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Helo i am writing it for my partner ,after five years of being separated he just got divorce .the first court case was just for divorce and nothing else .now turn for money .When they were together he was the only one working ,he had his own bussines - gym ,which he opened from his own money and than he had another job as a head door man .he was finishing one and going to another one and she just sat home and look after kids .he worked like a camel for years to give them the best life possible .they bought a house too and it was on both names .the bussiness wasnt ,she never put a penny towards it or never help with it .he left the house ,took only part of his clothes and she probably sold the rest of his belongins .they had a very good life ,holidays three four times a year ,both had a nice cars they were separated for five years ,she was applying for divorce and cancelled it a few times before .when they split up she still kept asking for a money so untill about just over a year ago he paid400 pounds a month which she said is for the rent .on the top of this he paid for kids holidays in canada 1000 and everything he could afford .he sold his bussines and for the money got new car ,i mean sold old and put some money on the top and the rest went on the house that hes got back home but the house is on his dads name and on his dads name .he built it from his money and she never put nothing towards it .I have to say she dont work coz shes lazy .she got use to him working and that she didnt have to so even now she does not work but claim benefits so she dont have to pay no money for divorce and selicitor .she is very clever if its going about benefits the financial order came and her statement is umbelievable .she said they took load for the gym together -the truth is he never took any loan in his life ,she said hes having a nice life while he dont pay for kids .he doesnt because hes not working much ,he struggling to pay rent hes in debts ,when he use to have a money his kids had everything from him and just him but now hes just going thru some bad time and he cant afford it .when he gets better he will i know that he will do anything for them .she applied for csa and they said he needs to pay 280 a month for them ,she didnt tell them that hes got another child so it suppose to be less as hes got 3 kids not 2.she put in the financial order that she was a owner of his bussiness to and she always looked after it ,she even said they split up coz he cheated but after that she still looked after it .it is shocking really .than she said in there that they got this massive house abroad ,the one i mentioned before and they built it from their joint funds ,which she again lied about .On the top of that she said that she is got right to it as her son is the main heir ,what about the son hes got with me ? he doesnt have any money at the moment ,no savings ,struggling with bills etc ,she said he sold a bussiness behing her back and she didnt get any money .the rest of the money was going for paying her rent as he didnt have any other income at that time so he spend the rest of it for a living and what ever he had to plus was giving her money while she was claimin housing benefit and he didnt know about it .they paid her full amout .\does anyone know if in this situation he can get legal aid as he dont have a money for selicitor .he still dont work now .What is it gonna happen in this kind of situation ,will he have to pay her some money off for this bussiness ?her name is not on any papers .they funny thing about house abroad ,she cant tell the address of it so how could she built the house with him and not know what is the address. The csa dont take money of him because theres no income .Does any one know what will happen in this kind of situation .i dont understand how somebody can lie like this in their statements .she is so greedy about money that if he gave her a million pounds now she will still want more and more .i wil appriciate some advice please
mhat do u mean why am involved if its my partner ,shes not normal ,its not possible to get on with her ,nobody ever did ,thats the problem .funny question
Hi majorka
Your partner needs some legal advice from a solicitor. Our legal expert services are only available to single parents who have the main day to day care of children.
Click here to search for a solicitor in your area. The law has changed now and unless there was abuse involved in the relationship, she will also have to pay solicitors' fees, even if she is on benefits, for cases started after April this year. He will also have to pay legal fees. The only way for him to get free legal advice is through a Law Centre (click to see....there are only a few around the country so it depends whether you have one near to you) Alternatively he can get in touch with a website which supports parents without the day to day care of the children, such as Families Need Fathers
"mhat do u mean why am involved if its my partner ,shes not normal ,its not possible to get on with her ,nobody ever did ,thats the problem .funny question"
She was NORMAL enough to marry and good enough to be a mother of his kids,
Where ever you partner is, there will be his 2 kids, and where ever those two kids are there mother shall be right by there side!
Its not nice for you to be so horrible about someone's mum.
Especially from there own step mother.
You could ruin his whole chances of having any kind of contact with his kids with a attitude like that.
It would be considered damaging to there childhood.
Have some compassion as a woman that she is going through the hardest thing in her life, A divorce and give her the respect she deserves just as his childrens mother.
Just worry about your own relationship with him, he had a kid while still married to her ofcourse she can clean him out in court.
What leg do you or him have to stand on?
And why does it bother you so much that she gets money to support his kids?
Would you rather they starve?
There are two sides to every story, and for every parent with care who thinks the other parent is not involved enough and does not contribute financially, there is another parent without care who hardly gets to see their beloved children and is "blocked" from that by a parent with care who just wants money. I am not saying any of these types are true, I am just saying that in 12 years of working with separated families, there are many different aspects to the same situation.
In fact, this site is funded to support single parents who have the majority care of their children, and majorka's partner is not in that group so maybe we need to let this lie now.
why are you involved in there divorce?
My advice to you is, let them deal with there own issue's and you just worry about your relationship with him.
You'll be a step mum to his kids so you need to get along with his ex wife.
That is just my opinion.