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Here we are in February already! The great news is that the nights are already getting lighter, hurrah! Bring on the spring, that's what I say.
I have enjoyed catching up with all your news.
Skyflower that is fantastic that you are pleased with the report, at last it feels as if you're getting somewhere, how utterly unbearable to have had to wait for that password. As you say, it's not rocket science to do it the other way round!
Sparkling, take it steady, going back to the gym will be good, be kind to yourself. How have things been with regards to work?
PQ a new project, excellent. Sorry to hear that things have been difficult with H, they do need to feel very safe, in fact they like their parents to be as "boring" as possible. I agree with sergiozed, could H write about how she feels? Then her dad could see it. It's good to acknowledge their feelings but at the same time she needs to understand that you're the boss so try not to let her see how upset you feel when she kicks off.
Kiera, happy birthday and I hope you have a good night out with your daughter, my eldest son is also coming this weekend. Glad your son is doing ok.
Hopeful, you sound very busy. I agree that age differences matter less as they get older. My eldest had a girlfriend who was several years younger than himself and he ended up almost parenting her, as in "right it's Tuesday, you need to go to college, here's your packed lunch, you need to go and get the bus now" but she really was very young for her age. It sounds wonderful how your youngest boy is coming along, you have had to deal with a lot from him and for him, what brilliant news! Hope the op date comes through soon.
Anna and Sally hope all has gone well for you this week. Sally, meetings are much enhanced by croissants! Anna are you still doing your sweaty yoga?
My week has been good. I have edited a book about a 19th century woman who learns voodoo skills, eek. My absolute highlight of the week was the book club party, it is such a great group of women, wide age range, loads of banter and we all have an irreverent sense of humour. I will draw a discreet veil over the details but Daniel Craig's little blue swimming trunks featured quite significantly, heh heh. Eldest coming over shortly.
What's everyone up to today?
omg skyflower that is b****y awful. i suffer with depression for a long long time and my x has threatened me his going to go down mental health route but im alot better so he can throw all he wants at me as i have all the professionals behind me im doing really well at the moment lots better being out of the abuse. u must of been so so angry reading that, my heart goes out to u.
Skyflower, you would be surprised how often that reaction is heard, actually. The social worker will have heard that allegation a hundred times, but of course they need to look at the situation and make sure it is just a wild accusation. it is often the worst thing a parent without day to day care can dream up to rock the boat. Your ex has been allowed to throw these allegations around, and yet the SW and other professionals involved with the children think the children are doing OK!
Hello flowers, yes any problems you had will be alleviated as you recover from the abuse, so onwards and upwards!
What has everyone been up to today?
Thank you Louise and Flowers as even though I am so pleased I will have SW back up in Court I also am upset because of his allegations and the way it was put, he has taken everything off me and I am stuck in a terrible position since 3 years and it makes me shell shocked and then, hours later I cry and I start doubting myself, whilst I know what an evil man he is. Somehow I don't get angry, just incredibly sad. How can you want your own children to go into care ?
Had a sleepover last night for my son, didn't get any sleep and neither did they so everyone was tired so instead of hitting town they asked to go to the cinema and we watched mr Peabody.
Skyflower, it is bound to be a real rollercoaster of emotions, even when it is all resolved it will take you some time to process what has happened and it sounds helpful that you are acknowledging the ingredients in the mix: anger, sadness and it sounds like some real disbelief too. As you say, what makes him want the children to go into care? Was the original action designed for him to get full-time care himself or do you think it is all to spite you (with no thought for the children)?
Morning everyone and how are you doing?
Sparkling you are very quiet, how are you feeling?
Skyflower I saw that Peabody film trailer, when I was a little girl (in 1903) There was a series of books about these characters and they were always having campfires and marshmallows I remember. Did your son enjoy the film?
My eldest is here and enjoying his new little car, he picked his brother up from work and went for a ride round town. We are making plans for me to meet his beloved girlfriend later this month, she does seem really nice by all accounts, suppose it will be hard for her to meet the dragon that is her potential mum in law ie me
What is everyone up to today? Hope the weather is not affecting you too badly, we had a terrific storm here last night.
hi everyone thankyou all for birthday messages, had good night got home at 3am, im up and hung all my washing out as its sunny and windy, so cant b tht hungover lol, my little girl not well, full of cold, hope u are ok skyflower x my daughter goes bk uni today, great seein erxx
U are a good person and u love your kids very much skyflower , dont let the likes of your x put doubts into your head . u have people behind u . u stay strong for you especially and your children show yourself u are not a bad person that he is making u out to b. This is what he wants to bring u down so he gets the control over what happens.I m so sorry to hear he gets u like this, my x does as well i have a good private cry shout rant sometime on here he he he then i try and mover on with day and think hes not going to bring me down low to get my kids because this is what he wants.
