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I have a question from my friend......if your pregnant can you get a council place if you have a boyfriend who works full time (2 jobs) and plans of living with you?
Hi Tinkerbell,
I work in Housing but only on the advice desk so I'm no expert and I know all council housing departments have different allocation policies but it normally goes down the route of "priority", but also some councils can nominate people from their own register to Housing Associations who can stipulate certain criteria eg, local working people etc.I know a lot of tenants who work and live in council properties so its definitely worth joining the register and seeing what happens. Hope that helps.
I believe she was told she had to go on bidding list but chances are if she has a partner who works she won't get all her housing paid for her and she will have to pay some towards rent and tax....thank you :)
Yes does sound about right...x
Yes Tinkerbell2, she is likely to be lower priority if she has a partner but it is definitely worth getting on the list. Housing Benefit (now called Local Housing Allowance) can be paid to help with the rent but of course this is based on the income of the tenant(s) As a couple living together, they may also be able to apply for Working Tax Credit
Tinkerbell, the system doesn't work like that. Even if you're pregnant, and the partner is working, you still have to join a waiting list. My niece was homeless, her partner had left her with 2 children, and she couldn't get a council place. She had to look for private rental. Being pregnant doesn't guarantee council property. It may of course depend on her area. Best bet would be to pay the council a visit.