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Hello, im a single mum of one, he is 4 years old and i lost my job last year due to depresion after a second very bad relationship, my ex and i had a claim in 2007 but due to domestic abuse we couldnt close it so i was left with 1.000 pounds to pay back to working and child taxt credit, i recived a letter and i got 327 pounds left to pay ( i forgot about it), i lost my job and im on imcome support and they know but im still have to pay even that my ex does work seasonal work and part time (im not to sure as he may pay 400 pounds/month on csa at times(if im lucky) and other 5 pounds a week other 0 pounds) shouldnt he be entitle to pay the arrear as he recived the money too and he is working, even that all this mess was the taxt people's fault, they didnt cancel our claim as they wanted us to make the call together but he was on bail condition due to domestic abuse towards me. Also, i recived 2 payments in a week of 54 pounds and on friday y recived another on of 53.. i normally get pay on mondays, does child tax credit stop when the kids are on holiday? i have no idea how it works and im worry that it may stop now, that will leave me with 200 pounds on income support a month for food and bills, tax,phone,water,as they already take 30 pounds for my electricity bill/arrears., not to sure what to do...anyon can help? thanks.
Also... I had a large debt with working Tax (their fault also) after spliting with my X, I negotiated a monthy payment of ten pounds with them which ends in 2018 or something.
Have you called them? they were pretty helpfull with me, I explained my outgoing and what came in and sugested £10
Also CAB can help if you have money and debt issues.
Hello there, I would suggest you send an emai to our 1-2-1 Money Advice service, who will be be able to give you some personal advice
Child tax credit goes on all year round, obviously the amount may vary as your circumstances change but as you are on Income Support and have a child under seven, it should stay the same.
Thank everybody for your reply, i will call tomorrow and sort out the arrears, i got paid on friday but i usually get pay on mondays, is not bank holiday today isnt it? as i havent recived any payment today, normally it will be on my account by now as i look at it online :s
ps: in the last 2 weeks i had 4 payments i dont understand why and im worry now...
No there are no more Bank Holidays in England (of that is where you are) until the end of August. Please email the link I have given, so that this can be sorted out.
If it's any help... my child tax credit doesn't stop during the holidays.