Hi Louise, how lovely going to meet the girlfriend, have to update us on this!! he he.
Im afriad future girfriends and boyfriends will have to live up to my expectations. !!!!
poor things!!!! We shall probably go to park as only me and t. my daughter and eldest son going out for lunch with nan and gramp . j is at his dads . Weather sunny here at the moment. Enjoy all what ever your day holds.
Guess i should put not all men like this . We just obviously choose the wrong men!!!!
MODERATOR: I edited your previous post at the beginning, flowers. You're right, there are some really good guys out there and all the learning we are doing will help us to choose them! (and hey, our sons will be good guys as they grow up )
Thank you flowers, you are helping me very much. Louise he does not care for the children it is just a tool for him to completely destroy me. He has not phoned the children in 2 years and the phonecalls he did was to set up one child against the other. He calls me to Court to destroy me and I have been investigated now over and over again for the same sections by different people and still it continues. I have had all this done to me last year. The court lets him and it has eaten up all the money available.
hi sky flower how are u, i do feel for u, i av bin thru court, i no my ex only took me court just to cause me as much stress as possible, after 6 weeks of harassment and police involvment he took me court cos i wudnt av him bk, gla dit all bkfired on him, he never bothered with our daughter anyway, all bout control which he now asnt got, they do use thier own kids, b strong hun, it is very hardx
Thank you Kiera I am trying very hard. Yes he hopes I will get a nervous breakdown with it. I am so glad you are safe now, and that you had such a nice birthday with your daughter, so great she came over for you. Is your son still alright with the higher dosage? Poor little one, those noses take ages to recover hope she is not too bothered with sleepless nights.
mr Peabody is a very nice film Louise, even my eldest 13 year old enjoyed it though he won't admit it of course. A son with a car, and a serious girl friend, how quick time goes.
hi hun i no they wud love us to av breakdowns then they can say ur crap mum, b strong hun, if u can, i av broke down few times last yearm, but he asnt broke me, aint gona let him, well my son asnt ad siezure since 13th jan so we wil see, he as to av mri head scan 18th feb, my little girl isnt well she lay on couch with er peppa pig blanket over her,yes ad great night with my eldest daughter, she stil in bed lol, ive hung my washin out at 10am, sunny and windy ere in north west, she got me film purge for my birthday lol not seen it yet x
Glad you had a good birthday, kiera, and fun with your elder daughter. Hope your little one feels better soon.
Skyflower, I did suspect that what was happening was that he was using the children to continue abusive behaviour. You will NOT have a breakdown, you will stay strong with our help and support and it sounds as if the tide has turned in your favour. Great about the film.
Flowers, I won't meet The Girl for about three weeks. You're doing so well to stay strong. Did you get to the park?
I did chicken casserole and dumplings for a late-afternoon meal as eldest was going to back to his little family ie girlfriend and kitten.Watching Dancing on Ice now and maybe a cheeky glass of wine later on, once youngest has gone to his Superbowl event at the club.
Hope you all have an enjoyable and productive week and see you on Saturday!
Loads of hugs skyflower.
I hope you had a great birthday Kiera.
The book sounds good Louise, I'm sure you're enjoying the editing, and the party sounds great. Work is variable. But as I only have to hold our for a day before I have a break, I'm fine. I'm finding that I'm missing my colleague though, and she finds it strange without me. As she doesn't work on a Monday, I only see her one day a week now.
I'm getting business ideas down on paper. And slowly sorting bits and pieces around the house out.
Hi Anna - I hadn't realised that we hadn't spoken yet this year! January usually seems to drag, but this year if flew. And I don't think I've had one quite so challenging for a while.
I'm glad it's February.
I hope everyone is ok...
Thank you for hug Sparkling how are you now as you had such a shock with your neighbour friend and how is it at work ? Am glad you are having ideas about a business to start up yourself xx
Thank you Louise I really need help right now xx
Good morning everyone! I hope that this Monday is good for everyone.
sparklinglime, new month, and today is a new day, the first day of the rest of your life! I am sorry to hear that January was awful, it sounds as though you are finding your feet again. New business ideas, sounds interesting! Great to hear that the house is getting sorted at the same time. This is going to be a good year!
