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new and not sure!


I would just like to say hello to everyone, I am a single mum of four, eldest 20, twin girls 9 and my youngest is 8, have been on my own now for 3 years! Have found this group whilst looking for advice on "the work programme" and I thought it looks like a great place for support and friendshiip. Hope to speak to lots of you.

Posted on: January 20, 2012 - 7:27pm

Posted on: January 20, 2012 - 7:27pm


Hi lill68

Great to see you here.  It is a good board for support and a laugh!

I've got four children, 20, 17 (she turns 18 next month and is only daughter), 16 and 12 (turns 13 next month).

The 16 year old has special needs which can make life interesting Smile

Posted on: January 20, 2012 - 7:37pm


Hi lill68. Welcome along to One Space. It's great to 'see' you here. You'll find lots of support and friendship so keep posting Smile Are you on the work programme now? I have just the one boy who is 9 and i've been on my own since the pregnancy, so we're not used to anything else. Look forward to 'chatting'.

Posted on: January 20, 2012 - 7:38pm

Parenting specialist DoppleMe

Hello lil68

You are very welcome here. Please do join in wherever you would like

Does your eldest still live with you? What have been your experiences of The Work Programme?

Posted on: January 21, 2012 - 9:37am



No my eldest lives a few miles away. My expereince on the work programme is slightly amazed at what they expect, I dont think the concept has been thought out at all!! I have to travel 54 mile round trip to attend my 'local' providers! They also expect that I can attend 2 mandatory sessions which start at 9 and end at 5.30 I live in a rural area and childcare is limited and expensive, how they expect me to do this is bizarre. The funniest thing is that I claim my jsa via the postal signing as the nearest job centre is 16 miles away, yet they want me to attend the work programme every 2 weeks though it is 26 miles away...and now with the changes in my housing benefit (LHA, dont even get me started on that one, I live in one of the most expensive villages in the area, yet my allowance comes under the wing of one of the cheapest...again not thought out at all!!) it may be that I have to give up my car as I dont think that I will be able fund it! and no car means no appointments and then my benefit will stop!! Sorry about the rant but I just get so angry and upset. Im not always so negative!!!!! lol

Posted on: January 21, 2012 - 11:11am

Parenting specialist DoppleMe

I don't blame you for ranting, it sounds like a total nightmare. I will draw your situation re the work programme to the attention of our Parliamentary Officer, Laura, as she is collating info on difficulties single parents are facing re the Work Programme and she will also tell you if they are contravening the guidelines.

What are you up to this weekend?

Posted on: January 21, 2012 - 1:00pm



Thanks for your reply, its a relief to know that Im not on my own! As for the weekend, looking after my little ones, trying to keep them occupied...weather terrible...so not an easy task lol

What about you?


Posted on: January 21, 2012 - 2:15pm

Parenting specialist DoppleMe

Hi lil68

My boys are pretty grown up now, one is at Uni and the other one (17) still lives at home. I was Mum's taxi to take him to his friend's house, one of them has an 18th birthday, I do worry about the drinkling aspect of course Cry

Aside from that I have been working, I work on these boards, and do other related work including being a counsellor. I have a week off coming up starting next weekend so that will be chance to relax!

Hope you are having a peaceful evening Smile

Posted on: January 21, 2012 - 9:18pm

SPAN Parliament...
SPAN Parliamentary Officer DoppleMe

Hi lil68,


Thank you for your post and for sharing your experience of the Work Programme.  I am currently drawing together a report on single parents experience of the Work Programme which I hope to publish next month. 

Our charity are concerned about the Work Programme not taking account of the needs of single parents and their children and it is interesting what you say about journey time and having to attend appointments where you can do a postal signing with JSA.  It is useful to have your example. Do let me know how things are going with the Work Programme and what you find useful/not useful.  Did the Jobcentre inform you about what you could expect under the Work Programme?  Have you been threatened with a sanction if you do not attend the Work Programme?

 I look forward to hearing from you.

Laura smiley

Posted on: February 13, 2012 - 2:39pm