hi everyone i am new here.... i have just started out as a single parent i am lovin every second of it but i am just feeling a little lonely too..
hi delbert just wanted 2 say hi and i hope you are well,yes it can be lonely i have been a single parent for 8 years and even when my sons dad was around he wasnt any use so i guess i could say i have been a single mum from day one so thats 12 years,i am sure you are doing a great job!.
Hi delbert, welcome to One Space
You are among friends here and hopefully we can alleviate your loneliness if only virtually in the first instance.
It is great to hear that you are loving being a single parent, but it can get lonely when you only have a child to converse with!
I started volunteering when my daughter was small, I didn't really want to at first, I wasn't happy with the idea of working and not getting paid, but it was the start of things that helped start to change my life. I was around adults, having adult conversations and being recognised for skills other than motherhood!
How many children do you have and how old are they? Do you have friends and family around you? Do you manage to get out at all?