Skyflower, that comment from your ex, that you are a bad mum, is all he can come up with. Nothing specific. My ex did the same thing and yes it hurts, but try and see it for what it is....... ridiculous.
kiera, glad you had a good birthday night out, very impressed you were up early and doing the washing! Did the hangover come later on or did you manage to keep it at bay?!
flowers I hope you and T had a nice time at the park and everyone in your family had a nice Sunday afternoon.
Louise, your book party sounded like fun! Yes I am still doing sweaty yoga, I love it!! I am actually able to see that I am getting better! My body feels stronger and I am able to hold poses for longer.
I have had a good weekend. I have been feeling a bit blue recently but decided that rather than fight it I will just let it be and wait for it to pass. It was my friends birthday at the weekend and I didn't really want to make the effort to go, but I did.....I had a super time, lots of laughs and I am now feeling back to my old self again!
Have a good day whatever you are up to :)
Thank you Anna, its just as the judge wants them in care, as the children are resisting visiting, I am so worried.
I am glad Anna that you are feeling a bit better and that you had a really good time at your friends birthday
Welcome Sergiozed,
I can see you are getting more often online, you must be getting aquainted with us all though is it mostly technical support you do? We are all trying to support each other and I welcome you aboard
Just catching up with you all, it's been a while.
Skyflower I'm so sorry you're going through such rubbish, sending you big hugs. I can't imagine how worried you must be.
Louise, your book club sounds like a lot of fun! I honestly can't ever imagine my sons being old enough to bring girls home but of course it will happen eventually!And fast too.
Hi Flowers, I don't believe we've met, sending hello hugs!
Anna, sorry to hear you've been blue, I'm glad your night out helped. Sometimes the "fake it til you make it" technique really works!
Sparklinglime, congrats on your business ideas! That's very exciting, good for you :)
Having a bit of a slump at the moment, things are so strained with the ex and quite frankly I feel stuck and very frustrated and bored. Really want to do something with my life and change things but just not sure where to start, and I'm struggling a bit with forcing myself to be sociable. I just want to hide away from the world a lot lately. It's ok, I'll be ok, I know my situation could be SO much worse so I shouldn't complain.
Hope you're all having a good week!
Thanks x
Hey Just_Immi good to hear from you ! Thank you for hugs I hope we can help you out of this slump x
,Hi all , Thank you for all lovely messages.Had a very good day.
Glad to went to party Anna. I know how u feeling as i am like that sometimes and really have to push myself, but like u once im there i have good time. Also it helped your mood.x
Hi Skyflower, justice will b done stay strong u are doing amazing . We are all behind u.x
Hi just-immi, nice to meet u ,thank you for your lovely message. I Hope u find that inspiration it will come to u when in a more positive mood . good luck with it.x
Hi everyone.
Where does the time go? Feb already. We're a snotty household at the minute. J was really ill with a cold last week and has decided to share his germs. Feel like my head will explode. Received divorce petition last week. Statement of arrangements for children reads like a work of fiction! It's been filled in with what he wants to happen, not what has actually been agreed. Solicitor has told me not to sign it, even though it is a minor thing, as it points out he is making false statements. Sure that one will go down well.
Me and the new mister are no more. He wanted more than I was wanting to give. I was happy with being friends. He also said I was too independent, which I took as a compliment!
Best get on with this baby blanket I am crocheting, or baby will beat me to it!
Good morning All,
Hope the cold drys up soon so you can feel better looby, who's having the baby?
Hi flowers, how are you this morning?
What are you doing today skyflower? when do you move?
Belated birthday wishes keira, glad you had a good night out.
Hope all is well with you sparkling!
Big Hug just_immi
I had a pretty uneventful weekend, other than having to get a new hoover, what does everyone else thing of the reviews on products online!
Well I had a bit of a cry, last Friday as I received key, as the house was completed, I opened the front door and all the tiles were not done! Therefore the wardrobe was not placed yet nor the washing and drying machine!
What happened was that I had said yes to the tiling done for downstairs utility, kitchen, hall and toilet but that upstairs would be done by another company as they quoted far too much for it. For some reason they thought all was going to be done by the other company.
You couldn't really see the invoice as that just said : sales extra 9000 something and not specified what was what. I am amazed anyway about all the extras you have to buy and are not included including a new doorbell.
