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Hi, I am currently waiting to hear about a new claim for jsa. In the meantime I have been doing voluntary work at my hospital-filing, in order to get some recent office exp. However dss have sent me a letter asking the following:why do i not get paid,
would they have employed someone to do the job, did i approach the hospital, what does my work consist of?
What happens if they are not happy with my answers? Can they stop my jsa indefinitely, or just for a period fo time? Because of my job finishing, I am now owing on housing benefit, council tax benefit and to my landlord-then I receive this, and I can't sleep, think, eat properly. If my landlord dosen't keep getting their rent, in a matter of 2 months i could be evicted. Then what happens-where would me and my kids go? So, very depressed right now-don't know where to turn.
Thanks x
Hi, nice to know someone else has been in the same amount of mud as what i am going through! I dont get paid, get no expenses. They want to know why I dont get paid? It's the ward clerks job to do the filing between them all, I just go in to do a bit and stuff em in envelopes! I am available and looking for work all the time, so thats not an issue. Already thrown up once today, starting to feel ill with all the worry. x
Please try not to worry Domali, there is no point being ill over this. Have you emailed the benefits expert through the link Mary gave you?
At the end of the day, if the Benefits Agency are not happy with your voluntary work then you may have to restrict it but see what our expert says first.
Hi, as of tue I started a temp contract-its a 3 month probationery period, then a poss 6 month contract. I'm still feeling ill, but I can't let them ruin this chance for me by constantly ill, not sleeping enough. Will let you know how it goes. x
Good luck, Domali9803 and hope you are soon feeling better.
HI, well the job is full - time, and really regretting it...the cost of childcare is huge, but i have no choice to pay it. I can't work without it. Even after help, I'm looking at paying £200-250 per month at least and thats before rent, ctax, bills, etc. I'm looking at part-time work 16 - 28 hrs pwk. I've spent the last 3 wks crying about it all..the kids miss me, esp in the holidays, and i'm finding it so difficult being without em all day. I leave the house at 7.30 and get home at 5.30, and feel like I don't get any time to myself or with them. If i find a part-time job, as a tem, am i allowed time off for interviews, or can they block that and refuse? My line manager is quite nasty, so dunno how to approach things esp as I have only been there 3 wks. :(
Hi Domali9803, I was so pleased to hear that you had found a job, but this sounds as though it is not suiting your family at all.
I am not sure about being able to take time off for interviews, but I wouldn't have thought that you would be entitled to do it.
In any new job it takes time to adjust to the new environment. You are having to meet new people, learn new things, adjust your daily routine and your spending habits. I remember when I started working full time I found it incredibly hard, it took at least 6 weeks before I settled into the swing of things.
Have you had a one2one with your line manager? Are you due one? It would be good to try and have a chat with them, hear what you are doing well and how you can make this work better for you?
Hi Domali9803,
I really hope your claim is sorted out soon. I remember only too well the feeling of dread I had every time mail arrived when I was setting up a claim after my daughter's father left. Letters always seemed to bring bad news with them. I recognise the knot of anxiety that was constantly in my stomach from reading your post too.
As far as I know, the Benefits Agency like to be informed of any voluntary roles you hold (in case they prevent you attending job interviews, skills workshops etc. they may want you to attend) but as long as they are satisfied that you could not have been offered your position as a paid role they should not stop or reduce any payments you recieve. You can ask our JSA advisor about your situation here or check out a useful Citizens Advice Bureau Guide on volunteering here.