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Morning , I have 2 children who I have supported for the last 2 years through a formal arrangement(paid standing order) my pay has dropped over the last 2 years so payments have gone down from 300 to 150 a month.PWC has accepted this and relations ahve been good. a month ago she changed but do'tknow why. She went to CSA who calcuated my payments as £94 a week. This is based on my pay tax year ending 2012. Like I said mypay has dropped by 10k a year since then. I have 2 jobs one pays 20k (was approx 26k) I am also a part time firefighter who earns about 8k a year(was about 12k). I was told cas don't take part time fire wage into consideration but csa say they cant find this info anymore. If i pay £94 a week i wont haveanything left to life on(for lat 2 weeks anyway per month. I have had my kids 2 nights a week but PWC has said I only have them 1 night a week which affects how much I pay. I'm inclined now to only have them one night a week as PWC is paid to have them 6 nights week but I want to see my kids. Wht can i do? It looks like iwill have to resign from my fire job which i have done woith pride for last 10 years. Thanks in advance
Hello there
If the CSA persist in their figures and you do not think they are right, after going through any appeals procedure, I would recommend that you have a look at this website (click)for some guidance as they will give you some perosnalised phone advice about anomalies if you are the parent without the day to day care of the children, for the payment of a small fee
I would have expected the CSA to go on your current income. Have you sent in payslips (keeping copies) to show that your income has dropped? I have to say that I wouldn't expect them not to take your second job into consideration, even though it is for the emergency services, as it is earned income.
I don't see how they can base on last year's income.
Personally, I would be putting it in writing to the CSA and send in recent payslips.