Hi there...i'm new to this forum. have been divorced for quite a long time but with 2 teenagers on my own i'm feeling lonely. The kids keep me busy but since the divorce i have lost all my friends. The group of friends we had as a couple are no longer my friends...they're his friends now, So now i'm left with no one, even tho i've done nothing wrong and it wasnt my fault about the separation, my ex has told everyone lies so everyone stayed his friend. He always was such a great manipulater. I put up with it for 16yrs but eventually i just couldnt take any more.
Now im left with no relationship and no friends...it hard to cope with
Hello shazza2012
Welcome to One Space!
It is something that happens quite a lot, that as our relationship goes, so do most of our friends, my own experience was not that they stayed friends with him but just that I was suddenly in a different "category", if that makes sense? Hard to start again but is CAN be done and this time you will make friends that like you for YOU and not because you are part of a cosy couple.
How old are your children? Do you work? Have a look at out article about making new friends (click to see) as a starting point. There is lots of company on here too
i have a boy 17yrs and girl 15.....have had soo much trouble with them not going to school. My son didnt go for over a year but now hes in year 14 he usually goes to school. Now though my daughter is year 12 and has started missing school at least 1 day a week!!
i work full time but have just had an operation a week ago so am off work for a couple of weeks....really wish i was back at work...it even more depressing being stuck at home ( not allowed to drive for 2 weeks) and cant even go out
Hi shazza2012
I lost a few friends with the divorce - some I was surprised at, one in particular made me realise how thick I was
I'm sorry you're having problems getting your children to go to school. Is there any reason they don't want to go?
I hope you're making a good recovery and have your feet up
Hi shazza2012 and welcome to One Space from me too
Sorry to hear your having problems with your children going to school, this is a diffcult age, there can be alot of expectations of young people these day's.
I hope the operation was nothing to major and that your recovering well, your right being stuck at home can be a trial, i get cabin fever after about three days.
Could you invite some people from work over for a coffee? what about your family, do they live nearby?
Hi Shazza2012
Know its hard when you go through a divorce my Nisi went through on thursday but we have been seperated for nearly 4 years. My ex manipulated my friends when we split up but luckily they saw through him but still feel betrayed by them and as you can imagine not so good friends anymore but I keep in contact with them as I don't really have anyone else :-( Sorry to hear about the kids not going to school I have a 12 yr old and i'm lucky cause she seems to be not bothered about going to school she sees it as a socialisation thing. Hope the op went well and you are recovering.
Hi Shazza2012 welcome to One Space from me
What is going on for your children? Why are they missing school? Does their father have much contact with them?
You must be feeling exhausted trying to deal with both of them and recover from your operation, are you back in work this week or next?
Hi Cld287 and welcome to you too! How do you feel sine the divorce? You are at a new starting point in your life. Often our friends change as we do, we need/want different things from people. You say that you feel betrayed by some friends because they were manipulated by your ex. Don't be too hard on them, they weren't to know. Are you in a position to meet new people?