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There has been quite alot of coverage in the press this week about the increase in sanctions being applied to people on Job Seekers Allowance. Apparently there has been a 40% rise in sanctions being imposed in the last year. Have you recieved a sanction in the last year? The Guardian newpaper are particularly interested in hearing about people's experience of receiving a sanction.
I would also like to know more about single parents experience of getting a sanction and whether this is an increasing issue, in order that I might campaign on the issue for single parents. If you have had a sanction was it made clear to you why it was imposed? Do you think you were treated fairly? What was your experience of the sanction process and what impact did it have on you and your children?
I look forward to hearing from you.
Hi Laura, I think we are all very worried about the sanction side of things, it also seems from reading posts on here that peoples mental health is suffering as a result of massive changes in their day to day routines, I wonder if anyone is looking into this as it obviously is self defeating if parents end up not being able to cope and their children have to be cared for even as a temporary measure the costs are enormous.
There also is the other side, where a 2 parent family suddenly become a single parent family it seems from reading on here that is has to be decided by someone at the jc if in fact you can go to income support if you need to leave your job for childcare issues.
All of the above surely has a negative impact on the children involved.
Glad we have you fighting our corner xxx
Dear Tiredmum,
Thanks for your post. I agree that the changes for single parents have been so fast and that this has caused a great amount of strain to them. I also think that alot of this has to do with not JCP not communicating the protections that there are for single parents and their children. I also worry that about the lack of consistancy in applying some of these protections like you should be able to leave a job if your childcare breaks down and you cannot find a suitable alternative.
I will carry on fighting for single parents to try to get things to change.
In the meantime do let me know if you have any friends who have been sanctioned. It would be great if we could show the impact of sanctions on single parents to try to stop an even stricter regime being applied in the future.
All the best.
Hi all, so thankful that someone's talking sense out there. I'll be starting the work programme very soon, and sanctions are a huge concern. Especially as the Job Centre don't seem to be giving info to the providers ie that we have children (see my work programme childcare scandal post. Was a tad hysterical at the time so please forgive the title! lol).
Love to all an have a good weekend xx
Dear J6767
Sorry that is has been a few days. I will go and look at your rant! Thank you so much again for sending me your work programme information. I have already spoken about your case at a Parliamentary event (not naming you of course)! I am also going to talk about the lack of clear information on flexibilities for single parents to senior civil servants next week. I will add the lack of communication between Jobcentres and work programme providers to my list for discussion.
I was sanctioned by jobcentre back in january. I got lost en route to an interview to see if i could go on a 1 week self confidence course for lone parents, and didnt have time to walk all way back to starting point and go route ought to have taken as had to meet child from school. It went to a 'decision maker' and took 2 months to work through system. It was a 2 week sanction. I attempted to appeal but the appeal got 'lost' somewhere in system. It means that when (if) I do find work I will not be entitled to any of the lone parent in work credits ie the grant for new clothes or the £40 per week usually paid for the first year. Whether I receive the 4 week run on for CTax Ben/H ben is at discretion of council.
I try hard not to put a foot wrong or make mistakes, but life doesn't always co-operate. this morning I missed an appointment with my Ingeus adviser as my ex didn't collect our child on time (over an hour late). I rang, explained, apologised profusely & rearranged appointment but could now face a 2nd sanction - this one would be 4 weeks. Can only hope that I will be allowed access to the hardship fund this time, but the stress of it all is getting to me and both my depression & panic attacks are worsening. Its really hard when you're trying not to make a mistake or put a foot wrong all the time. Am seeing a counsellor for depression, but funding limited.
Would much rather work than have all these threats hanging over me all the time. No-one makes mistakes on purpose. Currently with Ingeus i have to apply for at least 10 actual jobs a week and send out 50 speculative letters with Cvs - every week.
Its stressful.
Hi ava b, that does sound very stressful, I am sorry to hear about the sanctions. It just doesn't seem right does it.
We see time and time again on these message boards that all of us are trying really hard to comply to these new regulations.
In regards to your 'lost' appeal, would you consider chasing that up in the first instance?
