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So wish i could post a happier post but i'm really having trouble finding my smile this evening and it's now really playin on my mind and i'm about crying
The last couple of days my step dad has really been layin in to me about things and it's now starting to get to me this evening after i made tea we all came in to the front room (as you do) and relaxed just after i put my son in to bed he gets up to make a cup tea, puts kettle on and came back in here so i took it as a cue to pass him my cup cuz thought well if he's making a cup tea then i'll have one too! he took the cup and said "you could get of your fat arse and do it your self you know"
i just looked at my mum who looked at me with the same expresion on our faces as if to say what was that about!
He then came back in here passed me my tea and then sat down (passed mum hers too!) and turned to me and said "you need to get to bed early instead of sitting there looking like a bag of s**t" of which i turned and said "i'v got a head ache cuz i cant wear my glasses at the moment cuz they have a massive scratch down them" ... "why dont you get them fixed then" ...." goin to cost me £120 to get them sorted and so said i cant afford it and i wasnt goin to pay that much when i can buy a new pair for less than that!" and he went on saying that who left them on the side, who put them down for them to get a scratch on them for ... i just turned to him and said actually i took them off one night when i went to bed and when i woke up there was a scratch on them so i havent a clue what happend to them he dosent understand why it costs that much and so said cuz i was working in food i had to get special coatings on my glasses to stop the splashes damaging the glass it's self etc and the fact his only cost him £9 and he said you shouldnt have to pay for yours i said i get a discount not free glasses!
he had another go at me today also cuz i burnt my son's sausages for his dinner today (well not exactly burnt just cought the edges as you do sometimes) he thought it was cuz i put them in the pan and came back in here too the internet and thankfully my mum was down here too and we both layed in to him sayin well actually i wasnt i'd logged of the computer and i was in the kitchen cooking and sorting the rest of my son's dinner out, they burnt cuz i forgot to defrost them before putting them in the pan not cuz i was coming in here.
he's a decent chap 90% of the time so i guess he's just having a 10% moment and took it out on me *he did take it a bit out on me mum too
well i got that rant of my chest now sorry i did say it at the start wish i could post a happier post but i just cant tonight :(
Hi hatz. Your posts are normally so bubbly, so it obviously upset you deeply. I really really hope you're feeling better today. As for your step-dad. I'm not defending him for the way he spoke to you, but we all have our off days, and I guess this was his. Normally, it sounds like you and he have a good relationship. Once things have calmed down a bit, which I'm sure will be today, just have a quiet word with him. Tell him how upset he made you feel. Your Mum obviously saw, so maybe she can also back you up with this.I hope the air is cleared.
How is your son? Is he still loving school?
Take care hatz, and have a good day. What are you up too?
Hello hatz
Sorry you had a rotten evening. Has your step dad ever been like this to you before? If not, then just see how things go today. He could have bee tired out and grumpy and may have some money worries and is conscious of having the family of four to look after. That is not to excuse the way he spoke to you and it would be nice if he apologised for the "bag of s***" remark.
If this has happened before then as the others have said, you need to have a chat with your Mum. Don't expect her to "sort it out" for you as she is stuck in the middle of it all, but maybe she could shed some light on why it is happening and suggest a way forward. A family meeting? Maybe a chat about who does what around the house? he clearly thinks you should do more (which may or may not be a fair comment)
It's always hard trying to get along as what seems to be called these days a "blended family" (that's where a step-parent is involved) and it's all about being respectful to each other, and he does not seem to be, from what you say
(Video link removed by moderator)
watch this it's funny : ) (and quite happy)
Be warned it containes the word d***head a few times.. feel free to remove (You know who you are)
Sending loads of hugs your way hatz, and hope today is a better day.
