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Firstly, I have a really oily skin and I can't bare that.
Secondly, I've had acne since last 7 years, it's no just healing.
Thirdly, I eat out a lot, oily food, Junk Food, and don't really have a sport's activity at the moment.
Don't know what to do...
Ohh and If I stand under the sunlight for 10-15mins, my skin turns dark, and it takes days to recover!
Well, Kind of yea... Oily food might be the culprit..
Hello umerseoig
Have you had a chat with your GP? there are lots of remedies nowadays for acne, my eldest had the worst skin ever (even all the high school teachers said it was the most serious they had ever seen) and got some help through the doctor and it was completely cured.
Well, I plan to go visit the doc this weekden. Hope everything isn't serious :|
Bad skin could be down to anything not just the foods we eat, stress can cause a break out & often the most common cause! Change in body , Healthy diet helps but isnt a cure.
Agree with comments, Stress can also affect your hormone levels... So many people actually over stimulate the pores by excessive washing! Good luck
Hi. Am guessing oily food isn't helping the complaint! Perhaps a change of diet, and a visit to the GP again.
How many children do you have? Have you been a single parent for very long?