Hi Anna
I asked both at jobcentre and Citizens advice bureau about the 'lost' appeal and both have told me that, because of the time lapse, it wouln't even be considered now.
So, unfortunately, I have to live with sanction on my (otherwise unblemished) record and the consequences it brought, and will bring in the future.
i will remember to ensure that anything sent in the future is registered - and possibly send a copy a few days later.
Good plan ava b, although a real shame that you have to go to these lengths.
Have you heard anything about another sanction?
Hi all
I'm currently waiting to find out if I'm going to be sanctioned as i forgot to sign on due to helping my disabled mom. The adviser at the jc couldn't tell me how long it will take for the desicion makers to decide. I'm worried sick. I can't wait to find a job. I've never forgotten to sign on before and I've never miss any appointments. Can they really put our kids at risk by sanctioning our payments? Seems so unfair and like we as humans can't make mistakes but if they make mistakes tough on us!
Hello singlemommy
There is an appeals process and they will tell you about this if there is a sanction proposed. You have to do it very speedily though.
Whilist not agreeing with the system, given the power they have to make these sanctions, it is imperative to keep all appointments now (even though they themselves do not always keep theirs!!)
You say your mum is disabled. Would you be eligible for Carer's allowance if you help her?
Hi sparklinglime
I'm sure to be honest as my mom is on the lowest DLA so i think to get a carer she would have to be on middle or high DLA i'm not too sure how it works though.
Yes, she would be. It was just a thought...
Sorry you're facing all of this.
Thanks anyway
Well, I've just had a letter to say my money has been stopped. Dosen't say how long for or whether i'm supposed to carry on signing on. I don't know what to do, I'm in a mess.
Oh for heaven's sake, that seems very draconian! Poor you. You need to ring the office on Monday and get an appeal going pronto.
What do they expect people to survive on? Poor you singlemommy
I will go to the jobcentre and use there phone to find out whats going on. Its a nightmare. Its not like i delibertaley didnt go or made a regular thing of missing appointments, it was the first time so i do think it was a bit harsh.
I know sparklinglime, what are we suposed to live on, im always reading in the news about children being brought up in povery!! Is it any wonder when you get your money stopped for one simple mistake! They who work at the jobcentre make mistakes, do they get there wages sanctioned, i doubt it! sorry for going on im just feeling stressed at the mo.
I think you are very jusitified in feeling as you do...and anyway we are always here if you need to get something off your chest Good luck on Monday.
Thank you Louise, I've wrote a letter to the JC asking them to look at their decision again and explained better the reason i missed my signing date, if that dosen't work then i will appeal. The woman at the jobcentre who asked the reason i missed my signing wasn't very useful and wrote a very short sentence so i've wrote explaining properly, just hope it works!
Hi singlemommy, are you going to go to the Job Centre and deliver the letter by hand today?
Hi Anna
I've sent the letter through the post, I took a photocopy of it first. I've also been to the council to show them my letter off the JC so i'm just hoping that they don't stop my housing benefit. Fingers crossed!
Yup my fingers are crossed for you too singlemommy, let us know what happens
Dear All,
The latest figures on sanctions applied to single parents have been published (over 20,500 during 2011 and over 8,000 in the first few months of this). There has been a worrying increase in the number of these sanctions. It would be really useful if I could provide evidence of the reasons why single parents are getting sanctions so I could highlight these to Government. It would be really useful if you could post on this subject. I will of course not share personal details. I am particularly interested in when sanctions are given or threated where you think account has not been taken of your need to care for your child or children.
Many thanks
I think my benefit will be stopped.
I had an appointment at the jobcentre on the 8th February to look at my CV. I visited a friend on the morning of my appointment and accidentally left the letter, with the time, at home. I called the jobcentre and asked what time my appointment was. I was told there was no appointment for me on that day. I check several times with the person on the desk and even got them to speak to the person running the CV 1 to 1 sessions. He came back to the phone and confirmed that my name wasn't on the list. I then asked him to put me through to the woman he had just spoke to, she came over to his phone and was quite rude in saying that my name wasn't on the list and I did not have an appointment. So I said ok and hung up.
