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The Headmaster came up to me this morning, and said I have an interview for next Wednesday 2pm. OMG, cannot believe it. I'm all in a dither now, not had an interview for years, so am going to be a bag of nerves. Going to research some questions and answers, and also ask my friend, ex Headteacher, so I can be as prepared as possible.
Any feedback from you lovely lot would be great too.
Thankyou for those tips Hopeful. xx
Great tips, Hopeful
TRUMPET FANFARE, well done for getting the interview, HOORAY WITH JAM ON IT!!!
Have you got an interview outfit?
Adding to Hopeful's tips, I would recommend looking at the person spec. Have a think about how you can demonstrate that you can meet each one. There will probably be a question along the lines of "why do you want this job or why are you right person for the job?" For example if the spec says "must be able to relate to children" then make sure you include in your reply something like "I get on really well with the children, as can be seen by my volunteering record here"
If there is anything in the person spec that you think you do NOT meet, after you have had a look. then post about it here and I will do my best to think of a good phrase for you to use about it
Louise, I didn't get anything with the job description on Shall pop into the staff room and see if the notice is still on the board tomorrow. Nothing was attached to the application either. Oh No!!!
You could ask for one, they really should have given you one
Congratulations Hazeleyes!
I agree with Hopeful, have a couple of questions up your sleeve, so at the end when they ask, do you have any questions, you don't look around and squirm!
If they have already answered your questions, be bright and breezy and let them know that you did have, but they have been answered during the interview, tell them that the job sounds really interesting and you are looking forward to hearing back from them Oh and thank them for their time.
If you don't understand one of the questions - ASK them to explain it further.
Ooh I am very excited for you, well done you!
Awww thankyou, I am bricking it though hehe. Picked up the Person Spec today. I guess what is in my favour (I think) is that for Experience, it just says experience prefered for primary/middle school, so I do have that.
Was thinking of firstly telling them that I am nervous, as I haven't had interview in long time.
I feel that I had a very good rapport with the children, and they with me
The children always seemed eager to come out to me, for reading, times tables.
Worked well within the classroom, and had positive feedback from the teacher and TA.
TA often commented that she could see an improvement with the kids in the reading levels.
As well as having experience of being a full time mum, I've also had experience with being a child-minder, though many years ago.
How's that?
Does anyone know if I would be given some sort of test? If so, that'll defo freak me out, so I'm going to say I don't have my glasses with me lol.
My questions to them. What do they think I could offer to the school? (Is that ok)
Hopeful's one of Why did you pick me for an interview?
Well done hazel eyes that is great news its understandable you would be nervous,you should be really proud of yourself,just be yourself and im sure itl be fine x
Don't tell them you're nervous. Excited is better - Nervous is negative. :-)
Thankyou elle
Hopeful, I just thought maybe if I explained I was nervy, then if I slipped up on something silly, they'd take nerves into account. Thankyou though for taking time to read this thread. You have loads going on so I do appreciate your input.
Personallly, I think they might ask you what you can bring to the school...
My answer Sparkliing, would be meeeeeeeeeeeeee. Hehe.
I picked up a letter yesterday, as I'd asked for one to confirm I had an interview, so I could take it to JC on Monday, hopefully to claim a voucher for some clothing. Anyhow, on the letter it states that I will be required to perform a short task. Any ideas folks on what this could be? If I was bricking it before, then it's more than doubled now
It will obviously be to sing an aria from an opera of your choice, while standing on your head....
Heck, let's be serious...something related to the prospective job....I wonder if it will be something like the preparation of materials for the children, to a brief, for example you might be asked to get a shapes task ready for 6 children and you will be expected to get the table ready, make sure there are 7 chairs there, scissors, glue, paper etc OR it might be an admin thing like updating the reading record for a group of children....You will be fine with what they ask, I know you will.
Stuff needed to make a Christmas card, maybe a shakey thing.
If its practical, while I may not have much imagination, the Scout site does have and they've got all age groups there.
I think, as they know you, they'll be enjoying seeing how you are seeing the Head laughed...
you can bring your patience and determination to see those who are poor achievers reach the best of their ability (or something like that. Head seems numb nowadays with stuff!).
Aww thankyou for the tips etc. Sparkling, your head will never be numb
It is. I think and it's just blank. Probably always has been! Just sometimes I notice
I'm not feeling at all positive about Wednesday. I have been researching lots, but still not confident. The task is worrying me now too. I've been on a TA site, and from their previous posts, all those that did tasks were told beforehand what task it would be, ie, reading, writing, etc. I've not been told a thing, which is worrying me. I need to be confident when I walk through the Head's door, and I know I won't be.