Anyway so Friday afternoon after getting the key I returned to the office and all will be done but I need to pay an extra 2000 pounds and they will start next week Monday now, so my car, packed full with new towels bathmaths and other stuff for bathrooms, new bedding etc is still sitting in the car, can't wash them and don't want to put loads of stuff in when so many people are still in and out of the house whilst I am not there.
Hopefully I will move end of next week
Thank you flowers for your always support
Hi Looby, don't know you yet but I hope it will all work out for you x
Hi looby, wow that must be so stressful. I hope it's all dealt with soon. Sorry about the new man - too independent? Definitely a positive thing!
Oh skyflower, when it rains it pours, huh? :( I hope it all gets sorted before too long and it'll all be worth it when you're in your lovely new home!
Sally, thanks for the hugs! as for hoovers.... well I have a Dyson upright and it's alright but I've been told time and again that Henry is the way to go!
Flowers, thank you, I'm hoping so too. Just beginning to try to start drawing and writing again, if nothing else its a more positive use of time than moping around :)
Nothing much to report today... had to go into the bank this morning because my card has been declined everywhere for days, had such bad anxiety going in there, terrified they were going to tell me that my online statement was wrong and actually I had nothing left! Thankfully it was just an automated fraud prevention thing and it's all sorted now. Phew!
Went to toddler group this morning; saw a friend of mine who is in the process of setting up a group here for mothers with postnatal depression and other mental health issues, I've offered to help her with anything she needs, I could have SO done with a group like that when mine were babies - and even now. Luckily when J was little the Children's Centre had a different group on almost every day so was always able to go somewhere for support and it was an absolute godsend. Unfortunately now that the government have cut their budget so much, there is hardly anything any more. It's so worrying to think of how many mums will be struggling alone now. I dread to think where I would have been without all of that help.
Hi all. lovely to see the chat room busy again
just_immi, so glad that the bank thing got sorted, it is sooo stressful wondering where the next penny is going to come from. You said yesterday that you were in a bit of a slump, which is completely understandable with everything that has being going on, hopefully with the bank situation sorted you are feeling a bit better? Remember it is only baby steps that we need to take to make small changes. The group you mentioned sounds great, I hope you are able to get on board?
Skyflower! You have the key! Exciting, yet devastating to find out that there is still work to be done. I am excited for your new towels and bedding though! Such a pity you have to wait another week for the tiling to be done, hold it down, you will soon be in.
Hi Sally, I have a Hoover and swear by them after problems with other makes. As for online reviews, they drive me nuts, I read the good ones and say 'oh yeah, this sounds perfect' then remember to read the not good ones and go 'oh gosh I just don't know' and end up not doing anything for a while!!
Hi Looby (waves) sorry to hear that you are living in Snotville! I hope this passes soon. Sounds like you have a good solicitor on board to help with the divorce petition. It also sounds as though you are ok with the split with mister. Independent women throw your hands up at me - la la la!
flowers I hope your day has been good?
My daughter is in the kitchen with her new sewing machine making an Uhura (Star Trek) outfit that she will wear to a fancy dress party. She has no pattern and is just making it up as she goes along, I am most impressed considering I have little artistic or creative bones in my body!!
Oh and did anyone see the article Send us your Photos!? We want to populate our site with pics of real families rather than expensive looking images that use models. Please help us with our quest!
Have a good evening
Hello everyone.
February already! I can't quite believe it!
The troubles with my girls continue. I had a phone call from A's maths teacher last night as her attitude in class had deteriorated again. When the teacher asked her about it A said she was upset about something but wouldn't say what. The head of year, form teacher, maths teacher, her dad and me are all involved now and I have a horrible feeling she is either making it up or over exaggerating a tiff she's had with a friend! She waz really annoyed when she found out id told her dad! We'd had such a lovely weekend so I don't think it's something that happened at home. I just don't understand her anymore. It makes me feel so sad.
Hi pq, I am sorry to hear the troubles continue. This is such a sticky time, young people are desperately trying to pull away but also crave our attention and support too.
Remember as well though a tiff with friends is never over exaggerated when we are young, it rocks us emotionally as our friends mean everything to us.
I hope you were able to say that you told her dad because you were concerned about her. Do you think 'dad' is some of the problem? Hanging out with dad isn't particularly cool, its the last thing I would have wanted!
What does H say about it all?
