hi its the first time i have ever used this site i got it off my social worker i have been on my own now for 10 months and my ex patner wants to get back with me when all the work as been done with the social services and i am in two minds what to do because i want whats best for my little boy who as austim so he is very hard work at times but my daughter lives with her dad and my ex does not get on with my daughter due to things that as happen with him i dont want to say. but all i can do now is wait to see what the social workers say at the next meeting about is son and if is dad can have him at is mums house overnite so i can get some rest but he doesnt seem to want that he wants to move back in with me and help me with is son at mine so i dont no what to do at the moment your advance would be a help to me
Hi limbo34, I think your name says it all! Welcome to One Space
So your daughter lives with her father, how old is she? Do you get to see her regularly? Do you have a good relationship with her?
You say that your ex does not 'get on' with your daughter, my first reaction to this is however old she is (even if she is in her 20's), she is the child and your ex is the adult. It is not healthy for your daughter to know that mum is with someone who doesn't love and appreciate her as part of you, this also sounds extremely immature of your ex.
You are still awaiting a decision from social services to see if your son can stay at his paternal grandmothers house. I agree that this would give you some much needed rest, so I hope that you get a positive result. Are you comfortable with your sons grandmothers ability to care for him appropriately, or would it be your ex providing the care?
Your main question though is asking for advice on what your ex wants. You say he wants to move back in with you. Without considering his wishes at this point, what do YOU want.
Does he consider your needs? I imagine that you put a lot of hard work into raising your son and would appreciate someone who helps out around the house and puts you first.
Is he helpful with your son? As they say 'the way to a womans heart is through her children'! Would he consider trying to work on his relationship with your daughter?
Is your ex now living at his mums, is he able to pay his way?
You have an awful lot on your plate, not only raising your son on your own, but obviously as you are working with social services, there is a lot more going on too.
Lots of questions here, would just like to get a bigger picture, so that we can support you in the best way we can.
Look forward to hearing back from you