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lucy jewels

hi i am lucy aged 28, a single mummy to my 2 year old daughter who is my universe! the best thing about being a single parent is i cuddle up to my little lady in bed at night time without no man sulking at the side of me!!!!!!!!!!! (bliss)

Posted on: June 12, 2012 - 12:24am
Parenting specialist DoppleMe

Hello lucyjewels

Welcome along to One Space!

I am glad you are enjoying being a mummy. Have a look here for what other people have said about the good aspects of single parenting Smile

You seem to like your daughter being in your bed, we had a chat about this a few weeks ago and everyone had different views. Does she find it hard to settle at night? Do you go to any toddler groups in the daytime? I think that was my lifeline when mine were aged 2!

Posted on: June 12, 2012 - 7:30am


Hi lucy jewels

Good to 'see' you here Smile

Posted on: June 12, 2012 - 8:40pm

Surviving Mommy

Ahh you enjoy your cuddles hun. Best thing in the world hey. How dare a man make us feel guilty for giving our children cuddles. I used to dread it if my son had a nightmare as he'd always end up in my bed and my EX would not be happy! He'd throw it in my face for ages after - infact he still does years later, says I babied him!  How long have you been single Lucy? xx

Posted on: June 12, 2012 - 8:47pm

lucy jewels

hi, thanks for replying, yes i love being a mummy its the best feeling in the world, and as for bed time, we have just shared a bed since she was a baby, ive tried all sorts of techniques to ge ther to stay in her own bed, she will go to bed perfectly in her bed but wakes and says "mummy can i come in your bed i want a cuddle"  i tend to give in to easy lol, we just love our night time cuddles! aww, im not too worried im sure she will want her own space as she gets older and i dont intend on meeting a new partner im staying clear of men for a long time lol! me and my little lady all the way....to infinity and behond! lol (she loves toy story at the moment). i used to go to baby groups etc but i have started part time work and now my daughter goes to nursery 2 afternoons a week, we spend time having fun and crafts at home, with family and friends and save money up for a special trips every month, or weekends away!  i am very lucky to have great parents and friends and an  extra special  well behaved little girl!!

Posted on: June 12, 2012 - 9:01pm

lucy jewels

hi surviving mommy, i ended my6 year relationship with my daughters father when i was 6 months pregnant, he became violent and jealous, best thing i ever did was get rid!!!!!!!!

sounds like you had a pathetic jealous ex too, these men (not all i must say) are so self centred, how can you turn away cuddles from the most precious thing in the world for a moaning man!!!lol cuddles are the best!

how old is your little one and how long you been single?

i would never feel guilty about putting my child first! in any situation, and you shouldnt too!!lol

Posted on: June 12, 2012 - 9:09pm

Surviving Mommy

Hi Lucy  ahh love how you talk about you and your little lady having cuddles ... want to know a secret? My daughter, J, who is 2 comes into my bed every single night too, usually around 3am.  She's not always in the best of moods, quite demanding and angry :( but then when she's lovely she's just an angel. Infact, that sparks a question, are personalities generic?  because her Father was just like that and would flip and lose it. She has such a temper on her throws things at me, spits, hits, kicks etc :( I explain it's wrong especially if she does it to my son, O who is 9. I have to make her understand we don't do that. But am always there for cuddles for her.

I've been single 20 months and 18 days lol. Strangely enough my EX changed when I was pregnant too, things went down hill when I was 3 months pregnant. (He's not my sons father)

Posted on: June 12, 2012 - 9:18pm

lucy jewels

hmmm that is a good question, i think personalities are an idividual thing im not sure, but as a parent you can guide that personality in the right way, good parenting is all is needed!! stability, love, boundaries, care, nurisment, and most off all cuddles lol!!! 

as i work with children also, i tend to find that if children are angry and become aggresive a lot but have a great parent behind them, they maybe frustrated with other things that are issues like  lack of hearing, understanding of things, speech,(can not explain when he or she needs or wants), and good old attention? i guess every child is different and maybe yourlittle girl has a case of the terrible twos??? im quite lucky at the minute(touch wood) maybe i'll get the terrible teens!lol. try a star chart for treats, everyday she doesnt hit,kick,spit or throwthings, she gets a star, and rewarded with a gift after say 20 stars??? im currenlty doing that at the minute with "dj" every day she doesnt cry and scream when im doing her hair she gets a star and a dolly she has seen after 20 stars!lol and its working a treat for a full week shes had no tears at hairbrush time in the morning and nighttime!

men are pathetic aint they haha! well except my dad, hes a great grandad to my"dj" and a brilliant father to me. :) 

Posted on: June 12, 2012 - 9:50pm

Surviving Mommy

Yeah my Dad is ace too, thank goodness my children have a positive male role model in their lives as O's dad was a git too! I must be such a bad judge of character :( or maybe they took advantage of my vunerbility?

Yeah I work with children too :) have done for 18 years now :)  I've only ever worked with one child with a temper like my daughter though. Her tantrums started when she was just 1. Think she must of been picking up on the atmosphere in her home. Good idea about the sticker chart, I might just have to make one tomoz :)  Thank you Lucy :) xx

Posted on: June 12, 2012 - 10:01pm

lucy jewels

enjoy making your star chart, it will work!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol, i must dash, let me know how things go!! speak soon take care! good luck and behappy andenjot your cuddle at 3am!lolxxx

Posted on: June 12, 2012 - 10:07pm

Surviving Mommy

Ok Lucy lovely to talk to you. Have you started one of the courses on the site yet? The Freedom Programme is really good. Was really nice to chat to you tonight, it was my first day posting on this site. (Tantrums and trying to move my life on) Everyone seems so friendly :). Hopefully catch up again very soon. Enjoy your cuddles too xxx

Posted on: June 12, 2012 - 10:20pm

Parenting specialist DoppleMe

Hello ladies

That is an interesting question about personalities. I do believe that characteristics can be inherited. That does not mean that the personality of a child will turn out exactly like its parents.....but maybe tendencies are there. Children who are extra-cross can learn to control this but it is extra-hard work for their parents Cry

There are several methods you can use....the star chart is a great one as it is a "positive" form of discipline, as is Praise (see article), giving the child clear instructions in the first place and also using the "first then method" (see this other article) There is also the Time Out method, where a child has to stay somewhere safe until they have calmed down but if you think that the behaviours come from the upset with her dad then Time Out is not neccessarily a good idea, as you daughter needs cuddles and reassurance. One of the most important things is no matter how cross a child gets, the parent needs to stay calm, but the child must understand that spitting and kicking are not acceptable.

I do hope you will both enjoy using the site, there is loads of information and support. I am sorry to hear that you have both had such negative experiences of men. Most men are certainly not like this and we have some fab dads on this site too Smile

Posted on: June 13, 2012 - 7:05am