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Hi all,
I wasn't sure where to post this but I wanted to to ask something.
Can my ex Put photos on Facebook on himself, our children and HER without my say so....I think I already know the answer but wasn't sure if anyone else had experienced this?
I must say I don't like it myself but unfortunately Cha Cha you can't stop him if he really digs his heels in, he is their dad. If it helps even a smidgen, I used to be really upset about the photos my boys' dad's family always took, and it always looked as if they were having this fab time while I was drably and exhaustedly working away at three jobs and trying not to let the electricity get cut off. BUT then I realised the pictures were for their own purposes, to create a false image FOR THEMSELVES...and it really was false. I would like to bet that the same is going on with your children now, Cha Cha.
From what i can remember you cannot do anythig about him putting photos on facebook but Im sure she cannot without your permission - i had this issue with my partners ex. We have been away and i put some pictures on my facebook which is just family and close friends no random folk. She found out (i had not learnd to lock down my facebook account at this point)
She demanded to my partner removed them - I did as i dont do issues with exs.
I think considering after 6 years and i have taken her daughter on holiday every year this woman has still never met me she should have been more concerned who her daughter was staying with not a couple of harmless photo which her father was on
If you can find them you can report them and Facebook are quite good at removing them.
My ex would go to great lengths to STEAL my Facebook photos and put them on his wall, making out he took them or was there when taken- it use to really annoy me and I'm not even friends with him on there so he went really out his way to get them photos and every1 would think he's a great dad who takes buba put all the time---this is so far from the I couldnt care less and just laugh because him stealing photos is the only way he gets any of buba, someone asked him how old buba she was in the photo & he couldnt answer coz he didn't know, this blow his cover! You really can't let it wind you up, no matter your feelings towards him. I don't agree with putting pics with your kids in & parents partners but some people think its ok,. Rise above it other wise it will eat you up, end of the day your the parent and no1 can replace that :)
I would suspect if he has PR he can put pics of his own children on there. As Tori says I dont think SHE could though. He obviously done it to get to you so maybe try and ignore it and put some even better ones on yours!
obviously jelouse of your beautiful children x
Hi All,
thanks for your comments, I have blocked my ex and HER as their profile pictures are of eachother together and it was hard to look at, so I have no access to either their FB pages but I will keep an eye as I do have other ways of finding out. I'm sure a few will be posted at some point as SHE seems hell bent on trying to show the world they are one big happy family but I will remember all you've said. Thanks again! X
Just remember, she may have photos but every1 know she isn't the mother- YOU ARE :) xx
its her insecurities that make her do this reminds me of my exs 'new' wife she got my husband but she failed big time turning my kids against me - she did me a favor me and the kids couldnt be happier x
I think you can respectfully ask that he doesn't...
Personally I've never put my lot on FB or other sites, even though they're getting on a bit now.