Today I went to sign on and there was a FTA notice on my file. My LPA pretty much told me that my benefit would be stopped for 4 weeks due to this. I explained the phone call I made that day, but I was told that the person I spoke denied speaking to me (even though I told them that she had an accent and guess what, the person running the sessions that day came over and she had an accent). I knew it was her straight away and got very frustrated and angry. I feel so powerless because it's her word against mine. It wasn't even, no sorry I don't remember. It was a flat no, I didn't speak to you... she was mistaken, she did speak to me.
They were so dismissive of me and treated me like dirt. They didn't speak to me, just at me. I had my daughter there and they said I wouldn't be getting any money this week. It's my daughter's birthday on Sunday and the money I would of got was going towards a present for her. As it is, I can't even afford to bake a cake now. I started to cry, thinking that she was getting nothing. I even told them I wasn't a scrounger, I've gone to every course they have sent me on. I've had two interview in the last two weeks and have one on Thursday... I've only been signing on since September 2012, and they've sent me 3 course. In October I was sent on a 2 week course which I had to pay child care for.
Worse thing is, I have a job interview this week and if I get the job I've heard that because I have been sanctioned I will not get the extra money per week you get when you start part time work... is this true. I also won't have the £20 I need to pay for child care whilst I go to this interview. Or the bus fair to get there!!!
Sorry for the rant... bit raw at the moment.
Hello Miss P I am really sorry to hear about what happened. Even if you had got the name of the person you spoke to (always a good idea) then they still could have denied it. It is totally unfair that you were spoken to like that. Even if you HAD not turned up for your appointment then nevertheless, you deserve to be treated with respect and courtesy.
This may end up being a matter for your MP but we will contact Laura, our Parliamentary Officer too. If there are sanctions, you should be notified in writing and there is also an appeal process they have to tell you about. We will ask Laura to comment on this thread, ok.
In the meantime have a good think about your daughter's birthday...will anyone help out with a cake? Making a fuss of her is the most important thing and her main present is delayed then you can explain and just get her something small. I would also get in touch with the Trussell Trust, (click to see) who supply food may be that they can help out with your daughter's birthday.
Thank you for the information and I would appreciate if you did contact Laura.
I don't understand why I wasn't given the opportunity to write a statement or to read the statement they said they had written on my behalf (which I'm sure was bias). At one point I remarked that no one will take notice of the statement because it sounded like they were writing stuff about the letter which stated the time and was told "well, that's the way it is!" ... Beyond condescending. I was given more respect by drunk, racist patients when I was training in the NHS.
I am sorry to hear about your experience of a sanction. At SPAN the charity that runs One Space we are increasingly worried at the way that sanctions are being imposed on single parents. I agree with Louises advice. I would ask to be referred to the complaints procedure at the Jobcentre. In terms of sanctions a missed appointment should be at the lowest level. They must give you information about the sanction and a right to appeal. I agree that at the very least you should be given the opportunity to put your side in a statement. The decision about sanctions is taken by someone who is referred to as a 'Decision Maker' at the Jobcentre who should make an independent decision with all the facts. Asked to be referred to the Decision Maker and for his/her complaints procedure. Yes, once you have tried these avenues you can write to your MP but they would ask for you to go through these complaints procedures first.
On the positive it is great that you have got a job interview. In terms of a sanction this should not stop the Jobcentre paying out of their flexible fund for your childcare and bus fare to get to the job interview.
I am on leave for the rest of the week with my children. Do let me know how you get on with your appeal. In the meantime write every thing down. I will look out for your post on my return.
Just called the central office for JSA, I couldn't think straight without finding something out. The good news is that my sanction has been sent but hasn't been looked at yet and for some reason (even the woman on the phone couldn't tell me) a payment has been issued, which will reach me tomorrow. She said a payment was unheard of once a sanction had been ordered. So G's birthday is saved (let's hope).
