
Hiya everyone....latest update on A & her father...things have got better, not meaning he is a better father as he's not but since I told him I won't expect him to make the effort as he never has ,we now have a understanding that his visits are what they are, nothing more- nothing less & althou it's sad for A, I know she won't know any different so she will also accept the visits for what they are...


My issue is, his other baby is due soon & I've been told by many good sources that his girlfriend have been moved to a house by the council....his girlfriend is claiming to be a single (future) mother & living there alone. I know this isn't true & that he is living there (he also told me this) but he has his letters sent to a different address. He also works two jobs which pay well. So well in deed that he went out and brought a new phone for over £400 today

Im not the type to tell on people however I'm here struggling paying all bills myself while looking after our daughter & he's out getting his misses to claim single parent benefits & free rent so he can have a good life & easy ride! Say he got reported- what would happen & what details are needed? , 

Posted on: September 21, 2012 - 12:03pm
Parenting specialist DoppleMe

Well it would not be him, it would be her that would be in trouble for putting in the false claim if she is claiming as a single parent. She may well have been allocated a house anyway even with a partner but if they are co-habiting then their claim for anything must be as a couple. But if she is making a single claim then any action would be taken against her rather than him. Are you thinking that you want to report this to the Benefit Fraud people?

Posted on: September 21, 2012 - 3:26pm


I'm not sure weather to report this, I'm in two minds, firstly as I'm not that kind of person but don't agree with people who cheat the system- there's single mothers out there who actually need help while others such as them work and falsely claim benefits they are not entitled too! 

Secondly even though I'm not best mates with A's father- he is still her father & I may carry a TINY bit of guilt....but as I said I struggle as it is with paying towards certain benefits & bills , as I'm sure we all do as single parents so I hate it when I hear about free loaders, ESP when it's a bloke who doesn't pay much towards his own child then sponges off yet more people like he did me

Posted on: September 21, 2012 - 3:35pm

Parenting specialist DoppleMe

Have you spoken with your ex about this at all Tinkerbell2? It is infuriating isn't it.

Posted on: September 21, 2012 - 6:13pm


Hello Anna...no I haven't spoken to my ex as I doubt he would care about what I say plus if I did take action it would make it too obvious that it's me who reported 

Posted on: September 21, 2012 - 8:52pm

Parenting specialist DoppleMe

Yes I agree with that, if you do mention it and ANYONE reports it, he will think it is you. Of course you may not have all the facts but the fraud people would investigate it, not just take someone's word for it.

I expect that all of us know at least one person whom we may suspect of not being totally above board Undecided

Posted on: September 22, 2012 - 8:05am