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My daughter is 2 years old , her father see her once per month but now he start be very nasty to me so I want to cut his visit. Can I do this?
He is not on the birth certyficate
You can indeed cut down the contact time but at the end of the day he can if he wishes, take you to court to get an agreed amount of time with his daughter. What do mean when you say he is nasty to you? Can you explain a bit more?
One option could be to use a contact centre, a neutral place where he can see her, and you do not have to see him yourself. Do you think this could be an option?
He is not paying for her. HE call me names cos i asked him to pay £150 per month .
Ok so you need to organise something through the Child Support Agency (click to see)
Unfortunately paying child support and seeing the child are two completely different things in law though.
soeven he is not paying can he see her?
It doesn't seem right does it, but like Louise has said, they are two different things
Hi emillia
Yes, even without paying maintenance he can see her. So long as your daughter is safe, that is really the important thing.
A parent can be quite nasty and unreasonable with the other parent yet still the child/ren have a brilliant time with that parent...
If you take the matter to the child support agency they can deal with the matter of maintenance, which will be 15% of his income.
If he is being mean to you, can a family member of friend be there when you drop off your daughter?
Hi emilia2009. It's not nice or acceptable that your ex is being nasty to you. He obviously has a relationship with your daughter, as he sees her. More to the point, she has a relationship with him. Are you wanting to cut his visits because of his nastiness to you?