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My son ahead 6 last week went on camp with school he took a brand new suitcase and waterproof jacket and both came back broke he also lost his wellies. Today he's been on a day trip and has lost his school jumper, lunch bag and a brand new drinks bottle. He also came off the coach in wet clothes having wet himself before he got on the coach to come home. To be honest I'm rather peeved and and made a bit of a fuss at school which maybe wasn't the right thing to do. Is this just me or would others be annoyed to. Sorry to rant but just needed to get it off my chest
He's big enough to go away with school but surely they should be responsible to keep an eye on his stuff surely. I'm not wishing his childhood away just giving him the chance to experience new things
Abigails Nana - I would suggest that's why she's annoyed? Presumably if the school are taking children away they need to help them keep track of their stuff?
Posted twice :-(
Zippy - I must have just posted this at the same time as your comment.
I'm new to this school stuff but I would think maybe this is a sign we should not send our kids off with new stuff? :-) I will learn from your experience and hit the second hand shops when it's my turn!!
I'm shocked they had him sit in wet clothes all the way home but then I don't know the circumstances.
My LO is 5 and he has only been on a day trip. Everything came back okay. I would certainly be disappointed if things were lost or broken. I presume the jumper is named? Hopefully it will turn up soon.
As a kid I would lose everything that wasn't attached to me and sometimes things that were! My 5 year old is very aware of things and takes responsibility really well for his stuff much more than I even did at 10. Is your son usually quite good at keeping track of his belongings?
Hi Gem I wouldn't normally send him with brand new stuff it was just that his waterproofs happened to be new had had them ages as got loads of sizes in a sale years ago as we often camp and find them mega helpful but he'd not used this size yet, he didn't have a suitcase suitable to take so had to send a new one and his last drinks bottle was lost at school which was why he'd had to have a new one. I dont blame you for saying you'll hit the second hand shops :-)
Apparently he'd told his teacher but she claims he hadn't so who knows???
All his stuff is named and in the past stuff has come back fine think I'm just peeved coz its stuff that will cost £60 to replace with identicle items :-(
He's normally quite good with his stuff but then I guess thats coz I threaten to leave stuff if he doesnt remember to take it and I think he thinks school works differently.
Zippy x
Hi Zippy,
A is awful at taking responsibility for her belongings no matter where she is - to the point that she does loose things there are occasions whern I've made her pay for replacements from her pocket money.
I understand your annoyance with school - £60 is a lot for any one to find, especially at the moment. I hope all the mislaid items are returned soon; in the meantime, now that your anger may have subsided a little have you thought about writing a letter to school regarding the traveling in wet clothes issue? I would want to know why they thought this was acceptable (and surely somebody noticed - and if not, why not!)
Hi Mary school have given me two second hand jumpers which I guess is better than nothing but I'm still not very happy about it. Don't know what to do about the wet clothes issue kind of feel as though I can't say anything further due to the fact that I kicked off at school the day it happened. Looks like ill probably just leave it for now and see if they say anything further and will just say something if it happens again
You're entitled not to feel happy about the situation - I'd have been furious too.
I appreciate that you don't want to take the issue any further. If anything similar takes place, feel free to run it by us on the boards if you want another opinion or 3.
M x
Thanks Mary
Hello just sticking my nose in here. I really sympathise with you, zippy,my youngest was the WORST for losing things, and still is (at 18) As he has grown older, like Mary I have made him pay to replace things eg keys but obviously your son doesn't have £60 any more than you have at the moment.
There is certainly a lesson to take forward about only sending him with old stuff but I lost track of the number of lost school sweatshirts....they were always named and I used to think surely when another mum washes the shirt she will notice it says another name in it? and then when this didn't happen I thought does this mean the child never has his stuff washed or has someone actually unpicked the name tape?
Re the wet clothes, you need to emphasise to him before the next trip about going to the loo, but although it seems awful they did not notice, in a coachful of writhing six year olds it is easy to overlook things.
Definitely nothing new on a trip in future. Have you got a uniform shop at school? have you any friends with a slightly bigger child so you could get things like wellies passed down? (even if you give them a couple of quid towards a bigger pair?) Look out on your travels for an old bag you could buy ready for next time.
I totally agree that it is annoying and frustrating and my experience always was that my son's teachers had little perception of the tight budgets some of we parents have.
Hi Louise thanks for your input. I'm going to try and avoid the new stuff next time as much as possible. I do make him buy some new stuff out of money that he gets from grandparents but yes you are right he certainly doesn't have £60. Unfortunately l's older friends that could pass stuff down are girls hes the oldest boy in our group of friends. As for the wet clothes as I said to Mary going to leave it and see how things go in the future.
Your son is fsr too young to be going off on trips how can you expect s six yesr old to ge responsible for his own luggage he's still a baby for gods sske plesse don't wish your childs childhood awsy