Hi everyone my name is barbara, and i feel like i have been through the mill for the last 2 years, as im sure most off us have :-(
Me and my ex split 2 years ago, then we got back together for a couple of months, bearing in mind we have been together for 22 years, anyway he moved in to his own place, he was just renting, but he left me with £55.000 morgage, and i have been paying the morgage for the last 2 and half years, he tried to claim his share, but he only persued it when he was not working, so he could get legal aid, then he starting working, self employed, so he could dodge csa, he owes me £1,100 back money csa and will not pay it, he is getting married in 4 weeks, and im really worried that when he does marry, and then he dies his new wife will inherate half my home!!! i cant buy him out because my home was valued at £60.00/ £65,000 our morgage is for £54.00 he owes me csa money and there is a charging order on the house for a car loan he owes, solictors fees, there would be nothing left for him he would probly owe me money as i have been paying half his share for over 2 years, please has anyone got any ideas i can do i feel really at a loss.
Hello 123 barbara
You are very welcome here. You do not mention getting divorced so I am wondering if you and your partner were not married? We have a Legal Expert on the boards, just click here to email her. Do also mention to her whether you were married (if you were then there would have been a Court order made about the house as part of the financial settlement and if not then you may have to reach a private agreement)
Anyway do ask for some legal advice by clicking above.