Im a single mummy and have been twice over. I work full time and have never thought about looking for sittes like this but here I am.
Both exs were cheats, both violent and one of them still making my life hell even though i have moved on.
Oh and I talk alot
Hi tori toria. Welcome along. We're a great bunch here, so no need to be nervous How old are your children? Well done on getting out of not just one, but two violent relationships. That must have been very hard for you, but you made the right decision. How are you dealing with the one that is still making your life hell? Are you getting support from family or friends? Have you been in touch with Women's Aid? Sorry, lots of questions, but don't feel you have to answer them if you don't wish too.
I'm a single mum of one son, now 9. Have been on my own from the time I was pregnant. I started work last November, just doing 20 hours as a Teachers Assistant. Was shattered when I first started, and to this day I'm still shattered hehe. Look forward to 'chatting'.
Hmmmm, two chatterboxes on one thread Now me, I'm extremely quiet
Awww thanks ladies, I became a sigle mum for the second time 6 years ago. My youngest was 9my son and my eldest 18 (4 in total)
I have now found the perfect partner (a little younger too) I work full time in finance and worked for the same company over 11 years.
My ex that is still giving my poroblems does it indirectly and very cunning and a very long story but bad enough that i have a twitter account with a very random name and they hunted me down and wrote the most awful things about me. I have now closed the account (yes he won again)
Unless its anything threatening the police can not act - sorry u;sets me just talking about it - im scared they will find me on here next and scare me off again.
CAS not paid since Dec owes me £1000 and they dont care I have my local MP on it.
Feel like i have took much going on and my beta blockers for panic attacks keep me ticking x
Ahhh, beta blockers were a life saver for me - unfortunately they affecyed my asthma quite badly and had to come off them and no other anxiety meds I have had since then work anywhere near as good as Beta's.
Sounds like your having a 'mare hun bless x There a lot of us on here who have had probs with ex's so dont feel your alone just come on here and rant till you got it off your chest (ido lol).
Big Hugs from me x (PS get in with the toyboy! Ha! I got one too and he is a dream bless him)
im loving this place already your all amazing
Hi happy mamma. I would say that you're 'safe' on here, as long as you don't give your children's names, location, and your name too of course. If you're worried, then I'm sure Louise or Anna, will reassure you more when they are here tomorrow.
Sounds like you've had it rough, but you've survived, and so no, he hasn't won at all. Big pat on the back for you (and for getting a toyboy too )
This is a great site, so we hope you stay with us. Others will be along at some point, maybe tonight, but definately tomorrow. Glad you're loving it already.
thanks hazeleyes i feel very humble x im on an early start in work tomorrow over time needed to survive thanks to mr camerons tax credit cuts x
Normally I'm in bed now (I'm such a lightweight), but tomorrow is a day off due to school being used for polling day, yeahhhhhh. Hope you get a good night's sleep happy mamma. Have a good day tomorrow. x
thanks you too im normally haerd core but overtime offered
Hello from me too
welcome happy mamma - no need to be nervous - we are a friendly bunch - I am lrh for short!
Hello happy mamma and a warm welcome to One Space although I see you have already received one! Along with Anna and Sally, I am a moderator on here and we are also parenting specialists and have different areas of expertise too.
The site is packed with information and ideas, so I am glad you found us. How many of your children do you have still living with you?
Have you thought about completing The Freedom Programme? The good news is that it is here online for free and you can see it by clicking on the blue link.It is specifically for people who have had abusive relationships
Hope your work goes Ok today
Happy Mamma
Just thought I would say hello to you. I am new to this site to and I think it is gr8. Just a quick hello as I am at work and stealing a naughty coffee break. I suppose I can though as I am self employed and got a cool boss, ME ...lol
Catch up later you later:) xxxx
Thanks everyone you are all wonderful I slept so well last night knowing you are all here.
@ Chrstian im on a short lunch break so had to sneak on to see my replies
@ Louise this is an amazing site an i hope as well as getting advice I can give some too
I will pop on later have to visit my dad after work x
Hi happy mamma from me too!
I think you are going to fit right in! When you say that 'they' don't care that you have MP on the CSA case, is your ex with a new partner?
Hi Anna
My ex left me for his new partner after a 5 yr affair behind my back - she was my best friend. He husband had divorced her for affairs (not with my husband).
They now have a child (very quickly after a vasectomy reversal!!) I have 2 children to him and he dumped me and the kids - well i threw him out when i found out what was going on!
I have emailed the CSA expert on here as im sick of him screwing the system.
Oh well its friday and bank holiday weekend lets make it a good one - time with my son and then a spa day with my oldest daughter Monday - treat off my brother x
happy mamma sorry to hear about what you have been through and the issues you are still dealing with the CSA expert should get back to you within five days(do take into account the bank holiday weekend so it could take a bit longer). A spa day i am envious, hope you enjoy your pamper day and your time with your son.
Hi happy mamma, you have had a lot to cope with - a double betrayal.
But from what you have said, you are better off out of it! I hope you have a super spa day - your brother sounds like a star - good to know that you have a man in your life that knows how to treat a woman!
Thanks Anna hope you all have a great weekend
Did you have a good bank holiday weekend happy mamma? How was the spa?
