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My daughter loves me reading to her & looking at the pictures, I was wondering if any one knew of any sites which sell children books explaining mummy & daddy living apart, eczema & going to bed at night?
Ive looked on amazon /eBay & managed to find a books about hitting (something she does often), asthma & hospitals but can't find a children's book on family's living apart...
if any 1 knows of any good books or online book shops this will be a great help :) .
That's great thank you Louise, looking for a book about child just living with one parent not both- I know there's a book out about having two homes but LO has never been to her fathers home so that's that out the window lol,
these links are great :).
Hi Tinkerbell2. I found that too about the books. I didn't bother with them, but simply explained it to my son, when he was at an age of course.
Hi Tinkerbell2. I think that most books i have looked at are aimed at older children and most of the books i have found deal with divorce and seperation, so not so useful to you!
Sadly there is a lack of books that covers the multitude of situations that single parent families come from.
Do you feel like writing something Tinkerbell2, i saw a workshop advertised awhile back at a childrens centre, for parents to make their children a book!
Hiya Sally- that sounds wonderful, I would love to do that :)
. I recieved the astma book though the post this morning and its great, loads of pictures and easy to understand & explains so much- it's a bit above her age group but glad I have it at the ready :)
Hi tinkerbell2, that is great to have found a book that you have found useful and have it at the ready.
I am currently compiling a list of books relevant to single parents and their children, so will keep you posted.
When my daughter was small we came up with an idea for a book - about a little mixed race girl called Bella. There was very little diversity when she was small and one day we saw an advert for the zoo and it had cartoon children and my daughter pointed delightedly at the little girl and said 'Look mummy, thats me!' It made me realise that she hadn't really associated with other 'little girl' pictures.
Anyway, Bella, lived in a multi storey flat and each book was a story about residents in the flats (including the caretaker) who lived on the different floors. The books would be in a cardboard tower and you would have to put the right story (book) in the right level (floor) (if you catch my drift!)
We did get quite carried about with promotional material and what it would all look like, but we never actually came up with any stories!!
Will you have a look around for creative writing courses Tinkerbell2? It would be great to have a JK Rowling in our midst!
Wow Anna what a great imagination u have :) A book about a mic ef race girl sounds fab, my LO is mixed race (however not many ppl notice as she is very palE & no Afro )
i actually drafted my own book this morning about a little boy called Timmy who has eczema, he doesn't understand why he is always so itchy and skin is different from his friends...his mummy explains to him & she uses magic cream to help make him better...I still have more to do but even if nothing comes of it it's still fun for LO to read when she's older :)
That sounds a great book, Tinkerbell2!
I think books are fabulous - hence my DoppleMe - A is now old enough that she's writing her own stories, but I wish I'd made time to write little books for her when she was younger. Good for you, I'm sure LO will really appreciate it
Hi Tinkerbell2, that sounds great! good for you! Your post reminded me of a book that my daughter absolutely adored (we still have it somewhere!)
The Cat that Scratched - its a fun story written in ryhme. My daughter is an eczema sufferer, it has gotten better as she got older, but this book used to make her squeal! I think because she could relate to it!
So are you any good at art? Any pics of Timmy?
Hi Tinkerbell2 - I have just uploaded an article on Books for Younger Children of single parents, that you may find useful.
I have also included a link to this thread so that users can give their feedback.
Hi Tinkerbell2
I have found this website (click) where you can make your own childrens books for free, i thought you may want to take a look.
Hello tinkerbell2
Great thread!
I don't know of a particular site but I do have some books I suggest to people. Obviously it depends on whether the child stays with both parents or lives just with one or in some cases where one parent is not there at all.
One author I'm very keen on is Todd Parr. He writes simple books that are very colourful and with beautiful pictures. Have a look at this one (click) It explains that families come in all shapes and sizes. There is another nice book here but she is a bit small for it and it is a tenner new so maybe a thought for the future.
Another idea I would suggest to you is A joining the library and she would enjoy choosing her own books and of course this is free! Similarly, is there a toy library near you? (your Health Visitor would know) If you are going to join either of these then take along some ID, eg a recent utility bill with your address on and maybe something with your signature on like a debit card (I don't think it is appreciated how many people have neither a passport or a driving licence although these are good forms of ID. My youngest got a provisional licence just so that he did have ID!)
Has anyone any more to suggest? Sally has looked at lots of different books so she may be able to suggest something