Thanks everyone, i duno how things are goin to turn out today as he's all ready gone to work before i even got up! so i'v not seen him yet. just got to wait for tonight i guess. i go in with a clear mind not sayin any thing bout what went on last night. but yeh it did really get to me think more so cuz he swore at me more than anything else.
i do try my best with the house but most of it is my mums stuff and i wouldnt know where to put it all! (she dont either so it just gets dumped next to the settee!) what more can i do?? the front room aint finished being decorated yet! ... i dont know how to wall paper! i keep on top of all the animals the washin his mums washin the bath room the toilet room my son's room bout the only room i dont do is mine but i need a skip more than anything! (lived in this room for 20yrs now so got LOADS of things in it from when i was a kid and am a bit of a horder) so what else can i do?? i went out yesterday and pulled the weeds and bits of grass that are growing thru the stones on the front garden i cant do the back garden cuz the mower blew up! lol and as for everything else god knows!
OMG (on the garden note) he turned to me mum and said we need to get rid of that swing in the garden :O thats my son's swing that he gose on a lot of the time and me mum was like why?? and he said well he dont use it and we can turn the whole garden in to a veg plot :O thankfully my mum turned to him and said actually he dose use it he was on it for 2hrs the other day and he loves the swing and we cant get rid of it cuz his unlce brought it him on his birthday! me step dad just said oh right! .... he just dosent see things half the time.
i'm only on the internet when i'v not got my son/he's in bed so he cant complaine about that ... it's my time then so i can do what i want, if i choose not to watch the tv and be on the computer i'm 26 now and sure i'm able to make that decsion my self (the fact that it's always csi ncis csi miami etc that they all ways watch which gets boring after you seen them 10 times over each!) so i come online and play games, socialise, job search so it's not as if i'm doing nothing! (reminds me i'v got to check ebay)
well today i'v got a day to my self so got to pop over to coalville get my son a new drinks bottle for school cuz they dont sell them here! :( and other than that i'm cooking dinner again tonight! so hope it dont turn to another night last night :( hopefully not! sausage and mash tonight! (well he's havin gammon and mash!)
i'm goin to get goin now, thanks for the posts back has cheared me up a bit now :)
Oh! bubblegum one my mates had a friend called richard edward (i'll let you work out his nick name!!!!!!!)
Ok! :) (yes that really is a :) there!!!) i'v found out that theres a job goin in my sons school for lunch time staff :) so just before i go pick my son up i'll be droppin in to then office and having a chat! i know it wont be much really job wise as it's only hr and half a day but least it'll be something if i do get it! so we shall see!
as for my step dad i still dont know why he was like he was that day but there we go he seems to have levled out again well sayin that he was in bed by 8:30 last night and i havent seen him yet today! lol but there we go
well i'm goin to log of really got to find something to do for tea tonight! not sure what yet! lol but it's got to be ready for 6 cuz mum comes home and gose out again on fridays! lol
so shall chat laters xxx
Good luck with the job hatz. School time is so handy.
That sounds good. Fingers crossed!
Also, if stepdad was in bed so early, he must have been shattered, which goes some way to explaining (but certainly not excusing!!!!!!) his behaviour
well i went and enquired about it and they said that they have tempory work avalible as and when! which i can cope with! lol and the lady said it can lead in to pernament (sorry cant spell!) time there so we shall see what happends :) got a CRB form to fill in (not that i'v just done one with another company! lol when are they goin to make these things avalible to travel from 1 work place to another!!!!!!!!!!)
I'll probably never get a sorry from him but there we go! he spoke to me tonight thats all i really need! lol i just look at how happy my mum is now she's happy i'm happy! (90% of the time!)
well we'v got the fair in town this weekend so fun times :) goin to take the monster down late tomorrow so he can see the lights and go on a few rides :) which will cheer him up a bit! lol ... this week we'v come home with 2 bumped head notes, scraped knees and today he had 2 splinters in his hand and he was walking out of his classroom at the end of day and they have to come out a gate which some how swung back at him and hit him in the face! haha! (he's fine!) didnt really have a red mark so am impressed! lol he hates me gettin splinters out his hand so i had to bribe him slightly sayin he can have a propper icecream from the van when it comes round :) which helped him put up with me prodding at splinters! lol ended up cuttin his skin to get to the spliter as it was a tad big to come back out where it went it!
