I posted on this site several months ago, and got a lot of helpful advice. After counselling here in NZ, my son and myself have decided to return to the U.K. At first, I was considering staying here so that my son would be close to his father (who has settled here in NZ). However, I felt continually harrassed and criticised by my ex...and was constantly having to set and re-set boundaries. With further counselling, I decided to listen to the advice (plus my son's requests to move back). We have our tickets and will be arriving in London on 14th July...(2 weeks to go!)
My ex has agreed that I can live in our joint owned house in the UK for the time being. I have managed to find someone I know and trust who will rent a room at the house, to help with bills.
Some of my belongings will be shipped over to the house...getting there several weeks after we arrive.
I have lots of plans for earning income....and wish to continue home-schooling my son, while I do so.
For the last six months we have been getting government support through an "Emergency payment" system. So, I haven't been able to save anything to start me off in our new life back home, unfortunately.
Initially, I will unfortunately have to ask for a little help in getting on my feet. When my son and I arrive in London, a friend has agreed to pick us up from the airport...and I just have enough "put by" to pay for the petrol. Then, that's it for the moment, I'm afraid.
I'm wondering who I should go to, and how the decisions are made for benefits in the U.K? Everyone here in N.Z was really helpful and understanding, and even helped me to budget.
I was wondering if I would be entitled to ANYTHING at all...as I am choosing to leave for England....however, I really feel that though I love NZ...I couldn't take the constant hassling...(and inappropriate behaviour which I had to prevent happening) from my ex. The only way I feel I can be free of the control, is to go back to the U.K.
I don't know if this is the right place to post this...but if anyone has any experience of this type of situation it would be helpful. I am just about to EMail the WINZ here to let them know I am leaving for England, and after that....I am not sure how to proceed.
Best wishes to all of you who are struggling to maintain your sanity through relationship breakdowns. Luckily, I am over that part of the pain (it has been six months)...I am able to think about practicle issues...and am no longer having to take anti-depressants (getting the tickets back home had the same effect..LOL).
Many thanks for your kindness in posting on a site such as this...which is so helpful to such a lot of people who may be feeling alone and a little lost. Keep strong...don't take too much on your shoulders. We may all be super mums and dads, but we are still only human!
Hello Laume
Yes I remember you from a little time ago, it sounds as if you have been using your time well. Your plans are very exciting and the world opens before you!
Your best bet to get some information about money is to email our Money Expert direct (click to see) Make sure you send them details of property and savings, the age of your son and your nationality status.
Good luck with the move and keep us in touch with what is happening
Good luck with the move from me as well...
Best of luck from me too, to the both of you.
Thank you
Hi Laume,
I'm doing the two-stage break too! Once, just to escape and in a few weeks another move to the UK. I've found the benefits calculator on the government website direct.gov.uk very useful, shelter for housing needs and Women's aid, amongst others.
I wish US all the best for our moves. x