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Hi i was just wondering if any of you have any info on what our little ones do during PE at school?
My 5yr old showed me his press ups and even tho i'm proud he did 5 perfect press ups he should not be doing real press ups. He was only 5 last month.
We had a talk today and from what i can make out his teacher has made them do real press ups. I know from my own experiences that press ups for ladies is different than men as we obviosly have a different bodys, surly this is the same for young children.
After Easter i will be investigating this with the school but wondered what your thourts are?
(Dad with a 5yr old boy. Lone parent for 5 years).
Yes, I would agree with Anna that the best thing is raising any concerns with the school. However, I would try to keep an open mind at this stage and not worry too much until you speak with school. Sometimes as a parent I have learnt the hard way that I can worry so much over what may/may not have happened at school and then discover there was a simple explanation. I cope by asking myself why am I concerned, is my child distressed or am I imagining the worse? The full facts may seem a little different than how we picture things. I hope this helps. Good luck with speaking with school.
Thank you both,
I think now that i'm over reacting and his school have been faultless so far. A few press ups is nothing compared to what he was doing in the park today. I forget he is growing up so fast.
Hi Motherof3 and justanumber
It is so easy to worry about our children, all of their issues are on our head and our head alone and we soooo want the best for them.
justanumber, it sounds as though he enjoys throwing himself around the place! Is he similar to you when you were young, do you think?
He is a compleate mini me. As long as he dosent get up to the stunts i used to then i'll be ok.
Hope you all had a nice easter.
Yes I always used to shake in my boots at the thought that my children might do what I did myself, heh heh.
Hi justanumber, I think that is great that you are going to raise it with the school.
Press ups do seem a little extreme for a 5 year old, but I am very impressed he can do 5, I can barely manage 2!
What does everyone else think?