Hi hatz
Glad that things have settled down in your house. I was interested you said about your mum being happier, that fits in with what we were saying about your mum being stuck in the middle. You will have to see how it goes, it is important that he does not keep speaking to you like that.
Good luck with the job. What will the wages be? don't forget that if you are on Income Support you have to declare anything over £20 a week
The fair sounds fun. We have one here twice a year but the rides are very expensive. Your son will enjoy it, it sounds as if he has been in the wars at school with the bumps and grazes and splinters.
Hope you have a lovely weekend.
when i say my mum's happier, she's never been so happy in her life (other than when she had me and me brother of course!) but when she was with my dad she wasnt happy at all and from when i was about 8 they'd pretty much split up but carried on living in the same house together! then when i was just about to do my GCSE's this finely came to ahead and he left, then 4yrs ago (well 5!) she met my step dad and 4yr ago got married and i'v never seen her with such a big smile on her face, happy emotionally, phyisicly, meantally she is just so happy, and i'v never seen her like that so in away i'v had to get use to the NEW mum!
the job i'v been and applyed for it and it's on an as and when needed rota :) which will do for me! lol it can lead on to an every day thing or on to other things so it's all good really :)
yup my son cant wait to go to the fair! lol i keep telling him if you dont do such-a-such you wont go! haha! bless him he's tryin SOOOO hard to be good!!!!!!!! he's doin well so far (just!)
well i'v ended up with the day to me self pretty much! lol parents have gone up to Norfork to buy a landrover and might be there all day/night back tomorrow!! not sure TBH! lol shall see what happends :)
Hi hatz. Hope you have a lovely day quiet day with your son. Must be nice to have the house all to yourselves. Really pleased for you that you'll be working at the school, even if it is only 'if and when'. Well done
lol i'm having a "wonderfull" time! ........................ SO BOARD :( :O i would call a friend over but they all got kids and 90% of them are actually single mums so not really possible! lol
we'v had a really good day together :) and went to the fair he loved it :D made it even more special cuz he did as he was told and stayed right next to me (it's bout the only time our little town becomes a HUGE mass of people! lol) but he stayed right there next to me at all times! :D and then when i told him that i'm down to my last pennies he turned to me and said 1 more ride mummy :) so i said yes 1 more then we;ll get some grub and go home! :D (think he now understands that mummy dosent have the money that she use to have!) so he chose his last ride that he wanted to go on and we got fair grub and walked the mile home! lol looking at my son today on rides was amazing! he wanted to go on all the ones that he's too small for! haha! i say it was amazing cuz this time last yr he had really paddies as soon as i even mentioned about him goin on a ride! he hated them! he wouldnt even go on the ones out side shops! thats how much he hated them! haha! but my brother dragged him on a ride a little while back and thats been it ever since! lol (which is good in one way but now of course he's spending all my money on all the rides he can go on! haha) he's also got the head for heights wanting to go on the helterskelter :) but guess who has to run up and down the steps cuz he's not able to carry the mat up the stairs by him self! haha! so he had 2 gose on that and so it meant i had to run up the staris sat him on the mat and run back down the stairs brought him back up and back down haha! you get me gist!!!!!!!!!! we went on 3 huck-a-ducks, huck-a-bag and chose the numbers! lol so he's done well this yr comeing home with 5 pressies! which of course i ended up carring all the way home while he tucked in to his chocolate dipped apple! lol then when he finsihed that i had a bag of candy floss to munch on lol :)
as with every year when the fair comes it rains! so we got a bit wet so when we got in grabbed him a glass of milk and got him a bath ready so he can warm up and he went to bed at 8 so i might JUST might have a lie in in the morning! lol fed up of gettin up at 7 in the morning! haha! (i know we have to do it to get things ready for school and all that, but i do miss the lie in's on a weds and thrus! lol)
Well i'm guessing my parents are stayin out tonight! lol not heard from them lmao guess there grearing me up for when my son's a teenager and not coming back or phoning thru hahahahahhaa! (i remember my brother goin thru that stage! lol .... i also remember waking up at some point in the night to go loo came down and found my bro huggin the toilet! haha! (he'd fallen asleep!))