Aww hazeleyes, it is just because you have been out of the world of work for a little while and don't realise what fab skills you have. Society does not give the status to full time parenthood that it should and how many times have you heard a woman say (whether partnered or not) "Me? i am just a stay at home mum"? I remember before I was a mum I worked in London, in the City, and I had a pin striped skirt suit () and I was treated with general respect. Fast forward a few months and I had moved up north and there I was, pushing a pram through the town and was literally elbowed out the way by three pin-striped blokes who were clearly on a visit. It really made me think that suddenly I did not command the same respect. That's wrong: i was doing something far more important in the second scenario!
Try to think of the interview as another "experience". Hopefully you will get the job but even if you don't, what you WILL get is recent interview experience, that's very valuable in itself. Personally I think the Head etc are really hoping you will get the job too, they know you, and the children like you...two big hurdles jumped over already.
I will be keeping EVERYTHING crossed for you on Wednesday, I am so excited for you!
Awww thankyou Louise. If it was another school, where the staff didn't know me, I don't think I'd be as nervous. Just the fact, if I fail this, they'd all know, if you see what I mean. I showed my friend the letter about the task, as she is of the opinion that it was purely a letter for the JC. Her daughter has just qualified as a teacher, she had a task to do, but she was told in advance, so she could prepare something. My friend did say however that if I'm asked to do something, then it would be something like hearing a child read, helping them to pronounce or whatever. Like you Louise, she's also said that because they know me, and the SENCO actually made me aware of the position that was going (and she didn't have too), then she feels I'm half way there too.
The questions to me are worrying too, and hoping that I'll even know what they are taking about!!! That would be a start wouldn't it hehe. If I don't understand anything (as I'm thick) I'll ask them to explain a bit further. I could also offer to buy them a cuppa hehe.
Or even a 3 course meal he he, joking aside i think you are halfway there Hazeleyes, obviously you are nervous because you really want this and perhaps they will see that too!! You know the children, the school, the staff and you know the children like you so they will see that too. Im sure you will be fine, thinking of you, oh with the voucher thingy how about telling the job centre you have nothing to wear and this job is really important to you , they could either give you a going back to ork payment or even a crisis loan!! Just an idea xx
Shall have to take my pinnie in then for the serving of tea and a meal, have to look the part eh, hehe.
Okay, more stuff that need help with (sorry)
If I'm asked, What are the advantages and disadvantages of working one to one with a child? What should my answer be to this? Advantages, I would say, that the child gets more time, as rather than working with a group, my attention is focused solely on him/her. What about disadvantages?????
trying hard, I was given a bit of paper for Dorothy Perkins, total of £60. It states on there that £20 trousers, £20 skirt, and £20 for top. I think the amount is great. Normally I don't shop in DP, perhaps because of the prices, but the woman did say for Primark too. Then she said she'd issue it for DP. I found her extremely kind, (considering she works for JC, hehe)
Oooh another question I've found on the teachers forum.
How do you think you could bring out the best in the child?
My answer: Encouraging them, lots of praise as children thrive on this. Taking an interest in the child, not just to do with school work, but also his likes/dislikes/hobbies etc
By the end of today, I'm going to be flooding this thread with stuff lol
Thats great Hazeleyes at least you can go and find something that you can feel comfy in, we all feel great in something new, happy shopping!!!!
Yes, re bringing out the best in a child! plus I would say using active listening skills, such as eye contact, acknowleding what the child has said, nodding etc.
Disadvantages of one to one......erm not many spring to mind. How about having to make sure a child is not singled out as "needing a lot of help" which could lead to peer teasing? and making sure all children get a fair amount of attention and teacher/teacher's assistant input?
Brilliant answer Louise (as always) thankyou. Am busy busy busy with notebook and pen.
I don't obviously want to keep referring to the paper, but it's just if they ask me a question, and I know i've written it down, then perhaps I could use it. Just picture me, 'interviewer' Blah, blah, blah 'me' reading down my many list of questions and answers. 'hold on, i know i've that written down somewhere'.
hazeleyes, as everyone else has said and I want to re-iterate it too, you will be fine. It is very impressive all the work you are doing for this interview. Well done!
If you are stuck for a question to ask them, how about if you feel that you answered a question badly, or was unsure of the answer, ask them the same question ie: What do you envisage as the disadvantages of working one2one with a child is? (smile sweetly ) Then it shows that you want to learn and that you have been listening!
Now tomorrow mustn't all be about the interview, what else do you have planned? a little treat for you and C perhaps after school?
Will be thinking of you and keeping my eyes peeled to this thread to hear how it goes. When you walk into the interview room imagine us all piling in with you! Louise, sparklinglime, Trying Hard, hopeful, elle81, the lot of us, that should put a smile on your face and hopefully give you some confidence. Remember you know this job as you are doing it already
Thinking of you for tomorrow hazeleyes...Good luck!
Excellent idea Anna, imagining all of you in there with me. Thankyou mich and Anna for the good wishes.
I'm truely a bag of nerves. I keep telling myself that I'll be fine, but.......
