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Hi, just been reading this and thought it might help some on here as it has links to organisations that you can talk to if you are worried that you are or will be affected
And maybe due to more private lets compared to social housing?
This is going to make the problems so much worse, the Government really dont have a clue do they, its isnt difficult to do the math is it?
No it isn't difficult.
However, goes back to the social housing and affordable rents. Jobs there are out there aren't going to cover average rents around here... Sorry, did I say jobs?? There actually aren't any around here.
Lol no there are no jobs and soon there wont be any houses for people who are entitled to housing benefit to live in, now heres an idea lets start building social housing again, doh jobd in abundance and homes for people to live in, and lets not sell all the social housing off thats where this lot started!!!!!
Makes me so cross xxx
Yes the sale of the council houses was seen to be so great and certainly for those living in them at that time it was their once in a lifetime opportunity to be a property owner. But the longer term implications of it have come home to roost.
The intitial cost of building social housing may be offset by the savings in housing benefit.
I have to say on the estate I'm on (and its pretty small) I think most here do work. The rent I pay here, even after five years is more or less half the rent per week I was paying in the private house I rented. Mind you I did have to find £130 a month there to cover the shortfall, which came out of the £2500 I came away with after the end of the marriage...
As I've said before though, it is 'easy' for me as I do have the four children...
It will be so difficult to defend all this though, and its because the language is being used very carefully to justify it. The phrase of the day seems to be 'its unfair on the tax payers...'
Madness - and so wrong, in my view - to be forcing people out of their homes, especially disabled who have had houses adapted. IT IS THEIR HOME. It absolutely infuriates me that these decisions are being made by people who have absolutely no idea of the emotions, never mind the way people live, involved here.
This is an interesting article and will be interesting to see how the changes to housing benefit will impact on child poverty
Nearly missed this article, fingers crossed for the outcome, have to say its been kept very quiet this story, but I found it
Thanks tiredmum, I had not seen it either!
I was reading that this morning somewhere - or it was on tele! And its only going to get worse.
Jeremy Vine was good at lunch time too, as he was talking to a woman who received income support as she has a son with special needs. She was telling him how she'd worked for yonks, paying into the system, and now filled her time with voluntary work, to make sure she was there if her son needed her.
Strangely enough I was talking about this with eldest last night, saying how probably the majority of those on benefits did loads for their locality. I think it must be a very small minority who actually don't do anything.
I know people have been quite critical of a family locally, yet the amount of things they do with football, carnival etc is remarkable!
I really do feel that the way people are being made to finger point in this country is going to be very harmful to society. While perhaps people knew those who "never worked a day in their life", it was the odd comment and move on. Not anymore.
Brilliant, thank you tiredmum.
It is shocking to see just how much more is being paid out in Housing Benefit compares to a few years ago...a combination of rising rents and a rising number of people in poverty.....