well i'm goin to log off for now might have an early night and get in to a nice warm bed! lol ironing day tomorrow WHOOP!!!!!!!!!!! (yeh right! haha) but goin to make some bread up with my son too so that will be fun! hopefully he'll choose what filling he wants in it and all that and he can have some for his lunch boxes for the week :)
Funfair sounded fun Hatz. Great that your son enjoys all the rides. Mine is keen really, (thankgod) Hoping that doesn't change.
Tut. Your Mum not letting you know that she definately not coming home hehehe.
Very impressed that you make your own bread. Am sure your son will have a great time in the kitchen today!!!
I know what you mean about the lie-ins. For some blinking reason, I got up at 7 this morning, C is still sleeping, so it is peaceful here! Enjoy your Sunday.
lol i totally and utterly refused to get out of bed this morning!!! so i switched the tv on and told my son to stop taking the covers off me!!!!!! it was cold and only had a strappy top and pair shorts on! haha! i think he climbed in to my bed at 7 ish (bang went him havin a lie in! haha) and i actually manged to stay in my bed till 9am! haha WHOOP :D
i often make things with my son this week it's bread lol last week we made pizza twists and pizza pies! mainly cuz i can put something extra in his lunch box! i have to say i often CHEAT! lol get the packs that you can just add an egg too or some water! lol makes it a lot easier and i dont have to read the cook book! haha! so we got a pack of bread flour just got to add some water to it! lol goin to do 2 different kinds of breads today one marmite bread and one tomartoe bread! :) so we shall see how it gose!!!
well they deffently didnt come home last night and i'v still not head from them today! .... perhaps they found somewhere else to live! hahahahhahahaha!!!!! i'll prob hear from them when there at the top of the estate sayin put the kettle on! haha
well were snuggled up on the settee at the moment kinda chilly might go find me jumper out the dryer! lol chat laters xxx
Make sure that kettle is on hatz!!! Well, I've managed to do most of my ironing, at least as much as i'm going to do today anyway! Son has friend round, so they are playing schools, (like they don't get enough of it through the week). They are both doing their homework for real, so that is handy, and they are making it more fun for each other. Chicken is in the oven, just need to do the potatoes in a bit. Hopefully, will get a relaxing afternoon.
Hope you two have had fun.
Mmmm, all the cooking sounds lovely.
Hatz the fair sounds brilliant. We went out to Barry island yesterday, they have a bit of a fair there and an absolutly lovely beach (plus some yummy fish and chips), the kids loved it!
well me mum turned up on the door step so i opened the door and said those who go away for the night cant come back in! haha! thankfully she took it as a jk! me step dad was at work till bout 3 when he came home!
Cooking went well and we've got 2 bags of mini cobs (prob more on the lines of Dough balls than cobs! haha) but we got some tomartoe ones and some marmite ones of which me son said to me that he wanted STRONG marmite! haha told him that i thought 1 spoon full was goin to be strong enought! haha! so next time i make them which there will be a next time! :) i'll put 2 in! lol might even put some cheese in the tomartoe ones! lol
aaahhh! school tomorrow :) goin to go hand in my CRB forms to the office too and see what they can offer me :) WHOOP WHOOP! :D
Glad you got youir baking done. At last the wanderers have returned eh?
Fingerts crossed with the job, hatz!
