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We have a winner of our latest Evaluation Prize Draw. Using the True Random Number Generator from to find a winner of our recent evaluation draw. It came up with number 89.
Please check your emails (and junk mail) to see if you are the winner of the £100 High Street Vouchers!!
When we have confirmation that the winner is happy to be announced, I will share that info here.
PLEASE NOTE: If we do not hear from the winner by Monday 7th April 2014, we will redraw.
Oh well done Kerry!
Thank you We were all really pleased to have won. This week, with kids off school we have managed to select some new Spring/summer clothes. Guilt free shopping is great ha ha! Just need some nice weather now
Congratulations on your win, glad you were able to do some guilt free shopping with it
Our winner is Kerry from Ellesmere Port!
Kerry tell us what you will be spending your vouchers on, we are dying to hear!