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Today it is 22 years since my Dad died. He died on a Friday.
I remember every moment of that day, the panic in my Mum's voice when she phoned to say he was poorly, and the second call to say he'd died.
He was revived, and officially died the following day, after we donated his kidneys.
I just find it easier to think that he died at home.
I love him. I miss him. I always will.
I'll always be sad that he missed seeing my eldest boy, by two and a half weeks. He was so looking forward to meeting him.
He'd even had a practice pushing the pram around the block!
Great memories.
Caru ti Dad, a nai colli ti am byth.
Hugs from me, too! My Dad died fifteen years ago (and a couple of weeks...) after a year off illness. Like you, I miss him loads.
Thank you.
I know my children would have had so much fun with my Dad. He'd have done loads with them.
As much as I loved my Father-in-Law, they never played with them...
I do need the hugs - so much.
Even having had loads of hugs yesterday from my friend, I'm still being daft and feeling low.
Your not being daft big hugs from me
let yourself enjoy remmembering happy times today x
You can never have to many hugs, heres a bucket load coming your way from me, there is something in touch apparentally that is therapeutic.
It's wonderful you/he were able to give the amazing gift of organ donation.
Thinking of you
We are always here for you, sparkling
And for you too, Hopeful, my dad died 11 and a half years ago now, I often think of him.
Hi sparkling
how you doing lovely
Not so good, I'm afraid. Sorry to be miserable. I have no right to be.
I ended up going into work at 6pm, after watching the rugby. Stayed for a few hours. Got most of the Sage done, and even some invoicing. And I hoovered.
Better being busy...
Hugs sparkling
I think you do have a right to miserable if that's how your feeling then let yourself off the hook, look afters yourself x
I agree with IDT, you have the right to be miserable if that is how you are feeling (why do we feel we have to be happy and cheerful all the time?) Being busy helped you, and there was a bonus that you got some work done whilst all was quiet.
Look after yourself today. The cloud WILL lift, just run with it
Thank you.
Aww sparkling, what a lovely post. I don't know the meaning of the last line but I am guessing it is something like I love you?
I always think it is a big mistake for people to imagine they can "get over" losing someone's just that we learn to live with the sorrow, does that make sense? That day is etched in your memory forever. It must have been so hard for your mum to make those phone calls and I agree that it is a comfort he was at home.
Totally understand about your eldest, my dad adored my eldest and I often think of what sort of relationship they would have now, and how they would drive me to distraction with all the debates they would have, there are some similarities there! Your dad DOES live on though, in you and your children, I am sure you can see things in them whether it is character traits or habits or facial expressions.
Sending you a MASSIVE hug, I think you need it right now