Good luck with that hatz
well i'v been told i got a job lol as to what when where i dont actually know! haha they'll just phone me when they need me lol which i'm happy bout! :) just got to fill in this application form now lol all ready read thru most of it and filled in what i can but then i get stuck on other things! lol
got college things to do tomorrow tryin to get some more qualifications behind me! lol the only thing i'm worried about is the fact that i cant find my certificates any where and i'v turned my room upside down :( looking for them! ... did how ever find a bag of clothes i'd totally forgotten about lol so that was fun! and a couple of long cardies i knew i had but missplaced so i can start wearing them again but for the actuall folder with my certificates in god only knows :( so looks like i'll be tryin to apply for new cetificates at some point! ... i do how ever have a feelin that they could be under my bed in the draws that are right next to the wall that i cant get too! i had enouth trouble gettin the bed in to the space so dont think i'll be gettin it out in such a rush now!
soooooo tired today! did a couple hrs work at my friends cafe today as all her volunteers phoned in or just didnt turn up! lol so as i was over in coalville with nothin to do she'd asked me to help out! :) least i got all my food for free today :D whoop! lol
am goin to head off now busy day tomorrow and not really lookin forward to it as have to do an english and maths assessment :( both not a good subject for me and if it's anything like my last one i did bout 3 months ago i know i'll fail on them both!
ah well! lol
chat soon
Awww. I hopoe the assessments go ok.
I know what it's like to try and find certificates!
Me too! with youngest in particular!
Good luck with the assessments, they are just to see where you are at now so that you can work to the next level, is it called Functional Skills these days?
lol i duno what there called! lol use to be called Key skills when i was last at college back 10yr ago! lol well i never did find my certificates :( but been in touch with main people and they said that it can cost up to £40 after they have searched for, found, printed and posted them all off! lol and they dont actually do a reprint any more they just do a certificate to say that you have these qualifications! lol ah well! as it worked out i didnt actually need them today! i ended up doin 3 maths and 3 english! :( maths level 2 x2 then i did maths level 3 as i was just boarder line on level 2 so they said for me to do level 3 so they could see if i was more 2 or 3! lol the englishs ones i came out at level 2 and after doin 2 of the computer english i then had to do a free writing paper which i HATE with a passion! lol so i ended up writing about my life how i grew up and it kinda turned in to why i want to do the course! and i just kept writing then the last sentance i actually shocked my self as it was so personal and i dont know where it came from but i just wrote "I want to be able to make my parents proud of me, to change my life around and do something that I want to do for a change!" i was just so shocked when that came out that i just put the pen down and kinda said take the paper before i change my mind! lol
I'v handed in the papers for school and said i'v done the best i can on them! lol it's very hard when you dont know what to put or what you'v actually done in the past 5months! lol i'v done work here there and every where it feels like! lol but there we go we shall just see where it lands me! they did say that they'd get in touch as and when they need me so it's a good thing really! lol but when i get my CRB form back they will see that i'v crime free and that i can work with the children and on the papers to the school i put in that i'v done a lot of work with children from my mum bein a childminder to working in a nursery and baby sittin duties! lol so it's all good!
That sounds very hopeful re the job, hatz.
I was interested to hear about that last sentence you wrote in the test, I wonder if that is your secret ambition coming out?
Could well be! i'v never really been able to prove what i can really do to my parents as they'v always come back with some sort of comment back to me and puts me back down again :( so i'v just learnt to play follow my leader type thing. My dad's always said that the only job i'd be able to do is working with horses (back in the day i use to ride horses every weekend!) so i'v always been put down not helped to make my self better in life. when i became pregnant my mum wasnt really happy ... ok yes i wasnt married, i was still kinda young (not as young as some) i wasnt in a relationship as i broke that off when he told me to get rid of it! so in all those ways i did fail but there i am bringing there grandson in to this world and my mum was actually there for me for what felt like once in my life she was there :) so i did name my son after her dad (well it was the plan all along if it was a boy i'd name him after her dad and if it was a girl it would have been named after her mum!) but having my mum with me made it an extra special name for my son. But i still feel as tho she puts me down a lot, it's almost like i have to do 100% and then some just to please her and i do find it very hard some times. I try my best i really do ... at the moment my son's goin thru the "why" stage ... dont do that please... why? and i'd explane and she'd but in No you dont need to say that you just say because I said so! and i just sit there feeling like i'm worthless and i cant do anything right.
