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There was a fascinating programme on TV last night presented by comedian Jon Richardson about OCD. Anyone who wants to see it, click here.
One of the main things examined in the programme is what constitutes Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and at what stage does it become a problem. The specialist interviewed on there said that almost everyone has a degree of compulsive behaviour so I thought I would throw it open and ask what it is for you?
Mine is definitely germs and handwashing. As the boys come into the house, they take their shoes off and I say "wash your hands" and I always wash my hands as I come into the house, I don't do it multiple times or anything but it is something that probably matters to me more than it should.
I have always thought I am pretty liberal, but after sharing an apartment with other students recently, I found that a big bug bear for me was hair in the sink! AAGGGHHH!
I've got a thing about hand washing, same with my lot.
Also I now seem to have this thing about getting things straight. So amongst the disorganised rubbishness the papers on my desk will need to be straight
I'm glad this page is here, it's more common than people think and not always a bad or mental thing....I've suffered for years and had to do a test at the doctors to see how bad it was (low level) , my issue isn't germs, it's more about objects........everything in my home has a set place- photo frames, DVDs set in order (must go in order of actors), toys put back in a set way etc...I even have it at other peoples homes, stranger or not, If something is not matching I.e- two photo frames not level with each other on wall I have to ask for them to be friends often come round and turn my frames as a joke, which I do find funny but I have to turn them back straight away, even if it takes 2-6 attempts. Even after my daughters toys are played with they always get put back in the correct places each night I.e certain toys in box, bears to the left, rocking horse set on a slunt to the right and tea set layed out nicely in front- if these were not put in their right places I would sit there thinking about it non-stop causing a daughter pulls all the DVDs off the shelfs each day and I prob spend about 45mins each night putting them back in order ...if I'm out and by a balcony I hold onto my daughter tighly on the side nearest to the wall coz I get visions of us/her falling over it...these things have not changed my life as it does some people, the show being a great example but it's just my way of living and I prob do half of it automatically now without even thinking
It is so interesting, all our different routines and preoccupations.
Tinkerbell2 what a great post. I must say, though, that it would upset me if my friends moved things "for a joke" It sounds as if keeping objects in their place makes you feel safer, is that right? But yes, the programme was very educational and I felt so sorry for those whose lives had been taken over by their feelings, that poor lady with all the cleaning and lists.
They often say that if you feel that your life is chaotic, then it is one way of one way of maintaining control
Who agrees with that?
Hi all,
I have a bit of an obsession with ashtrays and bins! Once a cigarette has been put out in an ashtray it HAS to be emptied immediately or I get stressed. I do this in pub gardens walking up to every table and emptying ashtrays and I get a slight sweat when I see a stranger who already has one dimp in the ashtray lighting another cig arrrrggghhhh! It does me in lol With bins I have an imaginary line in my head of where it should be filled up to and as soon as it reaches that point (about two thirds) it has to be emptied. When I worked for SS and I did home visits seeing over flowing bins andor ashtrays would completely make me feel uncomfortable yet the home could be in complete chaos and filthy but all I can see is a full bin and full ashtray - craziness!
On a more serious note when I left ex I developed a more challenging type of OCD which was linked to my anxiety. Every night I would get in bed and had to through a checklist in my head (did I lock doors? are any windows open? am I clear on my escape route? is my phone fully charged and working?) regardless of the answer I gave myself I would have to get back out of bed and check all these things. I could do this maybe 10 or 12 times. Only once I was satisfied I had fully completed the checklist I would then make myself do a full on rehearsal of what I would do if an intruder came in to my room - complete with all actions of how I would get past him how I would get littleangel out etc. THEN if i felt my timings were wrong or something came up during rehearsal I hadnt thought of I would have to rehearse again... Sometimes I just didnt sleep because I couldnt convince myself my reactions were quick enough. Was a very exhausting time...
Luckily the more serious one has fizzled out but those bloody bins and ashtrays are still driving me crazy
Hi little angel, thanks for sharing. I think the escape route and checking, whilst complicating your life somewhat, was a totally natural response to your situation. I am reading a novel at the moment about a woman who was in an abusive realtionship and the anxiety that she suffers in the aftermath and what you have said is very similar to what I am reading.
When I was a smoker (and also when there were ashtrays in pubs) I was very much the same as you. For me, it was the contrast between the image of a person smoking (which I rather liked) and the resultant stubs and their smell. At least with the new smoking regs you do not have to look at it in public now but eeeew, I do understand
Anna, just read your comments that if you feel your life is chaotic at least the house has to be tidy. I so agree with that.
When I can't cope with my chaos anymore and I get really down is when I start tidying up. So if anyone comes to my house and it's really clean and tidy, they should really really worry about me!
Not tidy at the moment, so no worries.
Ha ha Hopeful, that tickled me, long may you live in a messy home!
I think I must be obsessively and compulsively disorganised. Does that count? :-P x