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Can I ask why this is showing up please?
Would it not draw attention to this forum where when perhaps not being involved with FB makes posters feel "safer"?
Hmmm.... I think I liked it not being involved with FB. I like to think that I have a small number of friends on FB. None of which know I post here.
I know i don't - and won't - like the page (nothing against One Space), as I like being able to post freely.
Sorry to not like this addition.
I agree sparklinglime - I don't like facebook either
Thanks for your feedback, ladies. I'm sure Louise will makes sure the powers that be are made aware of your feelings.
Thank you. And I'm sure she will. And I know its easy enough for me to "not" like it...
I know I'm a drama queen too
You are perfectly entitled to your opinion. And I appreciate what is being said about your desire to post freely and anonymously.
I don't understand? What's showing with fb?
I use fb for uni - it's a quick way to communicate as group rep and also when we do group work.
I quite agree that I liked this here being a fb-free zone. My concern would be that fb endangers the anonymity of OneSpace...
Ok I have taken on board what you all say and can totally understand your views. I will send an email as I said
I feel safe here but not with any fb links worrying x
Im with you i feel sick at the thought
Can I just reassure everyone on the forum that the notion of a Facebook 'Like' button has been reassessed as a bad idea. Our IT people have spoken to Louise and it will be removed shortly.
Rest easy, happy mama.
thanks RM
Ive already had to clse my twitter account as i was discovered and my home name address place of work and abuse added.
No problem, happy mama. As I say, it's in hand x
Where has my post gone?
No idea
What has happened is that you actively have to login to facebook from this site for any link to be established so WORRY NOT, guys
Told you it was being sorted! I may have had some of the details slightly wrong, but no one's perfect
Oh...don't say that, so many of us on here were hoping we were all headed that way and now our illusions have been shattered
Seriously, glad that this subject was brought up, thanks guys.
I am Perfect, that is... Ask hazeleyes...
Nice to know someone is, sparkling. The rest of us can only dream
Ooh I did not know about this, it looks like it is publicity for the One Space website, rather than our chats being on Facebook, I will ask Anna about it