Bad news is, I could still be sanctioned once it has been looked at and I've just found out that this will mean once I return to work, I will not get the 5 weeks extra housing/council tax benefit and the back to work grant of £100 a week. Still hoping to get the job tomorrow though. Either way, I'm still going to be poor if they decide against me but I'll rather be poor and working and trying to get back my self respect, which they are slow but surely taking away from me. I've arranged a sleepover for my daughter and she'll be dropped off after my interview. And breath.
Thanks for taking time to listen to me, it's hard off-loading all of this to friends. I will let you know the outcome...
Right so a temporary "reprieve", that is good for your daughter's birthday. Hope she has a good time and good luck for the interview (I have taken your name and your daughter's name out of your post as we keep things anonymous for your privacy, ok )
We are always here for you to talk to
And thank you for posting, Laura
i have just had sanctions impossed on me because according to an advisor i didnt do enough to look for work,it was my daughters birthday when i was told this i had just left her cake waiting to be decorated to go and sign on.
surely there should be some warning system in place like three strikes and your out, not just at the whim of whichever advisor you see,
i had had my tax credits on the monday and assuming my JSA would go in on the thurs had used a good portion for party things for my daughters party,
then the advisor decides no i havent done enough so no money for me,i had done the required number of actions it says on my agreement
i have gas and electric meters which will run out tomorrow so it looks like me and my children are going to be very cold. all this at the whim of a very rude obnoxious job centre plus advisor.
MODERATOR: also posted by "three great kids", posts amalgamated:
after signing on since may 2012, applying for jobs daily,checking job sites, sending my CV off, attending mandotory work program.
i go to sign on on monday to be told by the advisor that she thought i hadnt done enough to look for work and she will have to send it off to a decsision maker???
i had applied for 1 job,daily checked job sites+newspapers,enquired about 2 other jobs. what more am i suppossed to do?
so as of monday (money normally goes in on thursday) no JSA for me
the so called advisor didnt tell me what would happen next or for how long i would be sanctioned she gave me a letter saying i could be sanctioned and i could apply for a hardship payment, ha joke this will take 7-10 days what am i suppossed to do?
Hello three great kids, I have moved your other post onto here so they are both together
As I understand it you now have a letter saying a sanction would be imposed. I had thought that you needed some notice before this happens, because you have time to appeal. Does it not say this on the letter? Others who have had these letters are usually given notice of appeal. If you have not, then phone your advisor first thing on Monday. There is a complaints procedure and that will be what you need to follow.
What you are asked to do my advisors seems to vary, one person I know was expected to apply for five jobs PER DAY. It should be written in your agreement what the expectations are, have another look at that.
If the money has stopped, you need to look urgently at getting through the next week or so. You will have your £5 emergency on your gas and electric but this won't get you far. Get in touch with your local Salvation Army (click) who may be able to help foodwise and also Trussell Trust (click) who run food banks. You may also be able to borrow a small amount of cash from people you know to keep the heating on. Your Child Tax Credit and Child Benefit will continue so you will not be without income, hope you soon get this sorted
no all i got was a letter from the advisor saying that it was going to a decision make and i could be sanctioned,
but as no money went into the bank i assumed i had been, i did go and see my advisor and filled a form in for a hardship payment,and told him i wanted to change my agreement as i had full time work down as thats what he said i had to do when i first signed on.(thats a different story)
i have changed it to the legal minimum i can, 16 hours and only school hours.
but when i checked it he has left saturdays on so i will be in to see him first thing in the morning.
i have borrowed some cash off my parents so im ok thanks
oh and i had done the amount of actions required by my old jsa so cannot see why i should have been sanctioned, it was just the woman who i saw she was awfull.
i write my job searches down in my own notebook as i find it easier than on bits of paper and i can look back and check on what i have done, she was annoyed about that said she couldnt decide on what i had done written in my book and made me copy it out onto a piece of paper, i havent had anyone else do this all the others seem to like the fact that i have a proper organised book.
It sounds so frustrating threegreatkids, you are doing all that has been asked of you, but it takes one person to undo everything.
I am glad that your parents have been able to help out, but they really shouldn't have had to.
