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Hi there. I am a single mum w two boys. Split up wgym husband year ago. I am living on income support since than. 2 weeks ago I had a social visitor coming to my house checking me , becouse some1 report me that I al living w partner while takin money for single person. I am seeing some one since 3months and he is staying over for weekends , sometimes coming over during the day. Couple days he had a phone call aski to confir his address . Im so worry I will loose the support. How i can prove how many day he is here , what right they have , can they have search or look around my house? Pls help, don't know what to do. Someone there wishing me really bad
Thank you very much for that respond. Hope everything will get back to normal soon. Yes, my partner got proof of his accommodation also all his mail go in there. Will that be s good idea for him to visit social with few bills?
Hello Ka1979
I would imagine if they have already contacted him they would of stated what kind off proof they wanted, if they require further information they will be back in contact. If you are still worried i would contact Citizen's Advice as Louise has suggested.
Thank you :)
Hello Ka1979
I am sorry to hear what has happened. As they had received a report, the suthorities had no choice but to check it out, so don't feel too scared about that.
You are allowed to have someone to stay over, what they are checking is that he does not live there and is not part of the household. I presume he has some proof of his address such as a diriving licence or a recent bank statement....if so then he can show he lives elsewhere. They may well look in your house, to see if his clothes are there etc and although this is horrible, if you have nothing to hide then they cannot remove your support.
If you experience an investigation continuing then get in touch with your localCitizen's Advice Bureau (click to see)