Parenting specialist DoppleMe

A Fair Society for Families?


Three million children are being brought up in a single parent household, nearly a quarter of all families, with over 90% headed by women. Already these families are struggling with 52% of their children living in poverty.

How will they fare in these challenging times given the dramatic cuts in government expenditure? Participants will join roundtables to share grassroots thinking on the future impact of cuts, new policies and Big Society initiatives on family life, vulnerable employment, benefits, childcare, training and education, housing and communities.

Speakers will examine latest government policies including the emergency budget and welfare reform. They will highlight how any unequal impact on families in poverty can be challenged using existing gender equality, sex discrimination and child poverty legislation. Together we will explore how we can work together to achieve a fairer society for low income families.

Attendees will include single parents, family and parenting projects, children’s centres, learning and welfare delivery providers, advice agencies, housing specialists, organisations and researchers working on family poverty, equality issues and community empowerment.

Please join us and have your voice heard, this is a great chance to come and meet the team too!


Registration Form


Posted on: September 10, 2010 - 11:41am

That really does sound like it will be a good day.

I really do hope there will be a good number shouting support for those, like me, in receipt of income support.  Smile  I still think there are rules that need to be revoked. 

Posted on: September 10, 2010 - 1:15pm