Let us know what your adviser says about taking Saturdays off the agreement.
I am sorry that you have been given a sanction at JCP. At SPAN the charity that runs One Space we are increasingly worried about the number of sanctions that are being imposed on single parents. I have raised this issue through our local Member of Parliament who has put questions in Parliament about this increase to the person in Government who is responsible for single parents (he is called Mark Hoban MP). We are watching carefully and will continue to put pressure about this issue. We want to make sure that if sanctions are imposed that people are told the reasons why (and that these are reasonable) and that single parents are not given sanctions because of their caring responsibilities (such as appointments being given at times when parents are picking up children from school which make it harder for them to comply with attendence).
In October of last year the Government did introduce a tougher sanctions regime for all claimants. They have the view that preparing and applying for employment must be a claimants major aim and this should take up the same amount of time as a job itself (so if you have 16 hours in your agreement then this is the amount of time that they expect you should take in your work preparation). They introduced a three tier sanctions regime including an ability to stop peoples benefits for up to three years.
I have read through their guidance material for Decision Makers but it is not very helpful for an individual. As you know the final call about whether a sanction will be imposed (on the recommendation of a JCP adviser) is taken by the Decision Maker. As you say you are following what is set out in your Jobseekers Agreement so it is not clear on what basis they think that you are not making sufficient effort. Have they been specific about an instruction/direction that they think you did not follow? At signings people usually see an assistant adviser. Is this the person that imposed the sanction? Do you have access to a Lone Parent Adviser or a designated Adviser at JCP. If so it would be good to meet them and discuss you Jobseekers Agreement (including setting out hours) and excluding weekend work. You also want to make sure that any Agreement that you sign takes account of all the flexibilities that should be open to you as a single parent. You should also have the opportunity to discuss the sanction with your adviser and have the opportunity to provide evidence. Have they allowed you to do so?
In the meantime I am glad that your parents have been able to step in to help you during this tough time. Do let me know how you get on with JCP and let me know if there is additional information that might be useful.
threegreatkids. The treatment you have recieved is shocking. I would advise you to put in an official complaint to the jobcentre. Make sure you explain everything clearly. I believe that if you are judged to have acted reasonably then the sanction will be lifted. Be strong for your children. These are scary times.
Span Parliment. These sanctions are being applied to children. Children are being left hungry, cold and no doubt worried and upset. In your dealings with Mark Hoban how was this justified? What can be the reasoning behind punishing parents so that they are unable to look after their children? As it is convicted criminals are entitled to food and warmth wheras the children of parents who are judged (not by a court of law but by a low grade civil servant) not to have followed some directions they have given have no such entitlement. If a parent deliberately deprived a child of such basic necessities the child would quite rightly be taken into care.
Yes I agree that sanctions impact children. It is something we really go on about to Government including Mark Hoban MP. I met him in December of last year and specially said that I did not think it right that advisers should have such discretion over decisions that have such an impact on children. I go on about children's well-being which is included in the welfare legislation but hardly ever gets considered. I continue to go on to the DWP about the protection of children's well-being being at the forefront of guidance for advisers. It is also why I campaign for the retention of the 'Lone Parent Flexibilities' which are actually designed for the protection of children (such as being able to turn down a job where there is no suitable childcare).
I also feel strongly about the increase in sanctions for single parents and the impact on their children. It is something that is a real priority in my work and I will fight for greater justice for these parents. In January I was asked to give evidence in Parliament about the Work Programme and I had the opportunity to tell politicians about the reality of sanctions for single parents and the impact on their children.
What I need from One Spacers is evidence of sanctions and the reasons why they are imposed. I will then do my very best to show politicians the reality and randomness of these santions.
Laura, Your doing a great job! Please carry on.
Thank you. Sorry my posting sounded like such a rant! Like you I feel strongly about the issue of protecting children's welfare. Do keep posting on the forum and I would encourage all single parents that have been sanctioned to share their experiences. I will do all I can to get your voices heard.
