
I am currently living in a two bedroom flat but I am pregnant with my third child 1st child is 3yrs and my 2nd child is 2years. so when my third child is born and turn 1yrs would i qualify for a 3 bed?

Posted on: June 21, 2012 - 3:27pm

Are you council? I'm having this problem at the moment trying to get a bigger place..if your council.have you put your name on the bidding list? It takes roughly 1-2 years for a transfer depending on your area. You can be transferred due to over crowding if your rooms are small- your best talking to your local council and getting their advice and how long their waiting list is 

Posted on: June 21, 2012 - 4:11pm

Parenting specialist DoppleMe

Hi elisheba, I have moved your message into General Discussion, (note to self - really should start a Housing Discussion Board) Smile

Welcome to One Space from me!

Thanks for responding Tinkerbell2, you have given some good advice re: contacting your local council. elisheba, if you are a single parent, you could also email our Housing Expert, who can tell you what your entitlements are.

It sounds as though you are going to have your hands full shortly, do you have much support around you?

Posted on: June 21, 2012 - 8:16pm