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Just watching yet another documentary about the rising cost of childcare in this country.
This absolutely infuriates me! I just have to have a rant.
For me I have been so incredibily lucky that my mum has always done the child care for me and my sisters children (but as she is currently being "gently" forced in to work herself i doubt I will have this benefit for much longer).
I just dont see how the government can keep dragging down the age of a child at which parents can claim Income Support and forcing parents/grandparents who have long term health issues in to work, whilst at the same time closing down council run child care centres?! People are paying MORE on childcare than on their mortgages!!! It is ridiculous. I know so many parents who have had to completely come out of work after the birth of a 2nd child because the cost of having two children in childcare is just way too much. This whole situation is ludicrus and I hope that the government will really get to grips with it soon, after all they are the ones that are so insistent that everyone should work!!!
No I totally hear you Tinkerbell2. Its just so out of order. The government have got it sooo wrong when it comes to 'the family' but yet it preaches to us about the importance of family. Do they not see that they make things one million percent harder for all the families in the country?! Grrr so annoying!
I think thiS country has a massive problem when it comes to looking after their own! Maybe the money the politicians use to fund their second & third houses and tax's they can use on childcare for people who actually want to get out and work :)
Hi little angel, one of the most interesting things about childcare, to me, is that when the Second World War broke out and every woman was asked to work then "suddenly" there was loads of childcare available. Hmmmm.
Tinkerbell2 Single parents who work 16 or more hours per week get a large percentage of their childcare paid for. It would be the same for you. If you are not working then there is no childcare provision as you are caring for your child yourself.
I also think one of the main issues is that a job may be in one location and the childcare in another and your home in another area, which will involve travelling round a "triangle", hard enough with a car but nigh on impossible without one!
Yeah good point louise. Where did that childcare come from?!
The other issue with the 'triangle' is that parents need to put their children in to childcare so much earlier than when they start work just to cover the cummuting time. Their was a child on there last night who spends 1o hours a day in a nursery - that cant be good. I have known parents who drop their children to nursery at 6am which means dragging the poor mite out of bed at 5am! There really needs to be some better solutions put forward.
I see what your mean Louise about patents working so get help but I think there should be a offer of at least one day a week of free childcare so patents who may have children in Ill health or single parents who quite clearly need a little extra help....of course everyone knows having a child is hard work and should be propared to put in the hours but not everyone can plan the future and know they would end up being a single parent doing the work 24/7 alone...I would never pass my child over to someone else for a day due to lazyness but it would be nice to know the offer would be there of help with childcare, even of its just for half a would be nice :)
Ah I see what you mean, Tinkerbell2.
Sorry if we have already said this to you but have you looked to see if there is a branch of Home Start in your area? This is an organisation that provides vetted volunteers to support families with children under five.
I was told I couldn't get help with childcare because I'm a single parent who doesn't worK now, but my sister works 21 hours a week and gets 80% of her childcare paid for, does that work?! due to my child being on daily meds and creams main nurserys wont take her on (cost of £50 per day) and she would need to go into a special nursery with nurses who are qualified to handle her daily care but these places cost almost £80 per's a joke, if I got a joB all my wages would go on her childcare so it's just easier to do it myself.....I think the government in this country is a utter joke.....sorry for the rant lol