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ex decided to tell me today he has had hep c for 10 years, but he has never put me at risk - hello.... we have a baby!!
i went straight to the gum clinic who said there is a small chance i could have contacted it.
feeling so angry at how he could do this to me, how he could have known all the time and not told me. though all he was bothered about was that he had a new girlfriend and was more intent on making me jealous. the only concern i have here is the motherly jealousy of another woman in my childs life, but i can hopefully work through that.
now i have to wait 2 weeks until i know whether the a***ole has given me hep c, though the chance is small i feel so angryand hurt with him for not disclosing this at the start of our relationship.
i have gone out of my way so he can have a relationship with his son, and now i want to just take my boy and disappear.
cant see how my boys life is better with him in it.
rant over but stress goes on!
Hi New Venture, what a difficult situation to find yourself in, it's is right that you are angry, after all you take your health seriously and to let someone jeopardise that is just wrong. You have done the right thing by seeking medical advice whilst making sure your son see's his dad and has a relationship with him. There have been times when my ex has done things and my first reaction has been "well fine I will no longer be flexible with when you see your son" but it is my hurt that drives that decision and not my son's fault. This is a classic "save to draft" moment.... You know when you type out an email/text in anger you should really save it to "draft" because hours later when you have calmed down, you can see things rationally...and what you would of sent you envitably I urge you to "save to draft" after you get your results and put your feelings about this less than galant man to one side. Have a wonderful Christmas with your son.
thanks, thanks and thanks again frustrated mum!
saving to draft is a technique i use often with him then send when no longer an issue.
thanks also Louise, i've calmed down and recovered from the initial shock and know it is not within me to deny my boy his father nomatter what i think him. my son isnt at risk thankgoodness
doing my best not to lower myself to his levels of morality and to stay positive and grateful for what i do have = my boy and our future.
Great stuff, new venture....and great post, Frustrated Mum
Hello new venture, wow what a bombshell, your head must be in a spin. Well done for getting medical advice straightaway. What did they say about any danger of your son having it? Is that only if you have it yourself?
You are feeling really angry right now and very justifiably! However, the Hep C and the lies your son's dad has told you do not mean he is neccessarily a harmful influence in your son's life so wait until you feel a little calmer before making any decisions. I think you need some legal advice. Our legal adviser service will resume on 2nd January after Christmas, so click here to see the form, you can fill it in now if you want and it will be dealt with after the holidays