Hi Im G, Been Single for 2 years. I miss my x terribly as i totally adored him. I had his baby 10 months ago and she was born with Downs SYndrome, it felt like a punishment at the time.
Now im hoping to get on with my life forfill some of my dreams, make new friends adn enjoy everyday of my life.
I am looking for New friends mainly. I am working on a project to start up a single parents group. I was sexually abused which caused by break up my x feels i was cheating and does not understand i tried to make it stop and i just couldnt. I have been to counciling but it was useless. I feel very alone and isolated.
Hello thesalopgirl
I am sorry you feel so isolated. I am thinkling the sexual abuse happened when you were younger......We are working on a special bit of the website to support people in your situation. I am sad to hear that counselling did not help as it is usually very effective, you may have had the wrong counsellor for you...and also I have to tell you that to recover from sexual abuse can take about a year of counselling so I dont know if you were hoping to see a difference after a shorter time?
There is a fab handbook for survivors of sexual abuse, have a look at it here.
As for the new friends, you have found us now, and have a look here at our article on that very topic.
Have you been given any sources of support or opportunities to talk with other parents about your baby's Downs Syndrome? I do hope so.
Kepp posting, we are here for you
The abuse statrted when i was 13 and carried on until i was 25, i couldnt stop and was worried what would happen if i didnt do things, i was only allowed 6 sessions of counciling, all the counclior did was sit and listen to me talk for 1 hour and then say times up now, i just dont understand how it was supposed to help and it made things worse as it opened up things i just ersed out my head. I was with a very abusive partner before this who raped me and sexually abused me, using Child porn to get excited then take it out on me long story, makes me sick just thinking about it. It hurts me more that i lost the man i loved through it and had to go through having a baby on my own than what actually happened.
I am glad to have found you thank you. As for the Down Syndrome that i am totally at peace with i love my daughter unconditionally. i write a blog about our life as a family and her development. I feel totally blessed to have her and have met some totally wonderful people through having her.
I am sure you are indeed blessed to have your lovely girl
Did you have a look at the handbook link ? It is very good.
If you could bear to have counselling again then this would help you but it would be a long haul so we would need to see if there is somewhere near you that does this either free or very cheaply. Six sessions is ridiculous if you are dealing with what you have been through. If you would like me to investigate local places then make sure your location is in your profile information.....click Your Profile at the top right of the Homepage then click the Edit tab and scroll down to where it asks for your postcode and type this in, anyway tell me if you want me to do this, I will be happy to have a look for you.
Hi thesalopgirl
I'm glad you're enjoying your daughter.
What wonderful goals you have :-)
Hi Lousie
I did look at the link many thanks and yes i would like some help.
My main focus at the momnet though is moving on with my life and achiving goals. I am currently looking into setting up a support group for single parents in my area.
Hi thesalopgirl i think it's great that you are focusing on moving on and getting some help.
Have you had a look at the Grow your Group Course that we have online that looks at setting up your own group and getting funding and all the other aspects of setting up a group click this link to have a look!
Hello and welcome to One Space, there is lots of friendly support and information here, Please feel free to join in any of the threads.
You say you are still struggling with the separation and that must be really hard for you, have you had some support in the way of counselling, or do you have good friends you can talk to about it? It's important to move forward-not that you can turn love off like a tap-but to look after yourself.
Look forward to getting to know you and hope you become a regular visitor