Hi there, ...I don`t know where to star, I need help. I have two children, boys, G is 4 and S is 2, S is ill and need long term treatment. I am not married with my partner, but for the last year the relationship is been getting worse. I work in catering, so long hours, with I know doesnt help. I have been trying to change career, as I am not very happy with the long hours too and I miss my kids lot every day. For a long time she is been treating me with leaving the house and making very difficult for me to see my kids. After so many abuse and arguments, I feel like I can`t take anymore, but I don`t know what to do next or where to star. this is such a mess and dont know how to sort out. I have to stay focus for my youngest son who is been through a lot already and now this, it is really tearming appart. Now she have decide to move away.
Thanks Anna, I will phone then, now I think I ve`got something to star with.
No She doesnt say anything I think to her parents as I know she talks a lot with her mother, every time I ask what is she planning to do , her answers are confusing and negative with a lot yelling in front of children so I try to keep a low profile at home, I think she have lot of issues. I dont want to loose my children, I`ll do anything for then, Cant help been worry about my youngest, he just been diagnost with crohn diseace. thank you very much for your response.
Do you get on with her parents? I'm just wondering if they know your 100% supportive then perhaps they can help.
I've been lucky as I get on so well with my ex-in-laws.
Hi lonesailor
Let us know how you get on with Families Need Fathers. It could be that she is feeling under a great deal of pressure with your son's illness but if so, you need to work together as parents, even if you separate, to care for your son.
Can you speak to her mum? Is your eldest getting a bit pushed to one side with all the concern over your youngest's illness?
Hi lonesailor
I am wondering how you are? I also wondered if you would be interested in contacting Men's Advice Line on 0808 801 0327 The Men's Advice Line offers emotional support, practical advice and information on a wide range of services for further help and support.
Our focus is to increase the safety of men experiencing abuse (and the safety of their children) and reduce the risk.
Please get back in touch and let us know what is going on for you
Hi lonesailor, welcome to One Space, it sounds as though you are dealing with a lot of issues here.
I would suggest that you speak with Families Need Fathers, so that they can talk you through your options. Their helpline is open Monday to Friday, 6pm to 10pm on 0300 0300 363.
Your children need you to stay strong and you are doing the right thing by trying to sort this out before it gets out of hand.
Do you know where your partner is planning on moving to?