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hey im lauren, i am a single parent from glasgow and i am in my third year at uni. I study community arts and as part of my youth studies class i have been asked to commission a project which will benifit a specific group in society. Being a single mother myself i thought teen parents would be a good group to aim my project at. After doing some reserch alot of groups and support centres are aimed at providing information such as benifit entitlement. I though my project should be based on giving young parents a space to chill out and get involved in workshops which will give them space to articulate their feelings and meet likeminded teens in simmilar situations. I was thinking of having drama workshops aimed at boosting self confidence and exersize classes which focus on dance and fun workouts such as dancersize or zumba. I may be totaly in a world of my own and have crap ideas , please help me make my project worth while . All comments and sugestions welcome.
Hello lauren_holly
That sounds such a great idea! I have moved your post to the Local section as I presume you would be looking to involve young parents from the Glasgow area initially?