I kinda want to find my own place and live my own life but as i'v got no money to my name i'm just not able to do that. i dont get the chance to go out and even try and find someone to even date yet alone settle down with someone. so i'm stuck in a rut with my whole life. Hence i'm goin to college to find a course i can do something i enjoy and some sort of social life to talk about for a change!
We shall see what happends!
Hi hatz, don't let anyone put you down, you are great, and doing a fab job with your son.
Sorry, I can't type anymore, my 8 year old isn't very well, high temperature, and it is now 3.45 in morn, so going to go back to bed now. Yawn
Catch up with your post properly soon
Hello Hatz
No-one has the right to put you down. It's great that you are going to college, yes to get some more qualifications and make a good future for you and your son but also to make the social contacts. Believe in yourself, feel good about where you are at and rush to the future with open arms!!
Hi hatz. I was just wondering if you have your name down for a council flat or something? Perhaps you need to break away from your Mum and step-dad, so they can take a back seat in the up-bringing of your son, as well as your life. Yes, it will be hard at first for you, but you do learn to adjust, and then you'll also get your independence.
As for explaining things to your son, when you get the question 'why'. I have always explained the reasons to my lad. After all, how else will they learn. It's like when he is told 'no', I tell him why I've said 'no'. You're doing great, so stick to your guns with your Mum. I know it is difficult sharing their house and bringing up your son, and having to abide by their rules, but at the end of the day, he is your child. Of course your Mum will have some great tips and stuff along the way, and she's there for you when you need her, but you're an adult, so please don't let them put you down. Going to college will be fantastic for you, meeting new friends etc, and of course coming out with qualifications, so you and your son will have a better life one day. Be proud of yourself.
Thanks :) ... i would love to get me own place but i have no money behind me to suport me so at the moment i have to stay put, when i get a new job i'll be putting my name down as soon as i get my 2nd months wages! lol theres also the point that i have to stay round here as my son's school is just at top of road! lol
I'v got to go talk to my son's teacher tomorrow! he seems to have changed in his behaviour a lot! i know he's started school and what not so it will be different for him but this week he's not eaten all his dinner like he always dose and he's wet the bed (or which ever bed he's in!) every night this week :( so not really happy at the moment. i dont know if someones getting to him, or somethings happaning during break times, or weather its just something thats started to happen again cuz he's started school and he's tryin to get in to the new routeen. so i'm goin to have a quick talk to his teacher and see if she's noticed anything yet. I think the bigest problem i have with my son is that he dosent open up to me ... or any one else really! so i dont know whats goin on at school if someone is pickin on him. so i'v just got to take the plundge and see what she says!
well today i ended up goin out with a mate who's kinda stuck in the houes at the moment as she's got 3 children 2 of which still use buggies and the other when she walks she's in her own world.. dosent even notice things infront of her! so i went and helped her out today :) let her son walk the 1/2 mile to town and up to the family pub at top of street and had dinner then walked back down town and i realised that it was 2:50 and said right! i'll nick this little man and go on the bus to get my son cuz if we walk i'll be very late! lol so i made mr mans day by gettin on a bus! (yes he wasnt bothered bout the fact he was walking round town he was more interested in the bus! haha) so i went and got my son from school and we walked the 5 mins across the field and i let mr mans rains go so he had fun walking across the feild by him self :D hehe! (his mum dosent trust him not to run off! lol so i break the rules with him and let him do these things! haha! (always making sure he dosent go too far or the wrong way! OF COURSE!)) so took him back home and walked back to ours with my son who was tired and kept sayin he wanted to sleep! lol bless him!
any ways will let you know what school teacher says tomorrow about things. and Alisoncam i hope your little one gets better soon xxxx i remember one night where i was up with my son all night i ended up on the phone to nhs and took him down drs the next day and it was a simpol ear infection! (i say simpol lol they never are!!!) so i hope your little one gets better soon and you get some more sleep xxx
Hi hatz. With your son, it could just be the change in schools. Does he seem happy to go in the mornings? Apart from bedwetting, have you noticed other changes in him? Poor little mite. It is a big step for them starting 'big' school. You're right to speak to the teacher though, as it could be something else.
