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New hello


Hello :)

I am 24 and a single mummy to my 2 1/2 year old son who is full of energy and fun. Recently I have been really struggling though, I live on my own with him and find the loneliness and lack of support really hard.

Would love to make friends with other single mammas and daddys, hope to hear from you all :) x

Posted on: April 27, 2012 - 8:12pm

Hi Hermione. Welcome along to One Space. If you're looking to make friends here, then you've come to the right place Smile Being a single Mum can be lonely can't it, and without support too, that can make it extra hard. Do you go to any play centres with your son? Chatting to people at the park is also a good start. Does your son have any contact with his dad? Keep posting as others will be along at some point, and you'll receive lots of support and advice. Do you have any plans for the weekend?

Posted on: April 27, 2012 - 9:12pm


Hi Hermione, this is a good place to get support...so stick around. Look after yourself.

Posted on: April 27, 2012 - 10:16pm

Parenting specialist DoppleMe

Hello Hermione

You are very welcome here Smile Your son is at the age where you are no doubt rushing round all day then you finally sink down exhausted when he goes to bed, PHEW. The good news is that once he is three he will be able to get some free sessions at nursery and you will get a short break to draw breath. Have you got a nursery in mind?

Being a mum is hard, especially a single mum. Hazeleyes has mentioned play centres. I think it is also worth finding your local Children's Centre (click) and seeing what is going on there, they will usually have different groups and activities where you can chat with other parents. Also have a read of our article How to Make New Friends.

Does your son see his dad?

Posted on: April 28, 2012 - 7:43am

Parenting specialist DoppleMe

Hi and welcome from me too Hermione - love the name! How is your boy? You say that you have been struggling?

Do you have family and friends close by?

Posted on: April 30, 2012 - 11:10am


Hello to you all,

Really lovely to get your messages :) my mum lives close by and sometimes take my little one over night on thurs but she doesn't talk to me very often and other than that she doesnt come and see me since she has got into a new relationship which I find really hard as we used to be very close:(

I emailed my local children's centre (thank you for the link) and they have got back to me saying unfortunately there isn't a single parent group but seems to be a young parent group so I might try that :)

His daddy does usually look after him on tues but he has to come over to my place...things have been quite complicated and stressful there 

I have some friends but none around that I feel thatconnected to or who really understanwhy situation and my sister who I'm very close to lives in London So I suppose mostly I find living on my own without true friends really hard.

Also my toddler has very violent temper tantrums which is v difficult as.he is very big and strong and I am very petite lol  

I love being a mummy, it really fulfills me and I have a lot to be happy for as I live in a lovely area, just been finding the loneliness very tricky. Thank you for taking the time to read and your msgs, shall be toddling over many hills to the co op now! Lol 

Posted on: April 30, 2012 - 12:34pm

newarea help

hi im in the same situation i moved here from refuge and most of my family are in london i really want to find a toddler group in the st leonards area please let me know if anyone knows any good ones thanks

Posted on: April 30, 2012 - 12:58pm

Parenting specialist DoppleMe

Hi Hermione

It is good to hear that you sometimes get a Thursday night off, what do you do? Are you doing an exercise class or something similar?

It is a shame that your relationship with your mum is feeling not as great as it used to be, if she is in the early throes of a new relationship she may well be feeling loved up, give it a few months and she will be back to normal! Could you invite her over for some supper one evening?

I am glad that you have found a young mums group, I hope that you have contacted them and made arrangements to start meeting up with them.

As for the tantrums - this can become very distressing. You need to be firm with your little boy. If he is getting physical, I know you feel that he is big, but can you restrain him? Hold him really tight so he can't lash out? When he has calmed down, look him in his eyes on his level and tell him it is not ok to hit mummy.

You say that things are going too well with your ex, do you think your little man is picking up on this? What is going on with his dad?

Have a look at the making new friends article Louise add in her message - it has some great ideas.

I hope the sun is shining for you and your trip to the Co-op was a good one, speak soon.


Hi newarea help - have a look at this, there are lots of things going on in your area!

Posted on: April 30, 2012 - 2:13pm


Hi Hermione

My eldest went through an aggressive stage.  My Mum was still alive back then, and would make him bash the settee instead of her or me.  It worked quite well too.  They can get so frustrated when they're toddlers as they get so impatient.

Hopefully we can offer some support and friendship here.


Hi newarea

Posted on: May 1, 2012 - 8:23am