )
Hasn't easter been great, weather wise? we've been down the beach eating ice cream and my kids have gotten realy good at rollerblading.
Not one for the nerves that though, as they carear off down the road oblivios to the dangers of head injuries and broken bones.
If you're every truly concerened that maybe I've droped off the face of the earth... I sparodically keep a blog... here!
Fantastic to 'see' you!
The weather has been fantastic - and a bit more room to enjoy it from today!!
So glad you're enjoying the course.
Nice to see you, Bubblegum, had a look at your blog and there really IS a lot of ice-cream eating going on!!!!
Hey Bubblegum. Great to see you back here, you've been missed. Well done on the teaching assistant course. You'll be great at that. Glad the kids had a lovely Easter. The weather was indeed fab.
Hey gumster, glad to see you online
Thats great to hear that you are doing the classroom assistant training and that you are enjoying it. I have always thought that there are not enough males in the classroom. Maybe these children will end up being your groupies at the school disco!
Your pics are fab as always, hasn't your boy grown, he is such a dude! Love the artistic shot!
How is the placement going?
I'm about to read your blog
Love the avatar!!
Brilliant, as always.
Your children are really growing now! Definitely been ideal ice cream weather!
Almost stopped off there during the hols as we fancied an ice cream, and the sea looked so fabulous - but it was full!
This time last year there was still snow on the mountains!
My first day in school was good, bit slow in the begining and I felt like a spare part, but then I just went and played at various points and kids came over and started talking to me and asking me to do stuff and play with them... don't know if that was what I was supposed to be doing but it's what I did and it was fun. I made some things out of this strange plastic lumpy stuff that sticks together that you can mold and tear appart and kids started asking me to make things for them... I was trying to impliment the stuff I'd learnt in class like encouraging them to use words and describe stuff.
It was good : )
I spent the morning sorting through plastic bins of leggo and duplo and other building stuff type toys, putting them all into seperate boxes.
It went very quickly too.
: )
AND! just so you know, so you can tell your techi chaps, for some reason google chromes built in spell cheker thing doesn't seem to play nice with their forum... or maybe it's my end... but I can't get it to work anyway.
: )
Anna.. everyone keeps mentioning to me that there are not enough men in primary schools, so looks good realy for when I start looking for work : )
I noticed that it was the girls that were more interested in me than the boys, or maybe that's just girls in general, more inclined to engage adults in conversation.
We miss you on the boards Bubblegum. Hope you and the children are ok. Several times I've said Hello to you in the chat room, just in case you pop in there from time to time. Hope all is well, take care. xx