I can totally relate that it makes you feel sad, but you are doing a fine job, do not blame yourself. Support her yet continue with your life. One day she will be a 20something and this will all be in the past. My daughter is 19 and we have had some times! But life moves on and they grow (as do we)!
PQ so sorry it keep going like that, I don't know what to say to you to make it a bit lighter it can really work on your nerves, all that. Hope it will get better for you soon.
Saw the new house today, it is starting to look like something there the chap laying the floors, showed me the gaps that still needed doing and I should complain about, he really did me a favour, I am very tired with it all. Have complained about solicitors invoices as well as it is ridiculous what I have been paying for a few letter phone calls.
Do you think they will listen :)
Have a good night all
Just a quick drop in to say Hi to you all, as i did not make it in here yesterday when i was on, my computor froze up and by the time i sorted it i was running late to drop L to school.
Sorry to hear your having problems with A PQ Big hug.
Hope they get the finishing bits done soon skyflower so you can get moved in and start to settle yourself.
Anna your daughters dress sewing skills do sound impressive, you may have to post a picture of it when it is finished.
Hope you all have a good day and it is not so windy where you are today.
Thank you Sally x
Aww skyflower, your face is sad and you haven't done your hair today. Easier said than done, but keep trying and see the positives, rather than dwelling on the things that are going wrong. You are in tough place, but will you have a housewarming party?!
I hope everyone is keeping well, it was absolutely chucking it down nearly all day today, its so nice to have got home after running some errands and getting in a hot bath, hmmmmm, yum!
Yey....its Friday!
The school rang again today to let me know what had happened with A. It turns out to be benign teenage stuff. Friends, boys etc.....but all very important to A. Had a great chat with her this evening, and have built bridges so I'm feeling much happier.
Its very flooded round here. It took me nearly 3 hours to get to work this morning . And there's more to come. Keep safe everyone x
Good morning and I hope the storms have not been too bad for you all
Great to catch up on your news, everyone
Skyflower I was so sad about the work on the house but counting the days now till you can get in and make your fresh start, you deserve the very best of luck in this. DId you get any reply from your enquiry about the solicitors' charges?
PQ yes everything assumes gigantic proportions for teenagers. I have sometimes found it hard to listen to the boys and their worries but it has paid dividends so well done you. Sorry that your work journey has been so hard, what are you doing this weekend?
Looby are you all better now?
Sparkling how has your week been, how are all your "lot" (as you call them)?
Flowers, hello, you are going through a lot but doing really well
Just-immi only a few days before your trip away, how exciting. Good for you with the new group.
Sally it's Dyson for me
Anna, good for you with the sweaty yoga. Hope you have a nice weekend.
My news: big shenanigans with youngest's new girl, she is not over her ex-boyfriend and he just thinks she is not in the right place for a relationship so that's not going ahead. His Superbowl night was a roaring success. Eldest's girlfriend has burned her hand badly and has a massive bandage on it (I have pictures) so he is buttling for her at the moment. I have done more decluttering and had some meetings about work.Also went to book club and we are reading "Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children". A friend of mine has told me that she and her husband of 25 years are splitting up so that was a bit of a shock. Met up with another friend for posh coffee and finally got sorted at the counselling place so that all feels quite good.
What is everyone up to today?
Work was interesting this week. Monday was crazy, but then it usually is. Wednesday was awful though with colleague's husband in. The desk I sit at in the middle with them arguing most of the day. Boss coming in, stirring, colleague snapped at him so he stomped out. That happened twice. Boss's son came in, gave him a job, he felt hard done by so he stomped out. He kicked the entrance door to open it, which must have hurt as it's very heavy and spring loaded
On Monday, colleague's daughter was saying that her Mum was trying to get me in an extra day. After this week I have realised that I am less anxious. I would worry all weekend about what Monday would bring. Now I'm not there on Thursday and Friday, I have no idea what's happening, and so don't get anxious.
So really, that's a positive, I feel! House is looking tidier too!!
My heart goes out to all those who are having to deal with the awful flooding and wind damage with this weather.
Another awful day here. I would have gone to the gym this morning,but would be drenched before I reached the car. I can't park close to the house. Damp does not do me any good, so not really an excuse...
Rugby this afternoon. Although I do need to go out for milk at some point.
Daugher and I out at first aid training tomorrow. That will be challenging as the younger two will be here alone. Not happy, but it has to be done.
I'm glad you've been able to build some bridges pq.
Loads of hugs skyflower. I hope things are moving forward.
The book club sounds good Louise.
