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A discussion between brother and sister regarding chip-shop chips for tea...
Are you going to go with your brother?
Daughter replies I don't know.
I ask if she would rather not go...
Daughter replies I don't know.
I ask oldest if he wants sister to go with him.
He replies I don't mind.
Honestly talk about a decisive household.
Lol, sparkling, have you been listening in at my house!!!
We actually did have chips... Having said that I would have been happy enough with Rice Krispies.
Daughter is now watching trailers for next week's Doctor Who and screaming the house down. She's 18.
I seriously worry about the future of the world.
HAHA I loved that snippet from the sparkling house. Teenagers have this really special way of saying "I don't know"...something along the lines of "durn-urrrrrrrrrh"
So you have a Dr Who fan in residence?
I sent her out of the living room as she was screaming too much. All but the sixteen year old enjoy it, but honestly, felt like banning it yesterday
My daughter is the same with Doctor Who, she goes crazy for it! I am glad to meet a fellow parent of similar!!
Tell us though, what was the outcome of the Chip Shop expedition? Who went? Who didn't? Was everyone happy?
I love Dr Who! It'll be weeping angels on Saturday and they are the scariest of them all!
Our chip shop discussions usually go:
No2 son, will you go and get the chips?
Only if daughter comes with me.
Daughter will you go with No2 son.
Do I have to?
Well, we don't have to have chips at all, it's what you all wanted.
Ooohhhh it's so unfair!!!! Why do I always have to go.
I said I'd go, but please come with me. I'll give you a sweet.
I give you my sweets all the time. You should give me one anyway.
Will you just make a decision and get out of here! I am hungry! ........
It's surprising we get any chips ever... :-)
We did have chips in the end... They both went!
Weeping angels are so scarey. Oldest has already declared that he's not going to watch!
Glad you all got your chips in the end
It did make me chuckle, i have had those routines off "it's not fair i always have to go"
"It's not my turn" "i'm not going with her she always makes me carry all the bags"
A is nowhere near being a teenager yet, but all of this sounds eerily familiar (Although it's me who is the supernatural drama obsessive in our house - and it's True Blood, not Dr Who)
Louise, my niece (15 next month) does that - although to me, it sounds like 'I uh uh'.
So, what else do I have to look forward to when A 'finally' reaches the giddy heights of being a teenager (she 'can't wait!' I on the other hand CAN! )?!
So, did you get chips or not?