My son goes through lots of bullying (with the same kid each time). I am lucky though, that he does tell me, and then I'm able to go in and sort it. Keep talking to your son, asking simple questions like 'are all the children nice', 'does anyone bother you', 'who do you play with in the playground'.Before my son started school, I used to tell him stories about different things to do with schools, and always included bullies in them, and kept pointing out that if ever he was bothered, that unless he told someone, then nothing could be done.
Kids, they are such a worry aren't they?
Mine is fine now thankyou. Apart from the fact, he has been awake since 5 this morning. One tired boy later I think, hehe. He is looking forward to going to school today though. Let us know how you get on. Take care
Hello hatz
Glad you are going to speak to the teacher. The bed wetting thing could just be that he is more tired from school and sleeping so heavily that he does not wake up in time. My youngest was not dry at night until he was almost six and he is perfectly fit and healthy
Take care
My daughter didn't stop till she was five, it just slowly petered out. She did it again a few weeks ago, she'd fallen asleep on the couch and I carried her upstairs and put her into bed and a while latter when I go in she had wet the bed.
: )
yeh, i had a chat to his teacher and she says from what she sees he's doin fine and by looks of things he's not got a problem with no one else! and his teacher said that it's gettin to the time where theres kids gettin ill and now it's a few weeks in to the school life that there all getting tired as it's catching up with them. i was happy with that and agreed with it cuz it was kinda the things i was comin up with :)picked him up this afternoon and had a quick chat to his teachers and they both said he's fine and fine at dinner times :) so think it's just as simple as tiredness catchin up with them! my son stop wettin the bed few months back now hence i was kinda worried that every night this week part from last night when he scared me half to death banging in to my room!, he had wet the bed. i know things can sometimes reverte back to how they were and everything but i always take it as a something bothering him possibility! (you just never know!)
Any ways! heres something to make you laugh!
Get a good bottle of red wine, open it and leave it to breath! .... if you find it's not breathing give it mouth to mouth resusatation :D haha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'll drink to that, hatz!
It's reassuring that the teacher thinks he is doing fine. So what do you think about the bedwetting thing, I mean in practical terms do you think you want to get him some pull ups, or is it worth "lifting" him out of bed for a wee before you yourself go to sleep (would he get back to sleep ok?) or just see what happens? Children of your son's age respond very well to star charts but if you do one it is important that you make light of it when he doesn't get a star "Never mind, you will get a star another day" so that he doesn't feel bad.
Glad you had a chat with the teacher hatz. Its always good too when you feel reassured about something.
Hope you have a good weekend.
Well as for the bed wettin i dont really want to go back to pull ups cuz it'll be goin back a stage! but on the other hand i cant lift him any more when he's asleep plus our toilet is down stairs so would have to lift him take him down stairs put him on toilet etc and back up stiars and get in him to a bed thats the same hight as my chest and i'm 5'' 10 tall! haha so i think i'm just goin to see what happends! he didnt wee last night so i think it might just have been a few nights where he was in such a deep sleep that he didnt realised or he was dreaming!
he didnt want to leave me this morning :( he was pretty much screaming at me to stay with him :( so i ended up standing in his line and takin him in to his cloak room cuz i knew he wouldnt let me go and school would end up with a difficutlt day with him if i'd have done a runna! the teacher came up to him and grabbed (gently of course)! his arm and said Oh *** who is goin to help us with our computer if you dont stay!? of which his attitude changed right round and he ran in to the class room and was fine! hahahaha! the little bugger! haha! i knew he'd be fine but i just didnt want school to end up with a difficult day!
oooo! i have the weekend to my self! :D no PARENTS! haha! whoop there off again this weekend with the landrovers and caravans till sunday evening whoop!! we got to go to hospital on sunday :) then hopefully we get back in time as theres a show goin on in town so goin to hopefully head down there! will be fun :D
well this time next week i'll hopefully be putting that my son's has been to hospital etc! so close and gettin so scarey now!