I hope everyone is doing ok... Hugs to those who need them - and those who don't, as you can't beat a hug.
Love a hug thanks sparkling. I'm glad you're feeling the benefits of working less. Sometimes it's not until we stop that we realise how bad we felt.
A has gone out with her friend so H and i are going to do some baking. A lemon cake I think.
Good to catch up on your news Louise. Shame about your son's girlfriend. Was she the young one?
No, it's Hopeful's son who has a much younger girlfriend, PQ, my eldest used to as well. Save us a slice of lemon cake, yum yum.
Sparkling that is really great that you feel less anxious, good luck with the first aid. I didn't realise your colleague's husband also worked at your place, the daughter is there as well, sounds like a family outing!
Hope everyone is OK, the rain is lashing down here. My friend who works for the Environment Agency has been sent to the flood areas to help out. Finished reading my book club book and just got a new one in to edit, which is huge so will get on with that shortly. Will still watch The Voice tonight though, heh heh
I have to say I do enjoy The Voice.
Hi everyone,
Thank you so much for all your support, it does make me feel lots better. Today I went to the house and at least bathroom floors are done and look beautiful :) all floors with tiles will be done Monday and I will be phoned back for the hallway which was done by accident with carpet. It is starting to look good. Furniture boys will be dismantled and redelivered in some weeks, at least it will be there eventually, wednesday the boys will get their new beds and then Thursday will be the day.
Still very worried for Monday. No idea what the judge will say.
Louise its so good to hear from you again. How is the editing going, you still like it? Good that your counselling does well and you had a lovely coffee.
No, never heard a thing about my enquiry of solicitors charges, not surprisingly. Luckily I have written to several MP's and I was contacted last week by a McKenzie friend that works for them and will help me with the case and then I can do away with the solicitors and barrister.
I sent the McKenzie friend some of the outgoing letters my solicitors had sent, at first without my knowledge until I requested copies, which were very unhelpful for my case, I might as well have had no representatives. She said she couldn't believe how much money I had paid for this kind of service. This Monday I have already booked the barrister but after this I will change it all and it will be much better for my case. I am so grateful she has taken my case now as then they will have to play it correctly and I will not go entirely bankrupt.
Anna thank you so for your pep talk (and you flowers, sparkling, Sally) you like my hair? :)
aww sounding more positive Skyflower so great to hear. onwards and upwards.x loving the hair!!!! x I like the thought of book club louise. i use to go to one but us girls would talk about the book for half an hour then have a good old natter with a few bottles of wine !!!!. i wish we could all meet up and have our own book club but not posssible.
i dont if other people have lots of single parent groups around them , but i dont seem to find any. Sometimes to nice to meet face to face over a coffee etc.
I enjoy watching the Voice aswell sparkling. alot better with kylie i think this year.
Have a good peaceful day all.
Big hugs for tomorrow Skyflower.x shall b thinking of u.
hi hun ope monday goes well for u i really do, it will,im sure of it, i do understand bout court, it is hard, u seem to b gtetin there thox
Yes Skyflower, we will all be with you in spirit on Monday so let us know how it goes, I am glad you have the new Mackenzie friend on board. It's all looking positive about the house too, let's hope this is a general trend for you now.
Flowers, if there is nothing near you, you could think of starting a coffee group yourself. Have a look at our article here about making new friends and contacts. We did have a book reading thread as well, have a look here. Maybe you could write a post there telling us about some favourite books of yours?
How is everyone today? I kept waking up with the stormy weather. What plans for today?
Thank you so much all !! When I am in there tomorrow I will keep thinking I have really good friends helping me through this. It is just such a very scary place. flowers I will join your coffee group any time yes I wish we could all meet up as everyone is so much fun as well as supportive.
:) I dont like using the smileys on here as when you write long text and use smiley all your text is gone
What channel is the Voice on ?
It is BBC1 on Saturday evenings, Skyflower. You could have a look on i-Player?
How is everyone? Do hope you will have a nice evening. I have made fish pie and it is cooking in the oven.
Happy birthday Kiera, I hope you have a really fun day with your daughter and all and lots of fun presents
and hi Louise, how scary a voodoo book ! It does sound like fun, the book club party
Yes Louise she wrote very very positively about me, but what bothers me a lot and that was on second read really, that he told her that I was a clear mental case, knew nothing about parenting and that the children should be placed into care now as they get then a feel of "normal family life" before it is too late and they end up like me.
Still everyone just considers that a normal reaction apparently.