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My granddaughter with two children was transferred from income support to jsa a few weeks ago as her daughter turned 7yrs. However she managed to find a job and applied for job grant and was told she needed to be on benefits for 26weeks which she thought she was as she was on income support for a few years, do they treat the transfer to jsa as. New claim does anyone know.
Hi I asked my granddaughter to phone jobseekers this morning asking why she was refused the job grant and guess what they made a mistake the income support and job seekers are counted for the 26weeks.
Thanks for posting.
Hi Terroi435
Thats great news, glad she is getting it now :)
Dont quote me on this but I had the same question when they were transfering me over. I asked beforehand if I still had all the benefits I would have if I got a job (eg the job grant, 4 weeks benefit/HB/CT etc) They told me as I was only being transfered over I would still get it all. She needs to speak to her advisor to clarify they correct details as sometimes one of them doesnt know the rights whereas another one does.
Sorry I cant confirm solid info, but there is probably one on here who can.