Hi There, i have just joined this site today on my mums recomendation thinking it will be good for me. i have just sepereated from my husband, we have been married 9 years, together for 15. we have four beautiful children together, we have not had the happiest marraige and have been on off for a number of years, i love him for being the father of my children but i am not in love with him anymore. He still loves me and sent me texts saying he wants us to get back together, we have been sepereated for 6 weeks and i have met someone else, he makes me feel wonderful, he treats me like a princesa and we have just clicked, my husband knows and has gone mental saying do i have no respect for him or our marraige, he has been very verbal to me infront of our children which i cant stand, although this new person is very soon and i am taking things very slowly, am i in the wrong?? i have no help at the moment from tax credits as my husband name is still on the property and his bank statements etc come here, tax credit said they will not pay me anything as it appears on paper im not a single parent, i have no money coming in, bills piling up around me, no food in the house, kids go back to school soon and i cant get them uniform, the ex is giving me small handouts here and there but i cant live like this, i am actually at the end of everything, i dont know which way to turn and at such a low eb in my life find myself asking is this all worth it. sorry for sounding out, i just have no one to really talk to to open up. am i making the wrong decisions for myself and my children, im soon to be homeless as my landlady wants the house back and i cant rent privately as i have no money for the deposit and advanced rent, please advise me someone please xxx
Hello clareypoohs
Welcome to One Space!
If you have at least one child under five and you are not working then you will be entitled to claim Income Support and Child Tax Credits. if you are about to have to move house then that will solve the problem of your husband's name still being on everything.
At this stage, I would suggest you have a look at this website and start off your application.
You can also email our Housing Expert for advice by clicking here
The other thing you need is legal advice, ultimately you will need to find a local solicitor but if you have immediate legsl questions then do also email our Legal Expert here.
Your children's father needs to pay you a certain percentage of his income, have a look here for details.
As for your new relatonship, it is indeed very early days so it is good you are taking things very slowly. Sorry that this seems like a long list but there is a lot to think about right now and ignoring it isn't helpful, just try tackling one thing at a time, I would say the benefit application is the first thing to do.