We hardly did anything, the weather was shockingly bad and I had assignments and housework to catch up with, so daughter wasn't best impressed, although she seems quite happy with her nose in the computer!!
Hi everyone sorry ive not been around not been to good and lots going on but tonight me and a glass over wine (i have something to celebrate nothing big) I will be on line catching up
I have missed you guys and really should have been on here for support but hey picked myself up brushed myself down and the smile has returned (even when it hurts)
See you all later x
oh do tell us what you are celebrating happy mamma - good for you for picking yourself up - its hard to do
Hi Littleredhen and everyone else,
Im celebrating because the csa have found hidden money in my exs account and after 4 yrs of harassment my friend is having her neighbours evicted - Ladies Karma does bite and when it does it bites hard.
Ive had a bad few weeks and my heart attack strength beta blockers are a great help for my panic attacks at the moment.
Bank holiday was amazing my brother sent me on a spa day and it has helped my so much i have been much calmer after the massage and pampering.
Life is ok at the moment - I hope you are all good too missed you all but too much going on
hi everyone i am a single mum of 5 yes 5
all 16 to 4 i love them lots and lots
i wos with there dad 4 18 years . its bin 11 months now but i am good well get in there he cheatd 3 times in the last 8 years that i now of just coud not do it any mour
he is still with her its ok i have got my kids and all the time hes with her he will leave me alone x its hard 4 me to do this because i did not go to school so spelling it tackes me so long but i will get back 2 you it may be tomorrow but i will x
Honor a very big welcome to you we are all here to support and help. Anna is a real gem and so is everyone else.
Dont worry about spelling I went to school got exams and still cant spell was rubbish at maths and work in finance - just be here ask question and advice have a look round the site im still quite new but i feel safe and supported I have 4 children would have been 5 but i lost a twin part way though my last pregnancy
thonk you happy mamma i am so sorry x i now i have lost 2
life is hard but its happend to us because we are strong
The positive is i now have a friend who understands how i feel x
yout not slow stop worrying x i find it hard on my daughters birthday when there should be 2 of them x so glad ur here x x
its so hard she will make you happy x i hope it goes ok they should be seeing dad tomorrow i hope for them x
my kids dad dont care
wots up with thess dads dow not get it hope 1 day thay see wott thay aer doing and doun 2 there kids x
They dont deserve to be dads. I know some great dads but my ex is just the pits the kids hate him for what he has done
Have a good day honor i will be back later - sat at my desk about to start a long day
Halloo and welcome to honor!
It sounds as though you have a busy life honor! Well done for finding the strength inside to leave a cheating husband, it can be so demoralising when someone betrays your trust over and over again, but it sounds as though you are a strong woman and you know there is a better future out there for you and your family.
Are all your children seeing their dad today? What do they do when they are with him?
Hi happy mamma, I am sorry to hear that you lost a twin, it must be hard on birthdays. Have a good day at your desk
hi Anna the 2 little ones its up to the big ones what they do i dont stop it its there choice x stop him seeing the 2 little ones 4 3 months not big ones but let him see all of them now 2 weeks on hes hes seen them 5 minutes one week and last week 1 hour all ways one of the big ones with them not my choice the big ones love them lots x x x x x
Hi honor, I hope that they have had a good time with their dad today, whoever decided to go! And I hope that they got to see him for longer than an hour.
Does he come to yours and pick them up?
Hi honor, welcome along from me too Did the children see their Dad? How did it go? Look forward to 'chatting'.
happy mamma, how are you doing? No more sneaking crafty coffee breaks I hope
LOL Hazeleyes back at my desk I dont start till 9 so im ok.
Looking forward to the weekend - I have 2 weeks to wait until the csa and local MP update me but at the moment the ex owes me £1000+.
Things seem to be moving slowly but surely but now the stalker has started writting on twitter snide comments saying 'ha ha throught you were getting a lump sum' they dont follow me and i dont watch them but my daughter in monitoring the comments and the police have been involved due to some stuff that was written was awful.
I closed my twitter account but it had been good as I found a few mums like myself but have to say this place is better and i am starting to feel safe.
Hello and welcome from me too honor, look forward to getting to know you , how many are boys/girls? do you work, have any hobbies?
happy mamma glad your back and starting to feel safer on here, we aim to please good to hear that the csa have tracked some money down for you, hopefully that will make things abit easier for you!
Thanks Sally W I borrowed from my dad so it just means I can pay him back quicker. Im doing over time too. Its hard because I already work full time and its more time aware from the family
Hi happy mamma, don't rely on that £1,000 until you see it in your bank account, these things can take an age, if ever.
It is good to hear that you like us more than twitter and that you feel safer on here. We love having you!
How is your daughter coping with seeing these messages that are being posted to Twitter?
She has been sensible and blocked them they are still writting silly things but we are just ignoring them. It makes me feel so sick
Good for you, happy mamma
Finally the messenger is being evicted they will be gone by saturday
That must feel like a relief to you
Hi Tori - welcome!
You will like this site. Sorry for what you have been through but it sounds that you are better off single than in any of those relationships.
I talk too much lol always have - mum says I came out the womb talking lol
Hope you enjoy it on here x
Take care