I used to hold my eldests hands in the air and march him into reception class some days, and the teacher was good and would come out and take his arms off me.
I'd go back to the car and cry like a baby!
Awww. Hope Sunday goes ok.
Sounds as if you and the teacher were working pretty well together there, hatz.
Yes, the op is coming up, sure you will be glad to get it over and done with.
Have a nice peaceful weekend
The hospital appointment has certainly come around quickly hatz, but it will all be over soon. I'm sure you're getting anxious, only natural of course, we would all be the same. Your son will be fine though.
Another weekend of being on your own, and having the house to yourselves eh? Enjoy it. What goodies are you making? Is the show today or tomorrow?
sure will be glad to get it over and done with! i'v written a list of questions to ask the nurses so i'm hopin to get some answers so i can tell school whats what too! it's the time after the opp that i'm startin to think bout now, they said at first that he will need 2 weeks to recover so dose that mean he'll be off school for the 2 weeks and all that sort of questions so i'm hopin to get some decent answers from them! and i'm hopin that he'll be ok for the 3rd wk in oct cuz were away that week! lol
well today i'v got nothing planned and not even plannin on goin out! (mainly cuz i'v only got bus money for tomorrow and not a lot else! till monday) so it's a day at home and in the garden sorting the animals out!! lol
fun times x
Sorting out little animals here too. They're going to need more bedding as its so chilly!
No little animals here, apart from C that is
...and I have only got one BIG animal (six feet two)
lol what ya like! ... just been watching super human GIANTS and the tallest person in britain now is 7ft 7 tall! :O lol and a girl thats 6ft 10! :O shocking! i thought iwas tall at 5ft 10! lol
aaaaaarrrrrrrrrggggggggggggghhhh it's just hit me that i'v got to go visit the hospital tomorrow to talk to them! well ok it's not just hit me i known it for a while now but you know what i mean! lol 6 days and counting till the day :( :) scarey times!
i'm out of sink with beds at the moment lol was meant to be change day but cuz he weed a few days back it's happend early! lol so now i'm tryin to think when it will now be! lol but prob thrus cuz got to sort his bed out for a high bed to putting the mattres on the floor if he cant limb up the stairs to his bed! so can see a few sleepless nights! but understandable really
i'v got to go make up 2 pack lunches for tomorrow and need to wash my hair and go to the loo lmao!!!!!!!! might actually leave me hair for tomorrow! lol got to be in town for 9 to be able to get the 9:17 bus over to burton and pray that i can use the same ticket all the way on the 2 seprate busses! should be able to!
right goin to go head off now bout fallin sleep at this early hr of the night! lol so strange to be tired at 10!!!! xxx
Good luck at the hospital today, hatz, and hope you get all your questions answered. Let us kinow how you get on.
Hi hatz. Good luck today. Is it like a pre-op assessment thing for your son, like checking his blood pressure, blood, etc?
An early start for you then?
hey there hatz,
I have to say, that I have the same problem with cooking from frozen. It's real annoying, either perfect on outside and frozen inside or perfect inside and burnt on outside, sigh.
Step-dad has an issue with you of some kind. Nothing to do with tea or glasses. Ask your mum what is at the bottom of it maybe? Also, I'm not sure I am comfortable with him being so rude to you. If it looks like becoming a regular thing would look to stop it early and say "why are you being so rude to me?" If he continues then end the conversation and continue it when he has learned some manners.
You deserve some time to do something for yourself, internet is ok, as long as your lad is all sorted.
This is the right place to have a rant. No worries there.
night night :)