Will let you know how it goes tomorrow. Thankyou everyone. xxx
Thinking of you for tomorrow!!!! xxx
Thinking of you for tomorrow!!!! xxx
Me too.
You lot are soooo nice. Thankyou Hopeful and Sparkling
Despite me taking half a sleeping tablet, I'm still awake at this ungodly hour!! Right, I spoke to my friend's mum (ex teacher, now a supply) and my friend rang me (ex Head), and both have given very different ideas of the interview, which has confused, and yes, freaked me out even more. My friend goes into absolutely everything (no kidding). Last week, I told her I would taking a notebook in, and I had asked the Head, she said, 'Yes, you're allowed to do this'. Last night, I was saying that I didn't know really what to jot down as I didn't want to keep having to refer to it, and now she's saying it really wouldn't look good, but just take the notebook in and take down notes!!!!
I actually feel back to square one now, and not knowing. Friends mum said I wouldn't hear for a while, and my friend said, I would normally hear by the same day. So as my interview is at 2pm, I should receive a call this afternoon, but sometimes not, if I didn't get it. I'll have to go with the flow as they say hehe.
Now, do you see why everything is confusing to me lol
Yes sometimes too much advice can be confusing!
By all means take the notebook but don't refer to it too often, the most important things you are taking into the interview are:
Your LOVELY self, and
All of us (I love that idea)
Good luck
Hi Hazeleyes just wanted to wish you a BIG GOOD LUCK and a BIG HUG for today hope you are ok and dont let those nerves get the better of you YOU CAN DO IT !!!!
Thinking of you xxx
Hi hazeleyes
Have only just read this thread and realised that your interview is about now! wished i had read it before.
I am a Govenor at my childrens school and regularly am involved interviewing, so it's probably to late to offer any advice. I hope that all has gone well and that you get the job. Lets us now how it went?
I have just read the Chat room thread and saw that you got the job. Brilliant news! I am thrilled for you.
I've been distracted a lot by my own stuff so haven't been here...
Brilliant and well done!!!!!!!!
I knew you had it in you! :-) xxxx
A big thankyou to you all. I don't think without the encouragement and support from everyone here, that I would have really gone through with it. Have to admit, that even until 10 mins before the interview, I could easily have bottled out. It's a wonder I have any nails left hehe.
I'm now on day 3, and I'm so tired, but I need to give myself time to adjust to it all. On Monday, after being there a full day, I could have cried once i got home. Yesterday wasn't as bad as the other TA was there, and again today, so I felt like I had more support. C is proud of me, which also makes me feel 10 feet tall. I don't see him in the school, as I'm on the other side, so it would really only be in passing, but he's okay with this. Nothing has changed at home for us, although I'm obviously more tired trying to keep on top of things, but I'm managing. Focusing this week on just dishes, dinners, washing, and keeping tabs on C's reading and homework.
Have to say I've noticed my Friday friend has drifted slightly from me, which is upsetting. She is now 'in' with another mum, and yesterday told me she wouldn't be here on Friday. Will see what happens on this one though.
I'm so sorry that you're Friday friend isn't coming. When things settle, I hope she will too.
Big changes all around. Sad she doesn't seem able to support you...
It's sad when relationships change, isn't it? But you now have the opportunity to make some new friends as well, now that you will be at the school more.
Something really good I read about relationships and people coming and going: here
That was sent to me when Jill died, and it really did - and still does - make such sense...
Will look at that after, thankyou. Got to go to Iceland now before school, as neighbour needs cheese, so am giving her mine, and I'll get another.
My bed is calling me for a snuggle!!!
Hi hazeleyes
You have now done your first week and well into the second! Well done! It does take time to get used to, it is surprising how quickly you will settle in to your new routine. I worked part time for a long time, then moved to full, I didn't know how I would manage it, but I did and now it is normal!
Its a bit like when you have a baby, you wonder how you will ever cope with the 3 hourly feeds, but you do!
The article about friendships was great, the most important thing I thought, was that its not our fault.
When I started working here at SPAN after working as a dinner lady, I lost a couple of friends, I think that they wanted to stay in their safe cocoon of benefits and moaning. In the long run and after reading that article, I can now value their friendship for what it was, I needed them at that time and now I have other friends who fulfil me in a much more empowering way.
Keep our chin up and keep asking for what you want/ need in your life, surprisingly we often get what we ask for!
I hope you are well
Hi Hazeleyes,
what is always good in interviews is, if you have any questions for the person interviewing you. I once stopped the interviewer in his tracks by asking him why he'd picked me to interview and that clinched me the job!
Also know the job you're being interviewed for and show them how you would deal with potential challenges. Say some good stuff about the school, eg you've heard the children there are generally happy, you've met some staff and found them very caring but at the same time professional. Stuff like that.
Hope that helps! :-)
And well done for getting the interview in the first place!