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This article says that half of children born today will experience parental separation before they are 16. So.....if this affects 50% of children, why is more not done to support lone parent families?
Secondly, the article says that of every £7 spent on family breakdown, only £2 of this is on lone parents. Hmmmm....
Read the article here
I went with my daughter to watch a well known comedienne who is now a lone-parent. She asked during her show if there were any single-parents in the audience - I was tempted to put my hand up, as I was in the front row, but didn't as I was concerned about embarrasing my daughter (she's 16, and was 10 when we left The Git).
After the show, we met up with the comedienne and ended up chatting away for over an hour (she's so lovely). My daughter said to her, very proudly, that her Mum was a single-parent to her and her three brothers. Clearly, she, and I don't think her siblings do either, have a problem with our status of lone-parent family.
We are a family.
'People' like to dramatise these things with titles, and of course use that tar brush to paint those under those 'titles' with.
Thanks, both, some really good input there. Yes, if you want to find a bigoted article, we know the best paper to loook in.....
My point about the lack of support actually leads into what you were saying, ficurnow, in that there can be a stigma attached BUT even this article says it applies to half of all children. That is a bit like saying it is Ok for a stigma to be attached to being a girl (or a boy!)
I love being a single parent too and see it as a positive thing : )
There are a lot of us on here that do!!!
But getting people to accept this seems impossible... Just like people believing that those on benefits even have their utility bills paid
Yes, well I have to say that I blame the newspapers for that. My letters to the Sun about their inaccurate reporting of benefit amounts have been mentioned many times. Most people reading a paper would believe that they had their facts fairly straight.
I don't read newspapers they make me angry they just spread lies and hate. They are not in the business of spreading news they are in the business of selling news papers.
Hear, hear!
I went and read the article - Oh, surprise, surprise, Daily Mail - and what saddened me was that it necessarily saw relationship breakdown as a bad thing. I view single parenthood as a very positive experience - both for me and my girls who have openly said they like the way our family is now (and has been for the past 7 years). They do not have a 'broken home' - they have a very whole and happy home.