I am still waiting to hear about my sanction. I have called most days to see if it has been sent to a “decision maker” but as of yet there is no word. I am so stressed just thinking that anytime now my money will be stopped. The last time I called, my LPA told me if they haven’t done anything about it yet then I shouldn’t worry but when I asked does that mean it’s all gone away she said no, they just haven’t got to your case yet... so how am I suppose to not worry. I’m lying awake at night thinking about what I’m going to do if the money stops. This whole system is wrong.
I totally agree that LPA shouldn’t have this power. They are not trained as social workers or seem understand my basic needs as a mother trying to find work. They are so un-flexible with the times I have to sign on and on one occasion I was threatened with a sanction for asking (2 days before my signing on day) if I could move my appointment to the afternoon because it was half term and my daughter was doing a morning FUN camp. I was also threatened with a sanction because I was booked on a course and was told it ended at 2.30pm. When I got the email about the course (around 8pm the day before it started, not the time I read the email... that’s the time it was sent) it told me the course ended at 5.30pm. I had no childcare in place, no money to pay for childcare and wrote an email back to tell them this. When I called the next day, I was told that a FTA would be sent if this happened again! I found myself grovelling over the phone to my LPA even though she was the one that told me the wrong times.
I'm too scared to tell the JC that I had to turn down a job because I was asked if I could work 3 Saturdays out of 4. A LPA should understand this but I fear I would have been met with "can't you ask a friend to look after your child". NO I can't, but clearly they have loads of friends that would look after their child for free... maybe they could give me their names!!!
sorry for the rant.
Hello Missp, that is so stressful and the situation you describe is ridiculous. Laura is compiling evidence from our parents around the country so these can be put directly to Ministers.
Thanks you
Can Laura also bring up the problem with being sent on courses and having to pay childcare cost. They do have a system in place but the childcare provider has to be registered. Ok if you have a child minder in place, but I found that organising and vetting a child minder with only a few days notice impossible. On one occasion I had to paid for childcare and was told I couldn't claim this back because the person wasn't registered. It worked out to be £32. If I do find a childminder, I am expected to pay for childcare out of my money and then claim this back. I was told this could take up to two weeks! With most childminders coming in at £8 ph around here, I really don't know how they expect lone parents to pay £50 for a 3 day course out of their benefits and then wait to get this money back. I seem to be getting sent on a course every time I sign on now. The last two were for people that wanted to start their own business and a health and safety course... I'm trained as a radiographer, pretty hard to set up shop at home and I'm sure I covered first aid during my medical degree.
Hello missp, I have notified Laura and she will look at this thread when she gets chance
Yes, one of my recommendations to Parliament was that childcare should be paid for by the Work Programme. Without this single parents are prevented from going on training (although as you say some of the training is pretty poor) and it can be harder for single parents to attend Work Programme interviews when their children are not in school (for instance during school holidays). I am writing a full report of my findings and will continue to push for this support. I have also got a meeting at the Head Office of the DWP at the end of March so will raise the issue about informal childcare.
Another thing that I am pushing for is more public sector jobs to be advertised flexibly (such as medical jobs like radiography). Many single parents are currently excluded from applying for many of these jobs because they are often advertised as full-time. I am doing this by putting forward an amendment in the current Children and Families Bill (in the next month).
If the way the radiography jobs are currently advertised prevents you from doing this work would you be interested in being a short case study for when I do a note to Members of Parliament? I would not use your personal details.
I am also happy to email you a copy of the short report I did to the Parliamentary Committee which highlights the findings with interviews I did with single parents and our recommendations for change. If you would like this please email me (but do not share your email on the forum). My email I am not working tomorrow but would be happy to forward on Monday.
The new Welfare Reform Bill is going to be debated in Parliament by Members of Parliament (MP's) in a few weeks. A key issues is about sanctions. We are worried about the current sanctions regime and the new sanctions plans will be much harsher (in some circumstances they are planning to introduce sanctions so that people will not be eligible to receive benefits for a number of years). Please get in contact if you have been sanctioned. We really want to make sure that single parents voice is heard about sanctions when it is debated by MP's.
Laura