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Don't know if anyone watches Corrie (well Hazeleyes and I do, I know) but I was wondering what people think of the domestic abuse storyline? I am glad they are showing a man being abused as this is a lesser-known problem. A new report out today says of calls to the police in London, 10% are related to domestic abuse.
Do you think that showing this in a soap is helpful? is it realistic?
I'm a huge Corrie fan, and I think it is absolutely brilliant that they are covering DV toward men. I am positive that good will come out of this, and more and more men will open up regarding their own abuse by partners/wives etc.
I do think they are describing it realistically Anna. You should watch, and let us know your views. The characters involved are playing fantastic roles.
Hi, I agree with hazeleyes on this one. They have done a fantastic job. I am so glad to see a DV storyline where the perpertrator is a woman and the victim a man. This is still quite taboo and I hope it will give any male victims out there the courage to come forward.
One thing I particularly like about the storyline is how the perpetrator is presenting as decent to the outside world (apart from Fiz) So often this is the case with DV, leaving the victim to think "no-one will believe me, everyone thinks X is such a charming person"
Yeah I like that and also I like how the level of violence has not been to the extreme as is often the case on tv. There has been much more focus on the emotional and mental abuse that has happened. I thik this will be a great benefit for others to see as I know myself when I was with ex I always thought to myself "its not like he beats me every day" "he has never broken bones or put me in hospital" so I found it hard to see I was being abused as I had a specific image of what a "wife beater" did.
Good point little angel, I agree that Dv is usually portayed as "X beating Y senseless" Also Kirsty is behaving reasonably to him some of the time, leading him to think "Is it me?"
hio i watch corrie i have for yrs, and it is realistic, way everyone thinks kirsty is such great girlfriend,but fizz nos othere wise and tommy, fizz is a threat to kirsty, well in kirsty eyes she is, thts why she hates er, kirsty is dangerous when she ad fizz up by throat,
I think there is a lot more to come with this story, Tyrone is going to have to get some medical treatment and covers up how he got his injuries....
I have to say that I am disappointed with the way this story has gone, but not surprised. There is an assumption in society that all abusers are men. I will be interested to see how the abduction story goes as Tyrone does not have Parental Responsibility for Ruby.
Theres meant to be a big change on the story line - keep watching x
Theres meant to be a big change on the story line - keep watching x
I know this is only a storyline, but why oh why, hasn't anyone picked up on the fact that Kirsty returned to work, leaving baby with Tyrone all of this time. Now though, she's saying she doesn't know what he is capable of around the little mite.
He'll surely be done for abduction, especially as he hasn't got PR.
I still haven't watched this but my friend was telling me bits and pieces. What I don't understand is why hasn't someone given him the number for Mankind or something and then they could show someone recieving support and coming through it all.
They are supposed to living in 'our world' so these services would be available. The storyline sounds as though it has got really daft. And that is soooo frustrating!
Well they gave the number for Mankind for viewers. But I know that is not what you are saying, it seems to have missed the opportunity to show someone recovering and coming through it.
I was in a cab yesterday, and the driver was listening to a Radio station (not sure which one) anyhow, male viewers were ringing in, telling their experiences of DV, and how they feel Corrie is putting the word out. One man was saying he actually spoke out after watching the soap.
That is really encouraging, hazeleyes.
That is good isn't it.
I guess it is certainly stirring some people, but yes Louise, I would like to hear that they were showing someone recovering and coming through to the other side, I think that would definitely have a feel good factor to it.
Its good that soap high lights these things that enable people to open up. Like the Carla Connor rape case did anyone hear about the young lad who came forward who had been raped by his male baby sitter? Hes now in prision thanks to Corrie.
Its also enabled me to come on here and open up about my dad being beaten by the woman he is a carer for
Your right happy mamma the soaps and there story lines can help others to come forward and get support.
I am not a fan of the soaps these day's i just find them too negative alot of the time.
I know what you mean sally, my daughter tends to watch them Im normally in the back ground doing something else - Working with womaen in my office who are addicts I cant help but know without watching lol
Sally, you're right, they can be negative, but also some hi-light real life stuff, like Corrie at the moment. Now, Eastenders, which has also been a favourite of mine, is a no go right now for me!!
I used to love Eastenders when it first started, and in the Dirty Den days but find it hard to identify with any of the characters these days (apart from Dot Cotton haha)
Happy mamma i have found that on occassion they can be a useful resource to point out situations and other life choices to my teens or to just get them talking about where they or a friend could go or who to talk too if they found themselves in one of the situations.
I don't watch Corrie Louise, but thanks for the heads up.
Do you think they are describing it realistically?