

Hi all,

Here is an
interesting event that might help your children to do something nice for other children in need. As part of its national Christmas Gift Appeal, Access
Self Storages in Kings Cross and Islington have been collecting toy donations
for the Children’s ward at the Royal Free and they have collected over 100

My son and
I helped in the Isligton collection and I think it was a great idea that helped
my son to appreciate the joy of giving by donating toys for the local charity.

Hope everyone has a fantastic New Year and look after one another.



Posted on: December 30, 2011 - 12:40pm
Parenting specialist DoppleMe

I know the collection will be over for this year but many areas will have these types of collections. Glad you and your son enjoyed it!

Many of our members are really struggling themselves, on benefits or on low pay so may not be able to donate themselves, indeed some families would really benefit from being the recipients of these gifts!

Posted on: December 30, 2011 - 1:35pm